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List of Handouts: English Language

US Presidential Democracy and Party Politics: An Overview
486 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Gernsheim Po­li­tics in the USA The fun­da­men­tal po­li­ti­cal sys­tem is cal­led a pre­si­den­ti­al de­mo­cra­cy The U.S. is di­vi­ded in­to 50 sta­tes and the Dis­trict of Co­lum­bia the United Sta­tes is ba­sed on the image of a de­mo­cra­tic ca­pi­ta­lism, not a so­cial de­mo­cra­tic sys­tem li­ke we have it in Eu­ro­pe elec­tion day Tues­day af­ter the first Mon­day in no­vem­ber every 4 ye­ars (ci­ti­z­ons are elec­tion their fa­vo­ri­te elec­tor) Elec­to­ral Col­lege Wahl­män­ner Su­pre­me Courtobers­tes Ge­richt Sa­te Court ein­zel­staat­li­ches Ge­richt Ar­med ForcesMi­li­tär Exe­cu­ti­ve Of­fice “ Chef­bü­ro“ What did you learn ? As­sing the Pre­si­dents to their Po­li­ti­cal Par­ty Nu­mer 32 is miss­ing do you re­mem­ber his na­me ? Who lost the 2012 elec­tion against Oba­ma ? Re­pu­bli­can Par­ty one of the two ma­jor par­ties in the United Sta­tes It was foun­ded in 1854 and has so far pro­vi­ded 18 of the 43 Ame­ri­can pre­si­dents.…[show more]
Referat: The Coca Cola Company (Timeline USA and Europe)
1.131 Words / ~ pages HAK Oberpullendorf The Co­ca Co­la Com­pa­ny Good evening La­dies and Gen­tle­man and wel­co­me to my Pre­sen­ta­ti­on about the Co­ca Co­la Com­pa­ny. What can you await in the next few mi­nu­tes? First­ly, I want to tell you so­me­thing about the histo­ry. Se­cond­ly, so­me­thing about Co­ca Co­la in Eu­ro­pe and third­ly – in the end I will show you an in­te­res­t­ing graph. So let’s start! Have you ever won­de­red about the gre­at mys­te­ries of life – li­ke how the uni­ver­se be­gan? Or the se­cret for­mu­la for Co­ca Co­la? He­re is the re­al sto­ry: Co­ca Co­la was in­ven­ted in At­lan­ta 128 ye­ars ago. Back in 1886 a phar­macist na­med John Stith Pem­ber­ton was ex­pe­ri­men­ting wi­th a new re­ci­pe. He took co­ca nuts, wi­ne, da­mi­a­na and co­la lea­ves and boi­led them in­to sy­rup. He thought that is was re­al­ly tasty. So he took it to Ja­cob’s Phar­ma­cy, whe­re he mi­xed the sy­rup wi­th car­bo­na­ted wa­ter and sold it for 5 cents a glass.…[show more]
Christianity's Evolution in the UK: Historical Insights and Modern Dynamics
2.445 Words / ~11 pages Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - LMU Re­li­gi­on in the UK I. Chris­tia­ni­ty in the UK 1. Ear­ly Chris­tia­ni­ty ear­ly Bri­tish histo­ry: va­rious forms of pa­gan be­lief (po­ly­the­i­stic be­lief sys­tem) or­ga­nis­ed re­li­gi­on ~ AD 100: Chris­tia­ni­ty ar­ri­ves wi­th the Ro­mans, no or­ga­ni­zed at­tempt to con­vert Bri­tain AD 313 Edict of Mi­lan (by Em­per­or Con­stan­ti­ne): Chris­tia­ni­ty is le­ga­li­zed, Free­dom of wor­ship th­roug­hout the Ro­man Em­pire ~ AD 410: Ar­ri­val of An­gles, Sa­xons, and Ju­tes af­ter the fall of the Ro­man Em­pire → re-pa­ga­ni­sa­ti­on → Chris­tia­ni­ty sur­vi­ves on the Wes­tern ed­ges of Bri­tain AD 596-7: Au­gus­ti­nes fa­mous mis­si­on from Po­pe Gre­go­ry I in Ro­me to King Aethel­bert of Kent as kind of a mi­le­stone for the fu­ture cour­se of Chris­tia­ni­ty in Bri­tain con­flicts and di­vi­si­ons bet­ween sou­thern Eng­lish Chris­tia­ni­ty (ba­sed on the Church of Ro­me) and Ire­land, Wales, Scot­land, and Nor­t­hern…[show more]
Ku Klux Klan's History and Evolution - Essential Guide
307 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Hannover KKK (Ku Klux Klan) 1.) The ori­g­ins 1.1 The Klan’s foun­da­ti­on - na­me ori­gin- Greek word “ku­klos” > cir­cle - ra­cist or­ga­niza­ti­on - foun­ded in Ten­nes­see on 24th De­cem­ber in 1865 1.2 The ac­ti­vi­ties - so­cial, right-win­ged com­mu­ni­ty - prea­ching “white power” - tho­rough­ly be­lie­ve black peo­p­le are in­fe­ri­or to white peo­p­le - de­mons­tra­ti­on against ho­mo­se­xu­als, black peo­p­le, Jews, Ca­tho­lic 1.3 Aims - main goal- ear­ly era: to wea­k­en the Re­con­s­truc­tion go­vern­ments - re-es­tab­lish “the hier­ar­chy”, the black com­mu­ni­ty had be­en se­pa­ra­ted from white com­mu­ni­ty - goals- to­day and re­cent­ly: ra­cial se­gre­ga­ti­on and white su­pre­ma­cy 2.) Mem­bers peo­p­le from “South” white, pa­trio­tic, ma­le Pro­tes­tants of­ten of les­ser edu­ca­ti­on known for their white ro­bes, big gathe­rings and bur­ning cru­ci­fi­xes 3.) The histo­ry of the Klan 3.1 First Klan (1865-1870)…[show more]
Child labor a big issue in our region
1.491 Words / ~11 pages Max-Delbrück Oberschule Berlin In­tro­duc­tion Child La­bor is a se­rious pro­blem around world, and can be found in dev. Count­ries. Ma­ny child­ren should work 9 up to 17 h dai­ly They work in fac­to­ries, fields par­ti­ci­pa­ted in ar­med con­flicts and work un­der sex pro­sti­tu­ti­on Child­ren should be play­ing, lear­ning to read and wri­te and ex­pe­ri­ence hap­py, he­alt­hy child­hood. De­fi­ni­ti­on Is the use of child­ren in an in­dus­try or busi­ness, in­ter­fe­res wi­th their abili­ty…[show more]
Understanding Racial Prejudice in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'
1.466 Words / ~ pages AHS Wien Ra­cism in “To Kill a Mo­cking­bird” HIS­TO­RI­CAL CON­TEXT: Ra­cism in the 1930s: The Gre­at De­pres­si­on af­fec­ted black peo­p­le far mo­re than an­yo­ne el­se due to ra­cial dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on. The un­em­ploy­ment ra­te, for ex­am­p­le, was con­sider­a­b­ly hig­her wi­thin the Af­ri­can Ame­ri­can com­mu­ni­ty, in com­pa­ri­son to the Cau­ca­si­an com­mu­ni­ty. Black peo­p­le we­re the last ones to get hi­red, but the first ones to get fired. White peo­p­le thought…[show more]
Handout: The reason for climate change
916 Words / ~2 pages HTL Mödling Over­view­Cli­ma­te Ch­an­ge is be­co­ming mo­re im­portant every day. You are ab­le to find ar­tic­les li­ke this all over the in­ter­net. Be­cau­se of the Im­portance of the Cli­ma­te ch­an­ge I want to gi­ve you an un­der­stan­ding of this to­pic to­day. I will ta­ke about the Ozone Ho­le, the Green­house ef­fect, na­tu­ral and an­thro­po­ge­nic cau­ses of cli­ma­te ch­an­ge, ef­fects and cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion. Ex­pl­ana­tion­Cli­ma­te ch­an­ge is when the wea­ther…[show more]
Texas und seine Entstehung - Handout zum Vortrag Englisch - Klasse 9
594 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Dresden Te­xas( Lo­ne-Star Sta­te )Geo­gra­phy­­di­ver­se and lar­geoc­cu­p­ies about 7% of the­to­tal land and wa­ter area of the U. S. the se­cond lar­gest sta­te­af­ter Alas­ka, the sou­thern­most part of the Gre­at Plains, which en­din the south against the fold­ed Si­er­ra Mad­re Ori­en­tal of Me­xi­cois lo­ca­ted in the sout­hof the midd­le of the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca is con­side­red part of­t­he U. S. South and al­so part of the U. S. Sou­thwest­ge­ner­al­ly…[show more]
Characterization Fatou, Embassy of Cambodia
970 Words / ~2 pages Friedrich Dessauer Gymnasium Aschaffenburg The Em­bas­sy of Cam­bo­dia Fa­tou cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on – Hand­out The Af­ri­can Fa­tou is the main cha­rac­ter of the short sto­ry “The Em­bas­sy of Cam­bo­dia” writ­ten by Zadie Smith, which was pu­blished in 2013 and deals wi­th the life of an eco­no­mic re­fu­gee in Lon­don, the pro­blems she faces and her dif­fi­cult past. The co­lou­red wo­man Fa­tou li­ves in Wil­les­den, Lon­don and co­mes from the Ivo­ry Co­ast. She’s an eco­no­mic re­fu­gee and works for…[show more]

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