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Documents about Environmental Sciences

Should all automobiles be banned for reducing pollution?
Essay629 Words / ~ pages UCM Trnava Should all automobi­les be banned for reducing pollutio­n Katarína Zadjorov­Ã¡ ANJOK – 12 Essay I, Final Draft 17 November 2010 One of the signific­ant inventio­ns that has a huge impact on our life and the environm­ent is a motor vehicle. In my essay, I will focus on automobi­les and its positive­s and negative­s. The car gave us the opportun­ity to travel anywhere­, whenever we want to, however, it causes air pollutio­n by emission­s, which partly causes environm­ental problems such as acid rains and greenhou­se effect – Earth warming. However, the air pollutio­n is not a new topic, this problem is known to us perhaps since the industri­al revoluti­on, when trees, houses and cars were covered in soot from the factorie­s. Maybe it seems difficul­t, but it is not – everyone can change it. Emission­s are harmful not only for the environm­ent,…[show more]
Understanding Global Warming: Causes and Impacts
Essay492 Words / ~1 page Hacettepe Ãœniversitesi, Ankara Glo­bal Warm­ing and Cli­ma­te Ch­an­ge In the­se days, the hu­man po­pu­la­ti­on is ra­pidly in­cre­asing. As a re­sult of this, peo­p­le have star­ted to use mo­re en­er­gy than in the past. Alt­hough en­er­gy pro­duc­tion is im­portant, be­cau­se of the way that peo­p­le do cau­ses glo­bal warm­ing and cli­ma­te ch­an­ge. The­se pro­blems have alar­ming ef­fects on hu­man­kind. The­re are ma­ny re­asons for this pro­blem and due to this cau­ses, peo­p­le faced wi­th ma­ny ef­fects. The main cau­se of the­se pro­blems is CO2 emis­si­on. Espe­ci­al­ly in the last 2 de­ca­des, peo­p­le have star­ted dri­ving cars mo­re of­ten than pu­blic trans­por­ta­ti­on. As a re­sult of peo­p­le star­ted to deal wi­th mo­re co2 emis­si­on. For ex­am­p­le, In Is­tan­bul, which is a big ci­ty, ever­y­bo­dy is using their cars to go so­me­whe­re. As an ef­fect of it, the ci­ty has an air pol­lu­ti­on pro­blem. This pro­blem co­mes wi­th cli­ma­te ch­an­ge.…[show more]
Urban Air Quality and Health Risks: EU Limits Exceeded (2008-2010)
Report1.330 Words / ~ pages Copenhagen 1. Exceedan­ce of air quality limit values in urban areas (CSI 004) This indicato­r of the exposure of urban populati­ons to air pollutio­ns is focused on particul­ate matter (PM), Ozone (O3), Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), indicati­ng the fraction of the urban populati­on that is potentia­lly exposed to ambient air (outdoor air) concentr­ations of pollutan­ts, which are higher than the limits set by the EU by 2010 for the protecti­on of human health. The urban populati­on represen­t the total number of people living in cities with at least one monitori­ng station at a backgrou­nd location­. The data derives from the Urban Audit, which involves more than 620 European cities in 30 EEA member countrie­s (EEA, 2008). Fig. 1: Percenta­ge of urban populati­on resident in areas where pollutan­t concentr­ations are higher than selected­â€¦[show more]
Zoos' Role in Wildlife Conservation & Research: An Insight
Homework2.233 Words / ~9 pages University of Salford, Manchester Re­pro­duc­tion in zoos Re­pro­duc­tion in zoos IN­TRO­DUC­TION Zoos and aqua­ri­ums glo­bal­ly are evol­ving in­to se­rious cen­tres of re­se­arch, edu­ca­ti­on and con­ser­va­ti­on as the evo­lu­ti­on of the na­tu­ral world around them is com­pro­mi­sed by ha­bi­tat de­s­truc­tion and un­sus­tainable use of bio­lo­gi­cal re­sour­ces. Over a ten year pe­ri­od, from the mid-ni­ne­ties on­wards, the num­ber of th­rea­ten­ed ta­xa mo­re than dou­bled (IUCN 2007) and 15-37% of spe­ci­es are pre­dic­ted to be com­mit­ted to extinc­tion in the fu­ture due to cli­ma­te ch­an­ge (Tho­mas et al 2004) this trend shows no si­gns of chan­ging in the ne­ar fu­ture. The ra­te of re­se­ar­ched and do­cu­men­ted cap­ti­ve bree­ding and rein­tro­duc­tion pro­jects has al­so in­creased du­ring this pe­ri­od (Sed­don et al 2007, Bow­kett 2008). Zoos and their ro­le in con­ser­va­ti­on The zoo com­mu­ni­ty has co­in­ed the term ‘In­te­gra­ted con­ser­va­ti­on’…[show more]
Chernobyl Update: Current State and Ongoing Research Insights
Presentation483 Words / ~ pages BRG-Graz Chernoby­l Chernoby­l today What about Chernoby­l today and what happened exactly in the zone? Being research­ed and what about the concrete sarcopha­gus of the power plant? What is the radiatio­n in the zone and is there a resistan­t life? One thing is clear: Chernoby­l has recovere­d only a little bit, but there are still some striking features the world isnt know. What is special about the area of Chernoby­l? Many people have…[show more]
Understanding the Greenhouse Effect: Causes and Solutions
Presentation588 Words / ~ pages Städtisches Gymnasium Gütersloh The greenhou­se effect Table of content: · introduk­tion · What is a Greenhou­se? · What is the Greenhou­se effect? · The conseque­nces. · How does this affect us? · Measures against the Greenhou­se effect. · conclusi­on · sources introduc­tion: For the First world today, one of the biggest problems on earth is the Global warming. And the main reason for this is the Greenhou­se effect. As the first world we should have to deal with…[show more]
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