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List of Portfolios: English Language

Reading log Witch Child - Celia Rees/Leseportfolio
18.594 Words / ~42 pages Gymnasium Laufen Then one evening when they reached the top of a hill to stay over night, they saw smoke rising below them, which indicate­d the whereabo­uts of the others, which left Salem before them. But there was still a long way to go before they would arrive at their destinat­ion. But fortunat­ely the forest now thinned out, making it easier to journey on. Finally they reached the settleme­nt they were looking for and where greeted by its inhabita­nts while the Indian boy and his grandfat­her quietly disappea­red into the forest again. New Characte­rs Maxi, Cédric The Indians: The Red Indians, a boy and his grandfat­her, are the guides of the Puritans­. They do not believe Satan. They are helpfull­y. Question­s , Lukas Americo 1. When did they leave Salem? à On a brillian­t July day 2. Why didnR­17;t Jonah fear the forest and the Indians? 3. à Cause his interest­ed…[show more]
Portfolio: Looking for Alaska - John Green
841 Words / ~10 pages Bergstrassengymnasium Hemsbach 10a - Berg­stras­sen­gym­nas­ium 2.05.14 Loo­king for Alas­ka John Green Ta­ble of Con­tents 1. Al­ter­na­ti­ve Co­ver 2. No­vel Sum­ma­ry 3. Cha­rac­ter Pro­fi­le 4. My Ques­ti­ons while re­a­ding 5. Re­wri­ting a pas­sa­ge 6. Word Web 7. Re­view 8. Sources 1. Al­ter­na­ti­ve Co­ver 2. No­vel Sum­ma­ry The no­vel, loo­king for Alas­ka is about a guy, cal­led Mi­les, who wants to lea­ve his old school to go to a boar­ding school in Ala­ba­ma. Mi­les is just an equal guy, un­til he meets a Cli­que, con­sis­ting of The Co­lo­nel (his room­ma­te), Alas­ka and Ta­ku­mi. The Cli­que is com­ple­te­ly chan­ging Mi­les bor­ing life. As Mi­les first sees Alas­ka, he falls in love and he is fa­sci­na­ted of the Girl, wi­th her spe­cial cha­rac­ter. He in­te­gra­tes good in­to the Cli­que and the dai­ly life, af­ter school is ma­de up by the Co­dex to never reve­al, what the other ones do. Mi­les starts a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent life.…[show more]
The Hunger Games von Suzanne Collins
2.712 Words / ~13 pages Rhein-Sieg Gymnasium The Hun­ger Games by Su­zan­ne Coll­ins Re­a­ding Log by Ade­mi Rhein-Sieg-Gym­na­si­­um Sankt Au­gus­tin March 2016 Ta­ble of con­tent I. Chap­ter sum­ma­ries “The Tri­bu­tes“ chap­ters 1-9 . 1 “The Games”, chap­ters 10-18 . 2 “The Vic­tor”, chap­ters 19-27 3 II. Cha­rac­ter list Kat­niss Ever­deen 4 Pee­ta Mel­lark 5 Rue 6 Cin­na . 6 Prim . 7 III. Spe­cial scen­ces The chan­ging re­la­ti­ons­hop bet­ween Kat­niss and Pee­ta 8 The ca­pi­tol: power and aut­ho­ri­ty . 9 The ro­le the me­dia plays and how it af­fects the peo­p­le 10 IV. Per­so­nal thoughts 11 I. Chap­ter sum­ma­ries “The Tri­bu­tes“ chap­ter con­tent 1 Kat­niss hunts in the woods whe­re she meets Ga­le. It is the day of re­a­ping; at the town squa­re they at­tend the re­a­ping whe­re Prim is choo­sen as a tri­bu­te for the 74th Hun­ger Games. 2 * Kat­niss vol­un­teers her sis­ter Prim; the other tri­bu­te (ma­le) from Dis­tric 12 (Seam) is Pee­ta Mall­ark.…[show more]
Charakteranalyse in
1.126 Words / ~2 pages Borg Linz The gre­at Gats­by Re­la­ti­onship bet­ween Nick and Jay At the be­gin­ning of the sto­ry Nick does not know very much about Mr. Gats­by. He just he­ars a lot of ru­mors about him, but he does not be­lie­ve ever­y­thing. He wants to crea­te his own pic­tu­re of him. One day he gets an in­ven­ti­on from Jay Gats­by to his house, which is right next to his house. When he went to Gats­by’s house, the­re was a par­ty li­ke every weekend. But he rea­li­zed that he was the on­ly one who got per­so­nal­ly in­ven­ted. When he met Gats­by he in­stant­ly thought that Mr. Gats­by is very li­keable. Over the time the two of them got to knew them bet­ter. In ad­di­ti­on to that Jay told Nick the re­al sto­ries of his life. For in­s­tance, what he did in the past and how he got his mo­ney. My per­so­nal im­pres­si­on was that Jay Gats­by trus­ted Nick from the be­gin­ning on and sees his in­tel­li­gent and crea­ti­ve po­ten­ti­al.…[show more]
A prayer for Blue Delaney - Portfolio
3.253 Words / ~10 pages Gymnasium Köln A pray­er for Blue De­laney – Port­fo­lio In­halts­ver­zeich­nis Let­ter from Colm to his mo­ther. 2 Dia­ry ent­ry. 2 In­ner mo­no­lo­gue of Colm in chap­ter 8. 3 Dia­ry ent­ry. 3 Ta­ble wi­th short sum­ma­ry about every chap­ter. 4 Com­ment on chap­ter 18. 7 Com­ment on Chap­ter 9. 7 Book re­view 8 Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on Colm 9 Sum­ma­ry about chap­ter 28. 10 Sum­me­ry on chap­ter 1. 10 Let­ter from Colm to his mo­ther Dear mum, I wro­te you a lot of let­ters, but I don’t…[show more]
Portfolio zum Thema World of Work - English
1.588 Words / ~6 pages HLT Bad Leonfelden Eng­lish Port­fo­lio: World of Work­Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Sec­tion: A ap­point­ment = an im­portant job B busi­ness = a per­sons re­gu­lar oc­cu­pa­ti­on, pro­fes­si­on, or trade C cur­ri­cu­lum vi­tae = a brief ac­count of a per­sons edu­ca­ti­on, qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, and pre­vious ex­pe­ri­ence, ty­pi­cal­ly sent wi­th a job ap­pli­ca­ti­on. D de­le­ga­ti­on = the pro­cess of gi­ving work to a less se­ni­or per­son E em­ploy­ment = work that you are paid re­gu­lar­ly F func­tion = so­meone’s…[show more]
Dystopian Literature: Black Sheep by Ben Peek - Portfolio
1.027 Words / ~2 pages Borg Deutschlandsberg Dys­to­pian Li­te­ra­tu­re: Black Sheep by Ben Peek - Port­fo­lio 1) The prot­ago­nist, Isao Da­zai is a Ja­pa­ne­se man pro­ba­b­ly in his thir­ties. He is li­ving in a world whe­re peo­p­le of dif­fe­rent races are se­gre­ga­ted in ghet­tos. Da­zai has mo­ved to Aus­tra­lia, Asi­an-Syd­ney wi­th his fa­mi­ly. He was cap­tu­red and brought to court by so cal­led Se­gre­ga­tors who re­pre­sent the law of the United Na­ti­ons and was forced to un­der­go a tri­al. He is trea­ted…[show more]
Reading diary: The Wave von Morton Rhue. Book summary, characterization od Ben Ross, Book review
1.911 Words / ~9 pages Gymnasium Burgstädt Re­a­ding dia­ry: The Wa­ve von Mor­ton Rhue. Book sum­ma­ry, cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on od Ben Ross, Book re­view­Con­tents: Re­a­ding ex­pec­ta­ti­on Book sum­ma­ry Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of Ben Ross News­pa­per ar­tic­le Dia­ry ent­ry Book re­view Re­a­ding ex­pec­ta­ti­ons: At first, I thought “The Wa­ve” isn’t re­al­ly a book I want to read. From the co­ver of the book I couldn’t re­al­ly ex­pect any­thing, be­cau­se it’s just red. But then I read the blurb and al­so…[show more]
Buch-Portfolio „How It Went Down“ by Kekla Magoon
1.407 Words / ~7 pages Lessing Gymnasium Port­fo­lio on: by Port­fo­lio tasks 1. Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on a) Wri­te a cha­rac­ter ana­ly­sis of one cha­rac­ter. How does the cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on help dri­ve the plot? How It Went Down was writ­ten by Kek­la Mag­gon and pu­blished on the 21 of Oc­to­ber 2014. It deals wi­th the de­ath of Ta­riq, a 16 ye­ars old boy who got shot, and how it af­fects the life of his fa­mi­ly, his fri­ends, but al­so of to­tal stran­gers. Jen­ni­ca did not re­al­ly know Ta­riq. She…[show more]
Boot Camp von Morton Ruhe: Kleines Portfolio: Charaktere und Story Summary
1.144 Words / ~ pages BG/BRG Frauengasse Baden Boot Camp by Mor­ton Rhue Port­fo­lio Au­tor/Mor­ton Rhue: Stras­ser was born on the 5. May 1950 in New York Ci­ty. He is an Ame­ri­can wri­ter. His stage na­me is Mor­ton Rhue, this na­me claims to be a play on words from the French words Mort (Tod=Todd) and Rue (Stra­ße = Stras­ser). Mor­ton Rhue li­ved wi­th his wi­fe and two child­ren in New York Ci­ty for 15 ye­ars. Con­nor Du­rell: Con­nor is a high­ly ta­len­ted, six­teen-year-old teen­ager from…[show more]
Englisch Portfolio zum Buch
1.235 Words / ~8 pages Gymnasium St.Martin, Villach IN­ITI­AL­LY A PIC­TU­RE OF THE BOOK CO­VER WAS HE­RE The Gi­ver By Lois Lo­wry Your Na­me Port­fo­lio TA­BLE OF CON­TENTS PA­GE In­tro­duc­tion 2 My fa­vou­ri­te pas­sa­ge 2 Re­a­ding dia­ry: the cha­rac­ters and me 3 if Jo­nas and the Gi­ver would be Ani­ma­les 4 Key terms 4 Let­ter to the aut­hor - Al­ter­na­ti­ve En­ding 5 Re­ver­en­ces: the book, dict.cc In­tro­duc­tion I main­ly cho­se this book, be­cau­se of a book re­view a girl ma­de. She ex­plai­ned that she had no­ti­ced…[show more]
Twelfth Night from William Shakespeare
662 Words / ~ pages Albert Einstein Gymnasium Frankenthal Al­bert-Ein­stein-Gy­m­na­si­um 06.05.20 Leis­tungs­kurs Eng­lisch Ben Twelfth Night from Wil­liam Shake­speare Ba­sic in­for­ma­ti­on: Twelfth Night, or What you Will is a ro­man­tic co­me­dy by Wil­liam Shake­speare, have be­en writ­ten around 1601 and 1602 in Eng­land. The time when the sto­ry ta­kes place is unknown and the place is the my­thi­cal land of Il­ly­ria. His­to­ri­cal back­ground: Wil­liam Shake­speare was a fa­mous play­w­right…[show more]
Fahrenheit 451: Ray Bradbury Portfolio
1.609 Words / ~8 pages BRG Viktring Klagenfurt PORT­FO­LIO – FAH­REN­HEIT 451°Part I: The he­arth and the sa­la­man­der (p.9-p.89)*Ques­tio­ns*Flash­back vs fo­res­ha­dowing*Char&sh­yac­te­riza­ti­on*Sum­ma­ry*Ques­ti­ons*Imagery*De­fi­ni­ti­on: Hap­pi­ness °Part II: The sie­ve and the sand (p.93-p.143)*Quest­­ions*Mista­kes in a sum­ma­ry° Part III: Bur­ning bright (p.147-p.211)*Re­vi­­ew*Hound Night­ma­re°Cha­rac­te­r Files*Mon­tag*Pro­fe­s­sor Fa­ber­The…[show more]
Bookportfolio of ´1984´ by George Orwell
2.583 Words / ~8 pages BG/BRG Kirchengasse Graz Sum­ma­ry The book 1984 is about li­ving in a so­cie­ty whe­re a to­ta­li­ta­ri­an po­li­ti­cal par­ty has the ab­so­lu­te power over a na­ti­on. The sto­ry ta­kes place in Eng­land, or bet­ter said Ocea­nia, whe­re Big Brot­her, the lea­der of the par­ty, wat­ches over ever­yo­ne at all times. No mat­ter whe­re you look, the­re are pos­ters of Big Brot­her’s face wi­th the slo­gan ““BIG BROT­HER IS WAT­CHING YOU.” and screens re­cor­ding and ma­king su­re no­bo­dy…[show more]

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