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Function­al Acrylic Clock Design: Features & Durabili­ty Analysis

1.308 Words / ~3½ pages sternsternsternstern_0.75stern_0.3 Author Magdalena N. in Nov. 2012


University, School

Adelaide univerisity Adelaide

Grade, Teacher, Year

10, Khina, notes

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ID# 24531

Content: Der Autor konzen­triert sich auf die verschie­denen Anwen­dungs­sze­na­rien für Uhren und die dafür erfor­der­li­chen Eigen­schaf­ten. Er beschreibt spezi­fi­sche Situa­tio­nen, in denen Uhren benö­tigt werden, wie Küche, persön­li­ches Zimmer und Studi­en­raum, und erwähnt Funk­tionen wie Timer und Alarme. Der Text enthält auch eine Diskus­sion über das Design und Mate­rial von Uhren sowie Über­le­gungen zur Stärke und Schwäche verschie­dener Uhren­designs. Schließ­lich werden Planungs­de­tails für eine eigene Uhr aus Acryl geteilt.
Functional Acrylic Clock Design: Features & Durability Analysis
  1. Record as many situations where a clock would be used and what qualities the clock would require for this usage: i.e. kitchen > needs a timer and alarm. Provide at least 3 situations.

    1. Personal room > Alarm clock for morning call, Checking time, scheduling your day.

    2. Study room > Checking time, reading the schedule, math questions or test may have clocks needed. (timing )

    3. Out Door > Athletics timing themselves, time checking, Timer for BBQ etc.

  1. Find at least 4 images of clocks that show different shapes: highlight the following for each.

    1. Features you might include in your own design

    2. Materials used

    3. Strengths and weakness of design/function

The draft feature of my clock and the example on the left has many similarities. I am planning to use space as main concept. Stars, planets, moon, sun has everything to do with space and therefore I took aware of this clock particularly.

I will include stars which i hope it could be a fluorescent material that also glows in the dark. I also planned my clock as a wall clock.

Wood was used to create the clock on the left with no doubt. We are not sure what kind of wood is used to create it but since we are using acrylic as the main material, the image is not referable.

As the clock is created from wood, when it falls from the wall, no crack or scratch mark would be visible as it would be if made out of acrylic.

The owl clock on the right shows some layering techniques that I plan to use on my clock. The eyes and the nose are layered and in this case the eyes are specially designed to rotate to indicate the time. I believe the creator was very wise as not many clocks that I have seen shows time like this clock.

Wood again was used to create this clock and was painted with the colour of gold and brown. Repeating from the last example of the clock, we are not using wood as our main material so the material of this example does not refer to my personal clock.

This clock, you will able to tell the time easily by numbers as it has a very different way how it shows time.

This again is a wall clock and has many detailed cut of patterns and shapes around the clock itself. i am referring to this image because my planed clock will have different features around the clock but still maintaining the contact with the main body.

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Offcourse I will not do shape it like the image with lots of complex patterns and shapes but I will have some basic shaping like the example.

The clock is created with acrylic, the same material we will be using.

The negative point of this clock could be that when the object drops, because the pattern and the shape around the clock is very thin and detailed, it could easily break . Positive is because it is detailed and complex the clock would be a very to decorative item to place anywhere in the house.

This example of clock has many similar features to the clock above. But what this as that the top clock doesn’t is the layering. I believe that this design of the clock has the most similar features which my clock is plan to hold. It has the layering and the patterns around the clock with each and every piece in different shapes and the level.

The clock is created by using acrylic, the same material that we plan to use.

The positive is that the clock will be brought out from a white wall, back drop but when it stands in front of a dark wall it wouldn’t stand out much as it would have on the white wall.

    1. Shaping acrylic

To shape the acrylic, machines such as band saw can come in very handy. Band saw is used to cut bigger pieces of acrylic as if a small piece of acrylic is to be cut, there is a high possibility of getting injured. To deal with the smaller pieces, coping saw or hacksaw can come in handy.

It is not a machine like the band saw but is smaller and needed to be handled physically. Its main purpose is to cut out details and smaller patterns which band saw cannot do. Another way to shape the acrylic is by sanding with a disc sander or a file. Disc sander is a machine and used to smoothen and clearly get the shape without any lumps.

File is not a machine like the hacksaw but used for similar purpose of disc sander. There are many more equipment’s such as round saw cut and mill saw but as they very dangerous and has many rules to handle them I have just explained the main equipment’s that we would be using to shape out the acrylic.

Solvent cement is recommended for joining acrylic. There are two techniques for solvent cementing, capillary and dip or soak methods.

Capillary cementing:

This is the most popular method for joining acrylic. However, this method will not work at all unless the parts to be joined fit together PERFECTLY.Make sure the parts fit properly. Then join them with masking tape or clamp them in a form to hold them firmly in place.

It is important that the joint be in a horizontal plane, or the cement will run out of the joint.Apply the cement carefully along the entire joint. Apply from the inside of a box-corner joint, and on both sides of a flat joint. A needle-nosed applicator bottle is recommended.

The thin cement will flow into the joint through capillary action and form a strong bond. Maximum bond strength will not be reached for 24 to 48 hours.

This method may bring out inpatient and mistake and is suggested only for thick joints.

Viscous cementing:

Viscous cements are used for joints that can't be cemented with capillary or soak cementing, either because the joint is difficult to reach or because the parts don't fit properly. Viscous cement is thick and will fill small gaps. It can make strong transparent joints where solvent can't.

Apply a small bead of cement to one side of the joint, join the pieces, and tape or clamp in place until cured

    1. Polishing acrylic

To polish the final product, you will have to use the wet and dry abrasive.

First, clamp the belt sander in my bench vice and began to work the plastic one edge at a time. For a better final product, most people would use 400 grit, 800 grit and 1200 girt for a finer edge. With practice, you will be able to get nice even bevelled edges on all sides.

  1. Produce a functional article from Acrylic to develop your making skills, (teacher directed).

  1. Make a list of design specifications for your clock (list restrictions on your possible design)

  • 300mm x 300mm as the size of the clock

  • Maximum layers used (3 layers)

  • Designed to be hung on the wall

  • 4 main character/ shape on the outer body of the clock, indicating 12,3,6,9.

  • Concept on planets/space also referring to ‘Little Prince’ (novel)

  • Possibly using the straight handle for the clock

  • Number 12, 3,6,9 will be only written with patterns

  1. What tests could you perform on your clock to see that it meets your specifications?

Test such as gently pulling the layer could be possible to see if the layer is stuck on properly. If the layer falls off without any difficulty, it shows that it is not stuck on properly and needs to be fixed. We need beware of sudden dropping of the clock as it may break and may leave an unwanted marking.

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