

English b

K. -Jacobsen

A. Summary

Would an alcohol advertising ban work?” By Channel 4 News. Channel 4 made ​​a television broadcast, about the young people´s drinking culture. In the broadcast, there is said that, all marketing, and sponsorship of alcohol should be banned, for sports and music events, included price promotions like happy hours. Doctors warn that these commercials, where they show people having a great time, dancing and drinking alcohol, are giving young people the wrong idea about alcohol, and that the youth doesn’t understand the dangers of drinking alcohol.

The British Medical Association made a report, saying that the medical, psychological and social harm caused by drinking, needed to get tackled right.

The BMA says that products like toffee vodka, or other alcoholic drink, that tastes like candy, is specially designed to appeal to young people and makes alcohol seem like essential part of everyday life.

B. Discussion

Today, alcohol consumption is getting a really big issue, especially for young people. The youth´s drinking culture is getting more and more dangerous, for their own health. “But what does alcohol do to our body?” Alcohol is messing with a lot of our inner organs. Ex the brain, heart and liver, and enlarge the chances of getting cancer and lower immune system. Alcohol interferes with the brain´s communication pathways. When alcohol interferes, it can cause mood swings and chance in behavior. Alcohol is making it harder to think clearly and has also an effect on move coordination. “What about the rest of the body?” Well beside the brain, alcohol can cause high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. Cancer is also on the list of problems caused by alcohol, and lower immune system. “But why are we drinking more and more today, when we know this?” We know that it isn’t good for our health, but we won´t stop drinking it.

Underage drinking is and will always be a big problem. Young people who drink are more likely to be involved in violent behaviors or have unprotected sex with multiple partners. Develop alcohol problems in later life, or less brain function.

“What happens when we drink?” The eye's ability to quickly focus and adjust from light to dark deteriorate, and the incoordination and increased reaction time. Lack of control over the body, so walking straight is hard. “What about the day after?” Hangover is not fun at all, but we still drink the next time. The noise from the neighbor wakes you up, and it feels like someone is hitting your head with a hammer. The head is pounding and you have a dry mouth.

I think that people drink, so they can escape from the world for a while. And getting lose, and forget everything. We drink to get relaxed and stop thinking about our life. When we drink, we can relax, because the brain stop working right and we can only handle what is going on in the moment. Alcohol isn´t necessarily a bad thing, only when we get addicted or the body is getting affected.

”Pushed into drinking or what?” Some people are being pushed into drinking, and others choose for them self. These days there are a lot of teen group pressure, about a lot of things, and one of them is alcohol. The more you can drink, the “cooler” you are. Ex “How many shots can you take?” Kids are experimenting with alcohol at earlier ages than ever before, because they can.

“Whose fault is it?” ”Parents or companies?” Well the parents should have had a better influence on their kids, and talked with them about drinking. But if the kids friends are drinking then there isn´t a long way to them self, drinking, maybe caused by group pressure. I don’t think that you can blame the companies. Yes the companies are selling the alcohol and marketing them, but where do they say that young teens should go and buy the alcohol and get drunk…nowhere. Because it´s not just young people, but also adults, that drinks.

“Where are the alcohol companies in all this?” well the companies is of cause marking there alcohol product. Sponsorship of alcohol shouldn’t get banned, for sports and music events, because it’s not their fault. “What if drinking got banned?” even if sponsorship of alcohol and drinking got banned, people will find other ways. Even the price doesn’t really matter in some way. It is a plus, for the buyers, when the alcohol is cheap, but even when it is expensive, we are paying.

Monkeys and humans brains develop in the same way, so scientist has been researching into drinking and brain developing in monkeys. “How do their do that?” Chitra Mandyam and co, of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, gave four monkeys alcohol for 11 months. The monkeys where rhesus macaque, and over a period of 11 months, the rhesus macaque where giving alcoholic drinks with citrus-flavor. The rhesus macaque monkeys where two months later killed, so their brains could be compared with monkeys that didn’t consume alcohol.

“What was the result?” The monkeys that got alcohol for 11 months had 50 to 90 per cent fewer stem cells in their hippocampus. This is a great proof of what alcohol can do, and it´s important that we continue the research and learn more about how we should protect the body, specially the brain and liver.

My conclusion is that underage drinking is not a very good thing, but there isn´t so much that we can do about it. As long as there is alcohol, young people will be drinking it. But young people should get the information about what kind of risks there is. Many will properly not listen, but then we have tried.

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