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Hills like White Elephant­s Ernest Hemingwa­y (Answer question­s)

1.089 Words / ~4½ pages sternsternsternstern_0.2stern_0.3 Author Bettina R. in Feb. 2016
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Hills Like White Elephants” by ERNEST HEMINGWAY

I Answer questions 1 and 5 that appear at the end of the story.

II. Also copy any sentence that shows denotation or connotation and explain it in your own words.

  1. Answer questions 1 and 5 that appear at the end of the story.

1.From what point of view is the story told?

The story is told from the third person point of view, narrator.

2.Since the story offers so little information about the back ground and appearance of the characters, discuss the implications of such details as are provided.

There are few implications with regard to appearance of the characters:

The female in the story is describe as a “girl” which could indicate that she is young;

The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building.”;

she is rather passive and young girl:

  • The girl did not say anything” ;

    she lacks strong identity, indecisive, submissive:

  • And if I do it you ‘ll be happy and things will be like they were and you ‘ll love me?”,

  • I know. But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants and you’ll like it?”

  • She is conflicted within herself about the problem (abortion):

  • Can we maybe stop talking?”

  • Would you please please please please please please please stop talking “

  • I’d scream,” the girl said.

    She is sarcastic:

  • So have I,” said the girl.” And afterward they were all so happy”

    The male character is described as a “man” and it indicates that he is older then his girlfriend;

    He is American:

  • The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building.”;

    speaks Spanish, has a knowledge of Spanish liquors

  • Dos cervezas,’the man said into the curtain;

  • Aris del Toro . It’s a drink”:

    through the story line, with fake concern and support for the girl, he opposes the idea of keeping her pregnancy. Trying to convince her to do the abortion:

  • I think it’s beast thing to do. But I don’t want you to do it if you don’t really want to.”;

    He is selfish- pregnancy of his girlfriend “bothers him, makes him unhappy:

  • That’s the only thing that bothers us. It’s the only thing that’s made us unhappy”;

    He is manipulative to achieve his goals (abortion), describing abortion like something easy and simple:

  • It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig .It’s really not anything . It’s just to let the air in.”

  • I’ve known lots of people that have done it”;

    He seems to be in charge of in their relationship. We can see in handling their luggage, He takes care of it and in ordering the drinks (he picks the drinks and orders them):

  • He picked up the two heavy bags and carried them around the station to the other tracks.”

  • Let’s drink beers”: “We want two Aris Toro”;

    The bar lady: woman who speaks only Spanish: When American man orders the drinks he asks for them in Spanish:

  • Dos credenzas, the man said into curtain”;

    Background of the story:

    The realm of the story takes place in Spain, :Ebro is a river in Zaragoza, using Spanish currency:

  • The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white”

    It’s a railway station:

  • “ ….express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes and went to Madrid”;

  • Four reales”;

    American orders Spanish drinks and he also speaks to the bartender in Spanish language:

  • Dos cervezas,” the man said into the curtain.

  • Aris del Torro. It’s a drink”.

    3. How is the setting at Spanish railroad crossing appropriate to the theme?

    Spanish railroad crossing is appropriate to the theme because it represent the crossroad in the relationship between the girl and the man. Either they will keep the unborn baby or do the abortion. On one side of railroad there are white hills, dry area without shade and no trees-it might represent the abortion ( lifeless); no future; painful process) and on the other side were “fields of grain and trees “ and the river Ebro –it might represent new born child, new life, future of another being.

    4. What is the significance of the title?

    White Elephant according to a definition (Wikipedia.org) is a possession that is useless or troublesome, unwanted, expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of.

    The pregnancy and a child in the girl’s womb is called white elephant and described as unwanted pregnancy that creates conflict between the couple, makes them troubled and divided.

    The title “Hills like White Elephants” reminds me also of the expression “big elephant in

    the room”, which means that there is a huge problem/ decision to be made between American

    man and a girl. They both see it and discussion about it is impossible to avoid, yet they still

    pretend ( by drinking, talking about surroundings) that everything is just fine. The white

    elephant might represent the decision: either do the abortion or keep the baby.

    5. As the man drinks his Anis, he thinks to himself, ”They were all waiting reasonably for the train”. What is the force of the word reasonably”?

    The force of the word “reasonably” in man’s thought is really powerful. As we read the story he behaves totally unreasonably toward his girlfriend. He only saw the problem from his point of view and through the entire story he was trying to convince her that the only way to solve it is his way. Yet, at the end he is having thought about people waiting reasonably for the train. In contrast to people’s behavior, he was trying force his way or stop upcoming event. This though could indicate that he realized that he was too selfish and manipulative and unfair towards his girlfriend; that maybe he should back off little bit and see what life will bring.

    II. Also copy any sentence that shows denotation or connotation and explain it in your own words.


    1.“Hills Like White Elephants: white elephant- something unwanted , undesired ,difficult to dispose of; the hills might represents pregnant mother’s belly and the child in her womb is a white elephant (unwanted possession ).

    also “white” color means something pure, innocent (a baby in a mother’s womb).

    2. “Everything tastes of licorice. Especially all the things you ‘ve waited so long for, like

    absinthe” – Compering things to licorice or absinthe meaning that everything so far the man ‘ve waited for is bitter.

    3.” It’s just to let the air in”- means that something is very simple and easy. In this case is about the abortion procedure which is described by the man as very simple, fast and easy thing.



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