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When will I receive my document?
How does the priority handing with Google +1 work?
I have not received a confirmation mail!
Will you publish my name?
I found my document on your website, but I did not upload it. How did you get it?
I don not have a document or link to share, what can I do?
I have to delete my document because it is checked for plagiarism!
Can I exchange or delete my uploaded document?
Why do I have to upload a document?
I need the document right now!
Where can I login or register?
How can I get download points?
Why do you save my IP address
• When will I receive my document?
It usually takes 1 to 24 hours. We are not a company, we have no regular working hours. Sometimes it takes only 10 minutes, sometimes it takes longer than 1 day.

• How does the priority handing with Google +1 work?
If you recomment our website on google +1 we will check your document first. You need a public google account to do that! Please NEVER use the priority button if the google +1 voting id not public and visible to everyone.

• I have not received a confirmation mail!
The confirmation mail ist for your saftey, so you can check if your email ist correct and your spam filter does not delete the answer-mail. Your document will be processed by us always, even if you do not receive a confirmation mail. We can not check if you make a mistake writting down your own email address. If you have not received a document or a confirmation mail after 24 hours, please contact us via the contact form

• Will you publish my name?
We publish only those data you give us and the data in your document. For your safety we delete all personal home addresses, email-addresses, phone numbers and matriculation numbers.

• I found my document on your website, but I did not upload it. How did you get it?
Please ask your relatives, friends or colleagues, whether they have uploaded your document. In 90% of all cases some of your relatives or friends have uploaded the document. We have no access to your computer, nor do we upload any documents by ourself. So check: Who has access do your documents?. We check the documents for plagiarism and reject the document if it is obviously not written by the uploader.

• I don not have a document or link to share, what can I do?
We get this question one or two times per week and can not take this seriously. Everyone has a document (e.g. from school) to share. We accept nearly all kind of written things - as long as you have written it by yourself! And you can also just create a link to our page in some forum (use the system) and you receive the document.

• I have to delete my document because it is checked for plagiarism!
No problem. There are tow ways. a.) Write your name on it. You can not make a plagiarism from yourself. That ist the safest method! b.) On request, me deactivate your document for 3 months - please contact us! Note that your document still can be found on Google Cance. If it appears there without your name, someone my think it is not yours when they check it for plagiarism.

• Can I exchange or delete my uploaded document?
You can not delete your uploaded document later. We have a lot of work to check your document and you have already received your document. The sense of trading is to upload something and to receive another document. Just because you change your opinion later we will not delete that document. The site dokumente-online or receive the right to publish your document(read our terms), you can not sell your document later to another publisher.

• Why do I have to upload a document?
This is just the point of an exchange market. You may also benefit by that system because later more documents are available.

• I need the document right now!
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. But we are working on a payment system (with compensation to the original author!). This may be possible in 2012.

• Where can I login or register?
You don't have to register or login. You indicate your email address and we will send you a document. Thats it.

• How can I get download points?
The system with download points no longer exist, because the registration system does not exist anymore. Users who have download points from earier registration can still use them. Click on download document, than scroll down a bit. You will find a link: registered users. --> register here: Sing in using your old user name, and you can still consume old download points. New download points are not available anymore!

• Why do you save my IP address
We point out that we do save your IP address, but this happens on all servers in every LOG (we just advise you to this case additionally). The idea that you can surf anonymously is absurd. We must also ensure ourself, because your are responsible for what you upload. If you are guilty of copyright infrigement (that is knowingly copying a book or document and upload it on our website), then we kepp ourselvs free from any damage, so we save your contact information. As long as you just upload your self-written documents or quote passages copied, you will never have any problems.

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