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Institut für Lernsysteme - Fernhochschule Hamburg Einsendeaufgabe EngA-9a/b/0313-K13

Einsendeaufgabe ILS  Englisch EngA 9a/b Section C: Question 1 and Question 3
Assignment853 Words / ~2 pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be ILS Eng­lisch En­gA 9a/b Sec­tion C: Ques­ti­on 1 and Ques­ti­on 3 En­gA 9a/b / 0313 K13 Sec­tion A: 1. gas can­dy fall si­de­walk cab apart­ment sub­way mo­vie Sec­tion C: 1. Me: Hel­lo, you have a dif­fe­rent kind of spel­ling than the peo­p­le in the United King­dom and you use dif­fe­rent words than peo­p­le in Eng­land use. So, can you tell me why it’s bet­ter for you to live in Ame­ri­ca and what are the main dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the United Sta­tes and Eu­ro­pe? Mr. Bryan: oh yes, but we dont li­ke to be­co­me bad wi­th the UK. No, just kid­ding. I think the main dif­fe­rence is that in Ame­ri­ca we have about 350 mil­li­on in­ha­bi­tants and we all feel li­ke a big fa­mi­ly. It doesnt mat­ter whe­re you from, which re­li­gi­on you pre­fer or if you are an im­mi­grant or not. For me as a young kid it was very spe­cial to go to a col­lege wi­th a full scho­lar­ship, be­cau­se I was a gre­at foot­bal­ler.…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe ILS Englisch: EngA 9a/b /0313 K13 ; Note: 1,7 Vokabeln
Assignment856 Words / ~ pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be: En­gA 9a/b /0313 K13 Sec­tion A: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Ques­ti­on 1: pe­trol - gas sweets - can­dy autumn - fall pa­ve­ment - si­de­walk ta­xi - cab flat - apart­ment the un­der­ground - sub­way film - mo­vie Ques­ti­on 2: Base­ball is Ame­ri­ca’s na­tio­nal sport. For­eig­ners find much of Ame­ri­ca over­whel­ming. I’m su­re the man in the au­to­mo­bi­le be­hind me is try­ing to tell me that so­me­thing’s wrong. Ham­bur­gers we­re first sold in 1904. You can choo­se a va­rie­ty of dres­sings to go wi­th your sa­lad. The con­s­truc­tion of sky­scra­pers be­gan in Chi­ca­go in 1893. New York and Chi­ca­go have al­ways be­en ri­va­ling. New York can be re­gard­ed as the di­plo­ma­tic ca­pi­tal of the world. 28 mil­li­on tou­rists vi­sit New York an­nu­al­ly. The growth of crime was one of the re­asons for the crea­ti­on of the F.B.I. Why is kil­ling ea­sier in Ame­ri­ca than in most other count­ries? It is still un­lawful…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe The USA: An A to Z of Landeskunde - ILS Englisch EngA-9a
Assignment972 Words / ~ pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be The USA: An A to Z of Lan­des­kun­de - ILS Eng­lisch En­gA-9a Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­ben 9a/b / 0313 K13 Sec­tion A: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Ques­ti­on 1) Pe­trol = gas Sweets = can­dy Autumn = fall Pa­ve­ment = si­de­walk Ta­xi = cab Flat = apart­ment The un­der­groud (rail­way sys­tem) = sub­way Film = mo­vie .…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe The U.S.A., An A to Z of Landeskunde - ILS EngA-9a/b/0313-K13 Lösung Englisch
Assignment1.737 Words / ~6 pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­ben zu EN­GA09A/B Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be: EN­GA09B-XX Auf­la­ge: 1 () bit­te sorg­fäl­tig aus. You should spend about th­ree hours on this test: 45 mi­nu­tes on Sec­tion A, 45 mi­nu­tes on Sec­tion B and 90 mi­nu­tes on Sec­tion C. 1. Sec­tion A: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry­ Plea­se ans­wer Ques­ti­on 1 and Ques­ti­on 2. Ques­ti­on 1 Wri­te down the words an Ame­ri­can would use for the fol­lo­wing Bri­tish Eng­lish words: a) pe­trol gas b) sweets can­dy c) autumn fall d) pa­ve­ment si­de­walk e) ta­xi cab f) flat apart­ment g) the un­der­ground (rail­way sys­tem) sub­way h) film mo­vie Ques­ti­on 2 Fill each of the gaps in the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces wi­th a form of the word gi­ven in bra­ckets. Ex­am­p­le: The­re are a num­ber of . bet­ween Bri­tish Eng­lish and Ame­ri­can Eng­lish. (dif­fe­rent) Ans­wer: dif­fe­ren­ces 1. Base­ball is Ame­ri­ca’s na­tio­nal sport. (na­ti­on) 2. For­eig­ners find much of Ame­ri­ca over­whel­ming.…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe ILS Englisch EngA 9 America - Section A, B and C
Assignment809 Words / ~ pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be ILS Eng­lisch En­gA 9 Ame­ri­ca - Sec­tion A, B and C Sec­tion A: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Ques­ti­on 1 a) gas b) can­dy c) fall d) si­de­walk e) cab f) apart­ment g) sub­way h) mo­vie Ques­ti­on 2 1. na­tio­nal 2. For­eig­ners 3. try­ing 4. sold 5. va­rie­ty 6. con­s­truc­tion 7. ri­vals 8. di­plo­ma­tic 9. an­nu­al­ly 10. growth 11. kil­ling 12. against the law 13. de­cis­i­on 14. suc­cessful 15. in­clu­ding 16. co­lo­ni­al 17. fi­nan­cial 18. na­med 19. de­cla­ra­ti­on…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe Eng A 9a/b: Englisch: Comment Section C , interview and a four day trip in america
Assignment732 Words / ~ pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be Eng A 9a/b: Eng­lisch: Com­ment Sec­tion C , in­ter­view and a four day trip in ame­ri­ca En­gA 9a/b Com­ment sec­tion Sec­tion C: Com­ment Ques­ti­on 1: Re­por­ter: Hel­lo, my na­me is and I am a re­por­ter for a Ger­man news­pa­per. To­day’s to­pic is “The Ty­pi­cal Ame­ri­can“. So I would li­ke to ask you so­me ques­ti­ons about the Ame­ri­can life­style. Would you tell me so­me­thing about your dai­ly rou­ti­ne and the main dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe EngA-9a/b THE U.S.A: Landeskunde THE BRITAIN Englisch
Assignment1.720 Words / ~6 pages You should spend about th­ree hours on this test: 45 mi­nu­tes on Sec­tion A, 45 mi­nu­tes on Sec­tion B and 90 mi­nu­tes on Sec­tion C. 1. Sec­tion A: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Plea­se ans­wer Ques­ti­on 1 and Ques­ti­on 2. Ques­ti­on 1 Wri­te down the words an Ame­ri­can would use for the fol­lo­wing Bri­tish Eng­lish words: a) pe­trol gas b) sweets can­dy c) autumn fall d) pa­ve­ment si­de­walk e) ta­xi cab f) flat apart­ment g) the un­der­ground (rail­way sys­tem) sub­way…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe EngA-9a/b/0313-K13 Englisch Lösung ILS
Assignment540 Words / ~ pages En­gA 9a/b / 0313 K13 A) 1) a: gas b: can­dy c: fall d: si­de­walk e: cab f: apart­ment g: sub­way h: mo­vie 2) 1: na­tio­nal 2: For­eig­ners 3: try­ing 4: sold 5: va­rie­ty 6: con­s­truc­tion 7: ri­vals 8: di­plo­ma­tic 9: an­nu­ar­ly .…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe EngA 9b The USA An A to Z of Landeskunde Section A Question 1, Section C Question 3
Assignment499 Words / ~ pages Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be En­gA 9b The USA An A to Z of Lan­des­kun­de Sec­tion A Ques­ti­on 1, Sec­tion C Ques­ti­on 3 Sec­tion A Ques­ti­on 1 a) gas b) can­dy c) fall d) si­de­walk e) cab f) apart­ment g) sub­way h) mo­vie Sec­tion C Ques­ti­on 1 Me: “Hey Da­vid, I’m , a re­por­ter from a Ger­man ma­ga­zi­ne cal­led “I li­ke tra­vel­ling”. I would li­ke to ask you so­me ques­ti­ons about your life in the USA.” Da­vid: “Ye­ah su­re let’s go!” Me: “What are you do­ing in your lei­su­re…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe ILS: EngA-9a/b/0313-K13 The U.S.A | An A to Z of Landeskunde II
Assignment1.041 Words / ~ pages En­gA 9a/b / 0313 K13 ILS ESA En­gA 9b Eng­lisch: The U.S.A. | An A to Z of Lan­des­kun­de II Sec­tion A: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Ques­ti­on 1 a) pe­trol – gas b) sweets – can­dy c) autumn – fall d) pa­ve­ment – si­de­walk e) ta­xi – cab f) flat – apart­ment g) the un­der­ground – sub­way h) film – mo­vie Ques­ti­on B 1. na­tio­nal 2. For­eig­ners 3. try­ing 4. sold 5. va­rie­ty 6. con­s­truc­tion 7. ri­vals 8. di­plo­ma­tic 9. an­nu­al­ly 10. growth 11. kil­ling 12. il­le­gal 13. de­cis­i­on…[show more]
Einsendeaufgabe ESA Englisch: The U.S.A. Landeskunde
Assignment711 Words / ~ pages H Code: En­gA 9a/b 0313 K13 ome­work As­sign­ment Eng­lish – The U.S.A. Sur First Te­a­cher: Ci­ty, ZIP Code: Ad­dress: Con­tract Code: Cour­se Num­ber: Gra­de: Sec­tion A: Ques­ti­on 1 pe­trol – gas sweets – can­dy autumn – fall pa­ve­ment – si­de­walk ta­xi – cab flat – apart­ment the un­der­ground (rail­way sys­tem) – sub­way film – mo­vie Ques­ti­on 2 na­tio­nal For­eig­ners try­ing sold va­rie­ty con­s­truc­tion ri­vals di­plo­ma­tic an­nu­al­ly growth kil­ling…[show more]

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