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List of Final theses: Environmental Sciences

The poker of pipelines for oil and gas - Managing the global energy challenges
9.103 Words / ~34 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU Managing the global energy challeng­es Contents 1 The poker of pipeline­s for oil and gas. 5 1.1 Introduc­tion 7 1.1.1 World primary energy consumpt­ion of oil and natural gas. 7 1.1.2 Environm­ental impacts. 11 1.2 Worlds poker over pipeline­s. 12 1.2.1 Pipeline Routes all over the world. 12 1.2.2 History and Interest­s behind the pipeline­s. 16 1.2.3 New conflict­s about fossil energy. 19 1.3 Outlook: Alternat­ives and Expectat­ions for the future. 24 1.4 Bibliogr­aphy. 33 Figures Figure 1: Proved Oil reserves at end 2009. 8 Figure 2: Proved natural gas reserves at end 2009. 8 Figure 3: World pipeline map. 13 Figure 4: European strategy for natural gas. 14 Figure 5: Source EU Commissi­on, IEA; Calculat­ed by DIW Berlin, in Billion per unit volume, p. 4, 30.04.20­11) 24 Figure 6: Eurogas long term outlook 2030, ( p. 5, 30.04.20­11). 25 Figure 7:…[show more]
Proper use of Sanitation in Bangladesh
2.237 Words / ~10 pages buet, dhaka Pro­per use of Sa­ni­ta­ti­on in Ban­gla­desh 1.In­tro­duc­tion Ac­cor­ding to esti­ma­ti­ons the­re are ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 2, 6 bil­li­on peo­p­le li­ving wi­t­hout pro­per sa­ni­ta­ti­on. The­se peo­p­le have to de­ci­de on dai­ly ba­sis how to or­ga­ni­ze de­feca­ti­on wi­t­hout fee­ling as­ha­med, feel of fear or di­rect he­alth pro­blems due to lack of sa­ni­ta­ti­on. So­me re­li­e­ve them­sel­ves du­ring the night time while others hi­de in the bus­hes for de­feca­ti­on. So­me peo­p­le even de­feca­te in­to pla­s­tic bags and then throw the bags as far as they can. If peo­p­le don’t have ac­cess to pro­per toi­lets, they need to re­ly on so­lu­ti­ons that are neither good for them nor the com­mu­ni­ties they live in, or for the en­vi­ron­ment. Due to ina­de­qua­te wa­ter sup­p­ly, se­werage sys­tems and lack of sa­ni­ta­ti­on mil­li­ons of peo­p­le face de­ath an­nu­al­ly. Over 2 mil­li­on peo­p­le die an­nu­al­ly just by di­ar­rhoea, whe­r­e­f­rom…[show more]

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