

BORG Dreierschützengasse Graz

Wiener, 2009

Caroline F. ©

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ID# 19778

·         Englisch Kernstoff: food


It is important for your health what you eat, where you eat and why you eat.

As a teenager you have to eat a variety of foods that give you the nutrients your growing body needs.

It is not wrong if you eat burgers and pizza but you have to eat smaller amounts and balance them with other foods.

Eating while doing other things makes it easy to lose track of how much you have eaten. By eating at a table you can pay more attention to what you are eating (so you cannot overeat).

Even if you are watching TV you should take a small amount of food with you, not the whole bag.

For most people, reasons to eat are time of day, hunger, food looks tempting, boredom, frustration, nervousness or sadness.

The best reason to eat is because your body tells you that you are hungry. If you are eating, instead of not being hungry try to get the food out of your mind, by doing something else (call a friend, read a book).

Many teenagers try to lose weight even if they do not have to.

(Aneroxia nervosia: it is a form of self-starvation where a person does not eat enough food to keep healthy and does not maintain a healthy weight.

Bulimia nervosa: is when a person eats a lot of food and then vomits.)

So if you are not happy with your weight you have to talk to a person you trust.

Being happy with whom you are and what you look like is important for a healthy body and mind. You do not have to look like a supermodel to like who you are or to stay fit and healthy.

Organic food

Organic foods are produced according to certain production standards.

For crops, it means they were grown without the use of pesticides, human waste and that they were processed without food additives.

Meals in Britain

At breakfast they eat very healthy things like a bowl of cornflakes and tea, or muesli and fresh orange juice but the traditional British breakfast is bacon, eggs and sausages with toast. Nowadays this meal is served in hotels and is very popular with visitors.

Snacks and lunches: Lunch is a light meal and is eaten at school or work. Lunch takes 30- 40 minutes. Popular lunches are a salad or a sandwich, a baked potato, beans on toast.

Snacks are very popular in Britain and many people eat snacks between meals. Schools and workplaces also sell snacks like chocolate and sweets. (5.5 million packets of crisps are sold every year.

Dinner and Take-Aways

Dinner is the main meal of the day and consists meat or fish and vegetables followed by a dessert or pudding. Pre- cooked foods are especially popular. 60% of British homes use a microwave oven for cooking.

Foreign food has become a regular part of British diet. Italian, Indian and Chinese foods are popular for evening meals.

Take- Aways became popular in the 1980. The traditional British take- away is fish and chips. Most towns and cities now offer a wide range of take-away meals from American style hamburgers to Turkish kebabs.

Most working people do not have tea as an afternoon meal but they do have a short break for a cup of tea. Tea is also often drunk with lunch and dinner.

Cooking and restaurants

Ways of cooking food

• Boil: in water eg. carrots

• Fry: in oil or butter above the heat: sausages

• Grill: under the heat: toast or meat

• Roast: in the oven using oil: meat

• Bake: in the oven without oil: cakes

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