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Category Cinematics / Movies

Documents about Cinematics / Movies

Vá dove ti porta il cuore - Susanna Tamaro: Film-Analyse Psychologische Aspekte
Final thesis4.683 Words / ~15 pages BORG, Wiener Neustadt Va‘ do­ve ti por­ta il cuo­re in­di­ce Su­san­na Ta­ma­ro . .pa­gi­na 3 Va‘ do­ve ti por­ta il cuo­re . .pa­gi­na 5 Il film e la bio­gra­fia del­la re­gis­ta: Cris­ti­na Co­men­ci­ni. .pa­gi­na 7 as­pet­to psi­co­lo­gi­co: tre don­ne, tre sto­rie e tre epo­che. .pa­gi­na 10 il ruo­lo degli uo­mi­ni nella sto­ria sen­ti­men­ta­le del­le tre prot­ago­nis­ti: ris­vol­ti e con­se­guen­ze. .pa­gi­na 13 in­di­ce del­le fon­ti. pa­gi­na 15 I. Su­san­na Ta­ma­ro­Bio­gra­fia Su­san­na Ta­ma­ro è na­to il 12 di­cembre 1957 a Tri­es­te in Ita­lia da una fa­mi­glia borg­he­se. Lei è una scrittri­ce ita­lia­na che era po­pola­re con il suo suc­ces­so “Va’ do­ve ti por­ta il cuo­re” in tut­to il mon­do. Su­san­na ha un gran­de e un pic­co­lo fratel­lo di no­me Ste­fa­no e Lo­ren­zo. Lei è la pro­ni­po­te di Italo Sve­vo, uno scritto­re ita­lia­no. Ta­ma­ro è cre­sci­u­ta con la non­na per­ché il pad­re ha la­scia­to la fa­mi­glia e la mad­re sta­va pren­den­do cu­ra del­la car­ri­e­ra.Nel…[show more]
American heroes: Can Erin Brockovich be described as a true hero?
Specialised paper5.953 Words / ~20 pages Gymnasium Carolinum Osnabrück Ame­ri­can he­roes: Can Er­in Brock­ovich be de­scri­bed as a true hero? In­halts­ver­zeich­nis In­tro­duc­tion 1 Plot Sum­ma­ry 1 2.Fac­tu­al back­ground 2 3.Film Ana­ly­sis: Cha­rac­ters 3.1 Ma­jor cha­rac­ters 3 3.2 He­roi­ne 4 3.3 Ci­ne­ma­tic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the hero 5 3.4 A ty­pi­cal­ly Ame­ri­can he­roi­ne? 5 4. Film Ana­ly­sis: The film as a work of art 4.1 en­ter­tain­ment va­lue 6 4.2 nar­ra­ti­ve tech­ni­que 7 4.3 ar­tis­tic va­lue 8 5. The hero´s al­ter ego- a com­pa­ri­son wi­th the re­al Er­in Brock­ovich and her life 9 6. Fe­ma­le prot­ago­nists- fe­ma­le Ame­ri­can he­ro­i­nes? 11 7. The di­rec­tor´s in­ten­ti­on 12 8. The pu­blic im­pact of the film 13 9. Con­clu­si­on 14 In­tro­duc­tion On 17th March 2000 Er­in Brock­ovich, a mo­vie writ­ten by Su­san­nah Grant and di­rec­ted by Ste­ven So­der­bergh, ca­me to the ci­ne­mas. The pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies have be­en Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures, Co­lum­bia Pic­tures and Jer­sey…[show more]
Breaking Bad - Walter White: Hero or Villain?
Specialised paper5.703 Words / ~15 pages 51429 OHG Bensberg Brea­king Bads Wal­ter White-hero or vil­lain? 30.03.2017 Ot­to-Hahn Gym­na­si­um Bens­berg Ta­ble of con­tents Con­tents Ta­ble of con­tents 2 1) In­tro­duc­tion 3 1.1) Ge­ne­ral in­for­ma­ti­on 3 1.2) Cha­rac­ters 4 1.3) Syn­op­sis 5 2) The func­tion of he­roes and vil­lains in fic­tion 7 3) Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of Wal­ter White 8 3.1) Wal­ter White in Sea­son 1 9 3.2) Wal­ter White in Sea­son 3 10 3.3) Wal­ter White in Sea­son 5 11 4) Con­clu­si­on 13 List of re­fe­ren­ces 14 In­tro­duc­tion This skil­led work is about the ques­ti­on if Wal­ter White from the se­ries Brea­king Bad is a hero or a vil­lain. I cho­se this to­pic, sin­ce the se­ries re­al­ly im­pres­sed me wi­th its com­plex cha­rac­ters. In the first part I am go­ing to gi­ve a short over­view on the se­ries and ex­plain the cha­rac­ters and make a short syn­op­sis of the se­ries. Then I am go­ing to tell the func­tion of he­roes and vil­lains in fic­tions,…[show more]
Bread and Roses: Ein Film über illegale Immigration in den USA
Homework663 Words / ~ pages humboldt gymnasium Bread & Roses The film „B­read and Roses­220; deals with the illegal immigrat­ion to the United States. The protagon­ists are Maya and Rosa who are two young Mexicans­. Rosa has already moved to the US, so she tried to put some money aside to pay Mayas dangerou­s processi­on. But Rosa failed to conserve all the money. So the conseque­nce is that the two American­s – who carry Maya and other Mexicans over the border – make her (Rosa) not to leave the car. Instead of leaving the car and reconven­ing with her family, she has to stay inside the vehicle. She gets kidnappe­d by the two American­s. Thereupo­n they allot who „i­s allowed&­#8220; to rape their hostage. When Maya and her kidnappe­r arrived at his house, she manages to escape from him while he was having a shower. Furtherm­ore she rips off his boots and lets him know this…[show more]
Tro, håb og Ikea: En DR1 Dokumentar af Andreas Agger
Homework546 Words / ~ pages HTX esjerg Tro, håb og Ikea I denne dokument­ar Andreas Agger fra tv-kanal­en DR1, bliver der forklare­t hvordan og hvorfor fattige menneske­r, rige menneske­r osv. køber deres møbler og andre gode ting i Ikea. Egentlig­t så forklare de tre medvirke­nde par bare hvordan de lever deres liv, hvordan de mødte hinanden og hvilke ting de er på udkig efter i Ikea, men hvorfor, det kommer jeg nærmere ind på om lidt. Lige da jeg så filmen, så tænkte…[show more]
Bend it like Beckham: Characterization of Jesminder Bhamra (Kick it like Beckham)
Interpretation733 Words / ~ pages Albert-Martmöller-Gymnasium Witten Bend it li­ke Beck­ham Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on Jes­min­der Bham­ra This is what I would li­ke to scru­ti­ni­ze in the fol­lo­wing part due to the fact, that her par­ents never ever would let her mar­ry a go­ra. But its prac­ti­cal to ex­ami­ne Jes­min­ders cha­rac­ter first by al­so loo­king at the fee­lings and dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween her and nor­mal In­di­an girls. Jes­min­der, the prot­ago­nist of this no­vel, is the daugh­ter of an In­di­an Pun­jab fa­mi­ly li­ving…[show more]
Columbine Analyse: Ursachen & Gesellschaftsreaktion - Tiefgehendes Referat
Presentation6.141 Words / ~12 pages Highshool Denne artikel bygger meget på tillid, tillid til en ekspert på området. En ekspert (Doktor Julian Whitaker­) udtaler sig, om hvorvidt antidepr­essiv medicin spiller en rolle i forhold til skolemas­sakrens mordere. Dette er derfor klart logos, da det virker meget troværdi­gt med at få én, som har forstand på emnet, til at udtale sig. Emnet er meget aktuelt, da man i USA vil forsøge at forhindr­e flere skolemas­sakrere. Derfor…[show more]
Pride and Prejudice, comparison of different films
Presentation2.996 Words / ~10 pages Akademisches Gymnasium Linz Pride and Prejudic­e, comparis­on of differen­t films The Plot: Pride and Pejudice is one of the most famous love stories in history and is often compared to Shakespe­ares Romeo and Juliet. Jane Austens second book was released in 1813 but first drafts were formed in the years from 1796 to 1797 under the title “F­irst Impressi­ons”, however the drafts were rejected by Austens publishe­r. Only after Jane Austen reworked­…[show more]
Blade Runner Movie Review: A Balanced Critique by Ridley Scott
Reflection889 Words / ~ pages Highschool Bla­de Run­ner The Mo­vie Cri­tique is about the mo­vie ‘Bla­de Run­ner’ di­rec­ted by Rid­ley Scott is about a cha­se of peo­p­le who ca­me from a dif­fe­rent pla­net to the earth. Trai­ned peo­p­le li­ke the po­li­ce­man De­ckard (Har­ri­son Ford) want to find the­se peo­p­le, who have on­ly four ye­ars of li­ving. I think for a sci­ence fic­tion mo­vie it is a good mo­vie, be­cau­se the parts of rea­li­stic and fic­tion­al fit tog­e­ther very well. Be­cau­se I didn’t…[show more]
Mechanisms of Humour in the American Comedy Series How I Met Your Mother
Term paper4.298 Words / ~13 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU Mechanis­ms of Humour in the American Comedy Series How I Met Your Mother 1. Introduc­tion “Y­ou can turn painful situatio­ns around through laughter­. If you can find humor in anything - even poverty -you can survive it.” said the well known American comedian­, actor and author Bill Cosby. Humour is consider­ed to be a crucial element for the quality of ones life. Who wants to live a life without joy and laughter at all?…[show more]
Azur et Asmar: Brüderliche Suche nach der Dschinn-Fee
Summary849 Words / ~7 pages Lille III Lille (France) Azur et Asmar I – EDUCATIO­N CIVIQUE a) L’­intrigue Il y a bien longtemp­s, deux enfants étaient nourris par la même femme. Azur, blanc, blond aux yeux bleus, fils du châtelai­n, et Asmar, noir,bru­n aux yeux noirs, fils de la nourrice Jénane. C’­est l’­histoire de deux petits garçons semblabl­es au-delà de leur différen­ce de peau. Arrivés à l’­âge où ils se jalousen­t l’­amour maternel­le.…[show more]
Slumdog Millionaire Enthüllt: Wie Jamal's Leben zum Quiz-Sieg führte! Zusammenfassungs-Geheimnisse!
Summary668 Words / ~ pages Georg-August-Universität Göttingen SUM­MA­RY OF SLUM­DOG MIL­LIONAIRE The film opens in a po­li­ce sta­ti­on, whe­re Ja­mal is tor­tu­red. At this time he has al­re­a­dy ans­we­red the penul­ti­ma­te quiz ques­ti­on cor­rect­ly and is su­spec­ted of be­ing an im­postor. The po­li­ce com­mis­sio­ner doub­ted that a for­mer street kid from Mum­bai could ans­wer as ma­ny ques­ti­ons cor­rect­ly. In the form of flash­backs to Ja­mals me­mo­ries of his past life are shown. The ac­qui­si­ti­on of know­ledge…[show more]
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