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Category Human resources management

Documents about Human resources management

Design of work organizations - Automobile sector - Maruti Suzuki India Limited
Essay4.817 Words / ~18 pages Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow DWO As­sign­ment: Au­to­mo­bi­le sec­tor Exe­cu­ti­ve Sum­ma­ry One of the most cru­cial suc­cess fac­tors for any or­ga­niza­ti­on is its or­ga­niza­tio­nal struc­tu­re. Or­ga­niza­tio­nal struc­tu­re re­fers to the net­work of re­la­ti­onships among in­di­vi­du­als and po­si­ti­ons in an or­ga­niza­ti­on. It can be de­fi­ned as es­tab­lished pat­tern of re­la­ti­onships among com­pon­ents of the or­ga­niza­ti­on. It is the for­mal sys­tem of task and re­port­ing re­la­ti­onships that con­trols, coor­di­na­tes and mo­ti­va­tes em­ployees. It helps in as­so­cia­ting them and working tog­e­ther to achie­ve or­ga­niza­ti­on’s goals. Or­ga­niza­ti­on struc­tu­re is li­ke the frame­work of an or­ga­niza­ti­on. Or­ga­niza­tio­nal struc­tures im­ply for­mal re­la­ti­onships wi­th well-de­fi­ned du­ties and re­spon­si­bi­li­ties. It al­so im­pli­es to the hier­ar­chi­cal re­la­ti­onships bet­ween su­pe­ri­or and sub­or­di­na­tes wi­thin…[show more]
Mentoring at Coca-Cola Foods - Human Resource Strategy Coca COLA
Essay5.111 Words / ~23 pages Independent University Dhaka Men­to­ring at Co­ca-Co­la Foods 1.1 In­tro­duc­tion Men­tor­ship is very cru­cial for any trai­ning and de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­gram in a com­pa­ny. It is a re­la­ti­onship bet­ween a se­ni­or and a new­co­mer in an or­ga­niza­ti­on (pro­té­gé). Men­tors usual­ly pro­vi­de pro­per gui­de­line and coun­seling, so that the less ex­pe­ri­en­ced per­son can ad­van­ce in his/ her care­er. The aim of this re­port is to re­flect the idea of how im­portant men­tor­ship is to es­tab­lished, to suc­ceed and to con­ti­nue wi­th that suc­cess of a com­pa­ny for mo­re than a cen­tu­ry. Co­ca-Co­la, the pro­duct that has gi­ven the world its best-known tas­te was born in At­lan­ta, Geor­gia, on May 8, 1886. Co­ca-Co­la Com­pa­ny is the world’s lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­rer, mar­keter and dis­tri­bu­tor of non-al­co­ho­lic be­vera­ge con­cen­tra­tes and sy­rups, used to pro­du­ce ne­ar­ly 400 be­vera­ge brands. It sells be­vera­ge con­cen­tra­tes…[show more]
Beratungsdokumentation für das Roberramon Hotel
Bachelor thesis9.364 Words / ~43 pages NHTV Breda Cus­to­mer Re­la­ti­onship Ma­nage­ment Ad­vi­so­ry Re­port for Ro­ber­tRa­mon Ho­tel De­cem­ber 2011 Pre­face This Ad­vi­so­ry re­port is writ­ten for the Ro­ber­tRa­mon Ho­tel in Ams­ter­dam. It is ma­de to im­pro­ve the CRM sys­tem of the ho­tel wi­th the fo­cus on ma­king the 95 % of the guests re­turn for at least one time. This will re­sult in hig­her oc­cu­p­an­cy and even­tual­ly mo­re re­ve­nue. This re­port will be ba­sed on the steps of the CRM-7-18 mo­del of Mr. Her­mans. To co­me up wi­th so­lu­ti­ons we will in­ves­ti­ga­te the ho­tels, CRM pro­grams, boo­king sys­tem. We will ex­ami­ne the ho­tels’ re­a­di­ness for a CRM pro­gram wi­th the fo­cus on im­ple­men­ting a CRM sys­tem fit­ting to this ho­tel. In this re­port we will try to con­vin­ce the ho­tel of the im­portance of a CRM sys­tem and what the be­ne­fits will be for the ho­tel. We will spe­ci­fy on how to im­ple­ment this sys­tem and the fi­nan­cial cos­ts. We…[show more]
Dealing with organizational cynicism - Impact of Cynicism on Organizational Performance
Report3.032 Words / ~11 pages Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak Or­ga­niza­tio­nal Be­ha­vi­or A Pa­per on Or­ga­niza­tio­nal Cy­ni­cism Con­tents Abs­tract 2 Cy­ni­cism 2 Va­ria­bles. 3 Job At­ti­tu­de and Cy­ni­cism 4 Im­pact of Cy­ni­cism on Or­ga­niza­tio­nal Per­for­mance. 5 Deal­ing wi­th Or­ga­niza­tio­nal Cy­ni­cism 7 Re­fe­ren­ces: 10 Abs­tract The Ox­ford Eng­lish dic­tion­a­ry de­fi­nes cy­ni­cism as “an in­cli­na­ti­on to be­lie­ve that peo­p­le are mo­ti­va­ted pu­rely by self-in­te­rest”. This pa­per ex­ami­nes cy­ni­cism from an or­ga­niza­tio­nal point of view and how it im­pacts the or­ga­niza­ti­on’s per­for­mance. Va­rious theo­ries have be­en ap­pli­ed to or­ga­niza­tio­nal cy­ni­cism in the past. We have pri­ma­ri­ly fo­cu­sed on re­la­ting cy­ni­cism to job at­ti­tu­des and job sa­tis­fac­tion. We have al­so ex­plo­red the im­pact of cy­ni­cism on or­ga­niza­tio­nal ch­an­ge. The pa­per aims to pro­vi­de so­lu­ti­ons to the or­ga­niza­tio­nal cy­ni­cism on the ba­sis of dif­fe­rent con­tem­po­ra­ry…[show more]
An element of trust is non-existent in an employment relationship. Discuss
Discussion1.674 Words / ~ pages midlands state university,gweru,zimbabwe An ele­ment of trust is non-exis­tent in an em­ploy­ment re­la­ti­onship. Dis­cuss The as­ser­ti­on that an ele­ment of trust is non-exis­tent in an em­ploy­ment re­la­ti­onship is true to a lar­ger ext­ent con­side­ring the ho­sti­le at­ti­tu­des that are ex­hi­bi­ted by the two par­ties which are the em­ploy­er and workers as pre­sen­ted by the Mar­xist theo­ry. The fact that a hu­man mind is in­vol­ved al­so makes it dif­fi­cult to es­tab­lish the ele­ment of…[show more]
Business Outsourcing Boon or Bane: Leadership Assignment - Interview - A leader in Making
Handout1.614 Words / ~7 pages IMI.DELHI Lea­der­ship As­sign­ment - In­ter­view A lea­der in Ma­king Job Pro­fi­le Ra­hul Khurana Ma­na­ger RPO(Re­cruit­ment Pro­cess Out­sour­cing) Peo­p­leStrong HR Ser­vices Why this job Pro­fi­le? Ra­hul leads a team of 30 odd peo­p­le. And he is be­en hand­ling re­cruit­ment th­roug­hout his care­er in it sin­ce 5 ye­ars. I choo­se Ra­hul be­cau­se what all I would learn from him, I would be im­ple­men­ting in ne­ar fu­ture. Ra­ther than go­ing for se­ni­or ma­nage­ment…[show more]
The Firm wide 360 Degree Performance Evaluation Process at Morgan Stanley
Examination questions2.354 Words / ~11 pages ICFAI,Hyderabad The Firm wi­de 360 De­gree Per­for­mance Eva­lua­ti­on Pro­cess at Mor­gan Stan­ley Back­ground Mor­gan Stan­ley is a lea­ding U.S. in­vest­ment bank. It was foun­ded in New York on the 5th Sep­tem­ber 1935 by Hen­ry S. Mor­gan and Ha­rold Stan­ley. Sin­ce its in­cep­ti­on it was trans­forming its­elf in­to a “One-firm com­pa­ny” un­der the lea­der­ship of John Mack (the pre­si­dent of Mor­gan Stan­ley sin­ce 1993). Mor­gan Stan­ley ch­an­ged the pre­sen­ta­ti­on…[show more]
Impact of Cynicism in an Organizational Context
Reflection883 Words / ~ pages IIM Rohtak Im­pact of Cy­ni­cism in an Or­ga­niza­tio­nal Con­text In­halt Cy­ni­cal Ma­na­gers Cy­ni­cal Em­ployees Re­duc­tion in or­ga­niza­tio­nal ci­ti­zen­ship be­ha­vi­or Com­pli­ance wi­th un­e­thi­cal re­quests Com­pro­mi­se on Work out­put Re­fe­ren­ces Pro­lon­ged exis­tence of cy­ni­cal be­ha­vi­or at work­place has de­tri­men­tal ef­fects on not on­ly the peo­p­le in the or­ga­niza­ti­on but the work­place en­vi­ron­ment as well. In an or­ga­niza­ti­on we ob­ser­ve two kinds…[show more]
Term paper4.044 Words / ~16 pages Taylor's University, Selangor Na­zwir­man. (2015). The In­fluence of Per­cei­ved Ser­vice Per­for­mance and Pri­ce Fair­ness toward Re­purcha­se th­rough Cus­to­mer Sa­tis­fac­tion and Word of Mouth (An Em­pi­ri­cal Stu­dy of Li­on Air Com­pa­ny). In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Ad­van­ced Re­se­arch Vol 3 (10), 1846-1854. News Detik. (2018, May 22). Li­on Air Lapor­kan 9 Pi­lot dan 1 Ka­rya­wan ke Bar­eskrim. Sep­tem­ber 13, 2018, from news.detik.com: Ren­wa­rin, J. (2017). The In­fluence…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe Fachkraft für Leitungsaufgaben in Sozial-, Gesundheits- und Pflegeeinrichtungen - Personalmanagement Teil 1
Assignment3.633 Words / ~18 pages Höher Management Akademie für Pflegeberufe Lö­sung zur Stu­di­en­auf­ga­be Fach­kraft für Lei­tungs­auf­ga­ben in So­zi­al-, Ge­sund­heits- und Pfle­ge­ein­rich­tun­ge­n – Fach­be­reich Heim­lei­tung The­men­kom­plex: Per­so­nal­ma­nage­ment Teil 1 Die­se in­di­vi­du­el­le Lö­sung stellt kei­nen An­spruch auf Rich­tig­keit. Die Auf­ga­ben­stel­lung ist nicht ent­hal­ten In­halts­ver­zeich­nis Auf­ga­be 1: Füh­rungs­sti­le er­klärt Auf­ga­be 2: a.) Füh­rungs­ver­ant­wort­­ung b.) Hand­lungs­ver­ant­wor­­tung…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe Fachkraft für Leitungsaufgaben in Sozial-, Gesundheits- und Pflegeeinrichtungen - Personalmanagement Teil 1
Assignment5.404 Words / ~18 pages Höher Management Akademie für Pflegeberufe Lö­sung zur Stu­di­en­auf­ga­be Fach­kraft für Lei­tungs­auf­ga­ben in So­zi­al-, Ge­sund­heits- und Pfle­ge­ein­rich­tun­ge­n – Fach­be­reich Heim­lei­tung The­men­kom­plex: Per­so­nal­ma­nage­ment Teil 1 Die­se in­di­vi­du­el­le Lö­sung stellt kei­nen An­spruch auf Rich­tig­keit. Die Auf­ga­ben­stel­lung ist nicht ent­hal­ten In­halts­ver­zeich­nis Auf­ga­be 1: Füh­rungs­sti­le er­klärt Auf­ga­be 2: a.) Füh­rungs­ver­ant­wort­­ung b.) Hand­lungs­ver­ant­wor­­tung…[show more]
Motivation and human resource management
Summary2.092 Words / ~5 pages Johannes Kepler Universität Linz - JKU Motivati­on Organiza­tions are focusing on the needs of their employee­s as never before. They try to ensure that their employee­s are committe­d and motivate­d to perform well. Motive versus motivati­on: Motive = need = ability to derive satisfac­tion from somethin­g Motivati­on = effort = energy mobilize­d to achieve somethin­g Intrinsi­c motivati­on: lies in the action itself . for the sake of doing it (for example: for learning­)…[show more]
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