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List of Term papers: Geo Sciences

Is Sustainable Tourism Achievable?
2.666 Words / ~10 pages Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Chhetri, L. (2008) 3 Sisters Adventur­e Trekking and Empoweri­ng Women of Nepal. Pokhara. [online] Availabl­e from: [ Accessed 08th November 2009] Dasenbro­ck, J. (2001) The Pros and Cons of Ecotouri­sm in Costa Rica. [online] Availabl­e from: [ Accessed 08th November 2009]. Davidson­, R. (1998) Travel and Tourism in Europe. 2nd edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Publishi­ng. Geotouri­sm. The Future of Travel (2007). National Geograph­ic. DVD. Hall, C.M. and Lew, A.A. (1999) Sustaina­ble Tourism. Prentice Hall. London. Marvell A. and Watkins, C. (2005) Sustaina­ble Tourism. Sheffiel­d: Geograph­ical Associat­ion. Mowforth M. and Munt I. (2008) Tourism and Sustaina­bility: developm­ent, globaliz­ation and new tourism in the third world. London: Taylor and Francis. UNEP and SNV Nepal and Nepal Tourism Board (2008) Building­â€¦[show more]
How is the city of Munich dealing with its goal to supply the city with power generated with renewable energies by 2025?
4.719 Words / ~13 pages Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - LMU Lud­wig-Ma­xi­mi­li­an-­­Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich In­sti­tu­te for So­cio­lo­gy Ad­van­ced se­mi­nar: Tran­si­ti­on towards sus­taina­bi­li­ty TO­PIC: TRAN­SI­TI­ON IN EN­ER­GY RE­GI­ONS HOW IS THE CI­TY OF MU­NICH DEAL­ING WI­TH ITS GOAL,TO SUP­P­LY THE CI­TY WI­TH POWER GE­NE­RA­TED WI­TH RE­NE­WA­BLE EN­ER­GIES BY 2025? , Prof. Dr. Bin­der, Prof. Dr. Gill Ad­van­ced se­mi­nar pa­per, 2012/2013 Mu­nich, 02.01.2013 Ta­ble of con­tent: 1. In­tro­duc­tion.­.­ 2 2. Tran­si­ti­on.­.­ .2 2.1 What is a Tran­si­ti­on.­.­2 2.2 The mo­re le­vel per­spec­ti­ve and es­sen­ti­al mo­dels of ch­an­ge.­ 3 3. En­er­gy re­gi­on.­.­ .4 3.1 What is an en­er­gy re­gi­on.­. .4 4. Ex­am­p­le for a tran­si­ti­on in an en­er­gy re­gi­on.­.4 4.1 Mu­nich as an ex­am­p­le.­­. 4 4.2 De­ve­lo­p­ment of­fen­si­ve to re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy of the SWM.­6 4.3 Neuau­bing/ Frei­ham.­­.­7 4.4…[show more]
Impronta Ecologica: Analisi e Impatti Ambientali - Classe 2Cclil
1.381 Words / ~7 pages Liceo scientifico G. Sulpicio Veroli Italy Im­pron­ta eco­lo­gi­ca A cu­ra di Clas­se 2Cclil, An­no sco­la­s­ti­co 2014/2015 In­di­ce: In­tro­du­zi­o­ne. .pag. 3 Qua­li so­no le ra­gio­ni del­la cri­si am­bi­en­ta­le .pag. 3 Un es­em­pio di con­ti­nen­te den­sa­men­te po­pola­to: lEu­ro­pa .pag. 3 A qua­le li­vel­lo é lim­pron­ta eco­lo­gi­ca og­gi. .pag. 4 Il di­ver­so con­su­mo nel mon­do. .pag. 4 Che co­sé il de­bi­to eco­lo­gi­co. .pag. 5 Lo svi­lup­po sos­teni­bi­le .pag. 5 Bi­blio­gra­fia. pag. 7 Si­to­gra­fia .pag. 7 In­tro­du­zi­o­ne. Lim­pron­ta eco­lo­gi­ca mi­su­ra la pres­sio­ne del­luo­mo sul­le­qui­li­brio am­bi­en­ta­le del pia­ne­ta, mi­su­ran­do la quan­ti­tà di su­per­fi­cie ter­rest­re che oc­cor­re al­luo­mo per sod­dis­fa­re i suoi bi­so­gni e per smalti­re i ri­fi­uti che ha pro­dot­to. Uti­liz­zan­do lim­pron­ta eco­lo­gi­ca è pos­si­bi­le sti­ma­re quan­ti pia­ne­ta Ter­ra ser­vi­reb­be­ro per sos­tene­re lu­ma­ni­tà, qual­o­ra tut­ti vi­ve­s­se­ro se­con­do un de­ter­mi­na­to sti­le di…[show more]

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