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Slam von Nick Hornby - Lesetage­buch Kapitelz­usammenf­assung

2.359 Wörter / ~8 Seiten sternsternsternsternstern_0.3 Autorin Jörg M. im Mrz. 2011


Universität, Schule

Neuenburg am Rhein - Kreisgymnasium

Note, Lehrer, Jahr


Autor / Copyright
Jörg M. ©
Preis 3.20
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.13 Mb
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ID# 5726

Überblick: Die Zusam­men­fas­sung von "Slam" liefert einen detail­lierten Einblick in die Hand­lung und Charak­ter­ent­wick­lung des Romans. Sie hilft Lesern, die zentralen Themen und Motive zu verstehen und unter­stützt bei der Analyse der Charak­ter­dy­na­mik. Ideal für Schü­ler, Studenten und Buch­clubs.

Nick Hornby – Slam

Reading Log

chapter 1


The maincharacter, 15-year-old Sam, is introduced. He likes skating (his idol is Tony Hawk), his parents don’t live together anymore and he’s in love with a girl named Alicia.   

personal thoughts

• Sam really adores    Tony Hawk

• Sam is a little bit weird (he talks with a poster of Tony Hawk)

new words

• pathetic:

weak, not successful

• to own up to sth.: to admit, to confess

• to duct tape sb.:

to tie sb up with strong adhesive tape

• to screw sth. up:

to make a mistake

chapter  2    


Sam talks about his friends and family and how he got to know Alicia at the birthday party of her mum. They slept together the second day they knew each other. 

personal thoughts

• Rabbit is really weird and unintelligent (wants to go out with Sam’s mum)

• Sam feels cool, anyhow he’s unconfident in some situations      

new words

• thick: stupid

• dunno: don’t know

• to twig: to understand

• to dump sb.: to suddenly end a relationship

• to sulk: to show anger by being silent

• bloke: man

• bollocks: nonsense


Sam reports about his relationship with Alicia and about the night Alicia probably conceived. (“sth. half-happened”) Sam’s Mum thinks that they see each other too often and wants to go in for sth. with her son.


• Sam’s really crazy about Alicia

• Sam’s mum is scared of losing her “little, cute son”

• What’s it like having a mother who is only 16 years older than oneself?           

•to cuss out: to attack with words, to offend

• thug: a violent or criminal person

• dole: money that the government gives to people who are unemployed



personal thoughts           

new words



Sam considers to break off with Alicia. He’s bored with the relationship and wants his freedom back. He’s also scared that Alicia’s pregnant.

His mother dates a guy named Mark.

The evening before Sam’s 16th Birthday, he dates another girl. The next day, Alicia and Sam meet each other to buy a pregnancy test, because Alicia’s period is late. Sam gets panic and splits.


• It wasn’t real love, it was just the feeling of being in love

• routine destroys relationships; people always need sth. new, sth. exciting       

• muppet: stupid person

• dim: not intelligent

• to get in a stew: to get upset

• to rehearse: to practise

• muddled up: mixed up

• to go off sb: to lose interest in sb


• Sam trys to run away from the truth/he’s scared of the truth and the future

• Are they still a couple?

• Why didn’t he talk to her earlier? (He noticed that sth. went wrong when they had sex à ch. 3)     

• evidence: proof

• urgent: important

• guts: inner organs

• to cough up: to give

• money unwillingly

• to be temped: to want to do sth

• to leg it: to walk

• cross: annoyed, angry


Sam sees his future life:

He lives together with Alicia and their son Roof at Alicia’ parents house, goes to college and his mum is pregnant. When he wakes up the next day, he’s sure Alicia’s is pregnant and wants another life.

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• NCT: National Childbirth Trust (provides information and support for pregnancy, birth and post-natal care)

• anxiety: nervousness, fear

• to swipe: to steal

• bothered: worried



personal thoughts           

new words



Sam and Alicia plan to live together at Alicia’s parents house when the baby’s born; Sam’s mother isn’t enthusiastic about this idea. Sam skates again after a long time and talks also to TH.


• Sam misses his old life

• What do the pupils and teachers in school think about the pregnancy?

• Is it correct that Sam will move in with Alicia and her parents?     

• bald: without hair on the head

• can’t get your head around sth: you cannot understand sth.

• high and mighty: behaving as if you are more important than others



Sam sees his future life again. This time, he’s already 18, and their son Rufus ca. 2. He lives with his mum, Mark and his little sister Emily at his home and goes to college. When he wakes up the next day, he’s back in the present time.


• Does Sam seriously thinks that TH whizzed him into the future?


• to shrug: to raise and then lower your shoulders in order to show lack of interest or knowledge

• blimey: an expression of surprise

• broke: without money

• daft: silly or stupid

• jab: an injection


Sam’s Mum tells him she’s pregnant. Sam enrolls in a sixth-form college; Alicia decides to take the year out and go back studying when the baby was a year old.


• Sam’s mum will be a 32- year-old grandmother; on top of that her own child will be younger than her grandchild! That’s weird.  

• to make sth up: to invent

• point: purpose

• limb: arm or leg

• to pack sth in: to give sth up, to stop doing sth

• to cotton on: to understand


This chapter is about the birth in hospital. Except Alicia and Sam, Andrea’s on hand, too. Sam’s Mum arrives an hour after the birth. Alicia calls the baby Rufus, because someone called Rufus was singing when he was born (CD-Player). After a long toing and froing between their mothers, Alicia decides to call him Rufus Jones.


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Rufus is now three weeks old. Sam and Alicia wake up in the night by his crying and Sam changes his nappy. (situation like Sam saw in his “vision of the future”). In the morning he has a fight with Alicia’s ex, because he suggests to be Rufus’ father. When he comes home, Sam confronts Alicia and a row breaks out. It emerges that Alicia’s ex lied and Sam and Alicia make up with each other.


• The row was necessary to let off steam.

• I think deep inside Sam is glad to be Rufus’ father.

• As a result of being parents now, Alicia and Sam acquire maturity and adulthood quicker.

• Everything isn’t so bad, however hard it may be.

• The daily routine starts.


• row: argument, dispute

• to stick with sb: to stand up for sb.

• to drag sb. down: to get sb down

• to take the piss: to mess around

• For God’s sake!: Herrgott nochmal!

• to get sb. off the hook: to help sb. out of a fix

• wanker: an unpleasant person

• to thump: to hit with your fist

• neat: simple and clever



personal thoughts      

ew words


Sam begins talking with TH again. His dad comes round to see Rufus for the first time, and they go to a restaurant, where they talk about the past and where his father advises Sam not to commit too much to Alicia. The next days Sam and Alicia argufy. When Sam catchs a cold, he goes back home for a few days.


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• I think Sam can’t anymore imagine a life without his son Rufus even now.     

• to chuck out: to throw out

• blasted: drunk

• cocky: vain, conceited

• insane: crazy, mad

• to cram: to force, to push


Sam’s 18 years old now, his son Rufus almost 2 years, and his sister Emily is just born. He’d moved into his own house again and goes to college. (future vision) Sam and Alicia have sex for the first time after Roof’s birth, Andrea cops them and a row breaks out.


• Sam’s family is a special family (age etc.)

• Alicia wants to be with Sam; Sam doesn’t love her, he sees rather a friend or a sister in her.

• Andrea is tactless, too worried and has a temper. She’s not happy with her life.


• stuffy: formal, boring

• to do sth up: to repair and decorate sth so that it looks attractive

• to screw: .....

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• A teenage pregnancy doesn’t mean automatically that you destroyed your future.


• to launch: to begin

• to crap out: to withdraw from doing sth because of fear or cowardice

• goatee: a samll pointed beard growing only on the chin, not the cheeks

• to boast: to speak proudly about what .....

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