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Analysis of speech Take a chance by Barack Obama

687 Words / ~1½ pages sternsternsternsternstern Author Adele M. in Dec. 2013

English Language

University, School

Duisburg Steinbart-Gymnasium

Grade, Teacher, Year


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Adele M. ©
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ID# 35853

Content: Barack Obama's speech "Take a Chan­ce," deli­vered at the Univer­sity of Massa­chu­setts Boston, addresses the gradua­ting class with a call to action for change. He empha­sizes Ameri­ca's foun­da­tional concept of equal oppor­tu­nity for all, regard­less of back­ground or beliefs. The Presi­dent uses various rheto­rical devices to connect with his audi­ence and inspire them to take on the mantle of progress. His personal narra­tive serves as an exam­ple to encou­rage others to perse­vere and follow their dreams.

Analysis of the speech “Take a chance”

by Barack Obama

The speech ”Take a chance“ given by the US President Barack Obama at the University of Massachusetts Boston on 2 June 2006 deals with the generation of graduated students he talks to

with the occasion to bring changes about.

The speech can be divided into six parts. In the beginning part from line 1-14 the speaker Barack Obama makes clear that it’s the commission of this generation to let the concept of America alive which is the equal opportunities for everyone to rise up and to reach “no matter where you’re born or how much your parents have; no matter what you look like and what you believe in” (line 11-13).

Die Absolventengruppe hört inspiriert die Rede Ihres Präsidenten in Boston.
Die Absolventengruppe hört inspiriert die Rede Ihres Präsidenten in Boston.

To underline the message he wants to convey he uses a parallelism in line 11-13 (see above). Furthermore he draws attention to key words with a repetition in line 7 and 9 “It’s your turn”.

In the second paragraph from line 15 to 31 Obama wants to make the changes in America up to date clear. He talks about students from over 100 different countries who settled and found success.

To simplify the message he uses a metaphor (line 19 “a sea of faces”) for emphasizing the diversity of America in spite of for example the time of apartheid.  With the anaphora (line 22/23 “they too could find…”) the speaker stress this argument for America.

Moreover the President motivates the students with a demand in line 30/31 “And now it’s your generation’s turn to bring those changes about.”  which is an important sentence in the speech.  With the Anaphora in line 29/30 “ .more work .; …more justice .; …more barriers .”) he increase the intensity of determina.....[read full text]

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Having taken all these aspect into account, I come to the conclusion that Barack Obama uses many stylistic devises to make his speech convincing and to implement his intention, his intention to motivate this generation to reach their dreams and to pass the responsibility to them to move America making progress because the young generation is America’s future.

In my opinion the speech “Take a chance” is convincing and expressive enough so that I’m quite sure that the speech appealed to the listene.....

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