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List of Preparation for school leaving examination: English Language

Short Summary of the American History (from Columbus to Obama)
1.369 Words / ~6 pages Waldorfschule Ravensburg Ame­ri­can Histo­ry­ In four­teen hundred ni­ne­ty two Co­lum­bus sai­led the oce­an blue: · Ja­me­s­town was foun­ded in 1617. Di­ed a few ye­ars la­ter of no food. · Vir­gi­nia star­va­ti­on, hard life in be­gin­nings, kids from the streets, pri­soners ->sur­vi­ved Pil­grims [1920] · Pil­grims, Pu­ri­tans & Qua­kers ca­me cau­se of re­li­gious [per­se­cu­ti­on in Eng­land/King] · May­flower Com­pact Co­lo­nies [North, Midd­le, South] · North: N. Hamp­shire, Con­nec­ti­cut, Mas­sa­chu­setts, Rho­de Is­land = New Eng­land § Pu­ri­tans. Po­or soil, ship­buil­ding, trade fi­shing, no slaves, no se­pa­ra­ti­on church/sta­te · Midd­le: N.Y., Penn­syl­va­nia, N. Jer­sey, § Re­li­gious to­le­rance, Qua­kers[W. Penn], Dutch, Tra­ding cent­re, Ca­pi­tal, Mer­chants Craft­smen, · Sou­thern: Vir­gi­nia, N+S Ca­ro­li­na, Geor­gia § Slavery, to­b­ac­co, cot­ton, su­gar, agri­cul­tu­ral sys­tems, plan­ta­ti­ons,…[show more]
Spezialgebiet Englisch - Canada and canadian authors and short stories: Orphan’s Progress - Good cop, Bad cop
5.821 Words / ~22 pages BORG Schwaz CA­NA­DA Spe­zi­al­ge­biet in Eng­lisch – Ka­na­di­sche Li­te­ra­tur In­halt 1) Na­ti­ve peo­p­le. 2 2) Eng­lish- French- Con­flict. 4 3) Or­phan’s Pro­gress. 6 4) GOOD COP BAD COP. 10 5) Bor­ders (Tho­mas King). 12 6) Green Sun­days. 18 1) Na­ti­ve peo­p­le So­me Ca­na­das Ab­ori­gi­nal peo­p­le or in­di­ge­nous peo­p­le are the First Na­ti­ons, Inu­it, and Mé­tis peo­p­le First Na­ti­ons: First Na­ti­ons re­fer to spe­ci­fic in­di­ge­nous groups in the land that is now known as Ca­na­da. First Na­ti­ons are ty­pi­cal­ly found south of the de­mar­ca­ti­on that se­pa­ra­tes First Na­ti­ons cul­tu­re groups from Inu­it cul­tu­re groups. The Inu­it are not First Na­ti­ons be­cau­se of their di­stinct re­gio­nal, cul­tu­ral, and lin­gu­i­stic dif­fe­ren­ces. Inu­it: Inu­it is a ge­ne­ral term for a group of in­di­ge­nous peo­p­les who are li­ving in the Arc­tic re­gi­ons of Ca­na­da: Green­land, Rus­sia and Alas­ka. The Inu­it main­ly speak…[show more]
Englisch Abitur Vorbereitung: John Howard Griffin, Black like me & James Moloney- Angela & Vikas Swarup / Danny Boyle: Slumdog Millionaire
12.879 Words / ~37 pages Lloyd Gymnasium Bremerhaven Eng­lisch Ab­itur Vor­be­rei­tung In­halts­ver­zeich­nis Ma­te­ri­al 1- John Ho­ward Grif­fin, Black li­ke me. 1 Ma­te­ri­al 2 - Ja­mes Mo­lo­ney- An­ge­la. 17 Ma­te­ri­al 3 - Vi­kas Swa­r­up: Q&A (2005) / Dan­ny Boyle: Slum­dog Mil­lionaire (2008) 27 Ma­te­ri­al 1- John Ho­ward Grif­fin, Black li­ke me - Oc­to­ber 28th, 1959: books be­g­ins as a dia­ry of the wri­ter, John Ho­ward Grif­fin; li­ves in Te­xas and spe­cia­li­zing in ra­cial is­sues, gets the idea, how to live as a black per­son and wants to ch­an­ge his co­lour to be a Ne­gro (John) - Oct. 29Th: dis­cus­ses his plan wi­th his old fri­end Ge­or­ge Le­vi­tan , ow­ner of the balck ma­ga­zi­ne Se­pia and wi­th the Edi­tor Mrs. Adel­le Jack­son; bo­th warn him, ex­plains it his sho­cked wi­fe (Ge­or­ge, wi­fe, John, Adel­le) - Oct. 30Th: ex­plain the FBI about his plan, thinks about he will be trea­tet (=> li­ke a na­me­l­ess Ne­gro) (FBI, John) - Nov. 1st: he ar­ri­ves…[show more]
History and rules of Soccer - Spezialgebiet Englisch
4.273 Words / ~12 pages AHS Gymnasium Enns Spe­zi­al­ge­biet aus Eng­lisch Brg Enns 2014 Spe­zi­al­ge­biet aus Eng­lisch As­so­cia­ti­on Foot­ball 8A Con­tents 1.)Ru­les and ge­ne­ral game­play Short ex­pl­ana­ti­on of the game and the aim of it Ru­les ta­c­tics 2.) Histo­ry of Foot­ball Ear­ly forms Foot­ball in the 19th cen­tu­ry Mo­dern foot­ball in the 20th cen­tu­ry 3.) So­cial va­lue World­wi­de dis­tri­bu­ti­on 4.) Eco­no­mic im­portance 5.) Ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on of foot­ball games6.) Sources Ge­ne­ral game­play, ru­les and ta­c­ticss­hort ex­pl­ana­ti­on of the game and the aim of it:Soc­cer is a sport, play­ed by two teams of ele­ven play­ers on a rec­tan­gu­lar field. The aim of the game is to score mo­re goals than the op­po­nent does. A goal counts on­ly when the ball com­ple­te­ly cros­ses the goal li­ne bet­ween the goal­posts and un­der the cross­bar . Foot­ball is the na­me of the sport and for the play­ground equip­ment , the foot­ball its­elf.…[show more]
African-American Civil Rights Movement - Abitur Spezialgebiete in Englisch
2.664 Words / ~9 pages Gymnasium Sacre Coeur, Wien Af­ri­can-Ame­ri­can Ci­vil Rights Mo­ve­ment Ab­itur Spe­zi­al­ge­biet Eng­lisch In­halts­ver­zeich­nis · Time­line. 2 · Ro­sa Mc­Cau­ley Parks 1913-2005. 3 · Sit-Ins 4 · Rev. Dr. Mar­tin Lu­ther King Ju­ni­or 1929-1968. 5 · Mal­colm X. 7 · To­day. 9 The Ci­vil Rights Mo­ve­ment was a re­form mo­ve­ment in the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca in the time bet­ween 1945 and 1970. It was a strugg­le to end the dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on of mi­no­ri­ties and to bring equa­li­ty un­der…[show more]
India: Abitur Zusammenfassung über Indien, Gandhi, Mutter Theresa und Bollywood
1.240 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Sacre Coeur, Wien IN­DIA – Eng­lisch / Ab­itur­vor­be­rei­tung Con­tent In 1498, a new sea rou­te from Eu­ro­pe to In­dia was dis­co­ver­ed which pa­ved the way for di­rect In­do-Eu­ro­pean com­mer­ce. The Por­tu­gue­se so­on set up tra­ding posts in Goa, Da­man, Diu and Bom­bay. The next to ar­ri­ve we­re the Dutch, the Bri­tish and the French. The in­ter­nal con­flicts among In­di­an king­doms ga­ve op­por­tu­ni­ties to the Eu­ro­pean trad­ers to gra­du­al­ly es­tab­lish po­li­ti­cal…[show more]
Ureinwohner Australiens: Aborigines
4.061 Words / ~12 pages Erzherzog Johann Gymnasium Bad Aussee AB­ORI­GI­NES 8a 2013/14 GE­NE­RAL FACTS ABOUT AUS­TRA­LIA: Aus­tra­lia, wi­th its ca­pi­tal ci­ty Can­ber­ra, has a to­tal area of about 7.692.024 km² on which 23.130.900 in­ha­bi­tants live. For com­pa­ri­son: Aus­tria has an area of about 83.878,99 km wi­th 8.488.511 in­ha­bi­tants. Fur­ther­mo­re Aus­tra­lia, which is lo­ca­ted bet­ween the In­di­an and the Pa­ci­fic Oce­an, is the world lar­gest is­land. But in the sa­me time it is the smal­lest con­ti­nent.…[show more]
Complaining about a Hotel. Writing task
454 Words / ~1 page HLW St.Pölten Wri­ting task 1 24.10.2016 La­dies and Gen­tle­men, A month ago, my fri­ends and I boo­ked the all-in­clu­si­ve of­fer from the ho­tel cal­led “Su­per Star Re­sort*****” th­rough your tra­vel agen­cy. Ever­y­thing work­ed out per­fect­ly, such as pay­ment and the flight. Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, so­me is­sues oc­cur­red du­ring our stay. First of all, I was as­to­nis­hed how lar­ge the ho­tel com­plex has be­en. The ho­tel its­elf was won­derful­ly de­co­ra­ted,…[show more]
The American Dream -  Frontier Spirit, Manifest Destiny, Equality, Contradictions/The American Nightmare
494 Words / ~ pages Abendgymnasium Rhein-Sieg Fron­tier Spi­rit be­lief in un­li­mi­t­ed op­por­tu­ni­ties in “the West” wil­ling­ness to ta­ke chal­lenges: space ex­plo­ra­ti­on, cli­ma­te ch­an­ge, etc. be­lief in “rug­ged” in­di­vi­dua­lism be­lief in hard work; self-re­li­ance (ca­pi­ta­lism) mo­bi­li­ty, fle­xi­bi­li­ty Ma­ni­fest De­sti­ny be­lief that it was Gods will for the USA (the cho­sen coun­try) to ex­pand his­to­ri­cal force be­hind US in­ter­na­tio­na­lism; be­lief that its Gods will that the…[show more]
Englisch Thema: Gay rights - Schwulenrechte
699 Words / ~ pages Fachhochschule Kehl Eng­lisch-KA Gay rights No­wa­days gay rights play an im­portant ro­le in or li­ves and shouldn’t be igno­red. In the 21st cen­tu­ry, ho­mo­se­xua­li­ty is no lon­ger ta­boo. But is it not im­portant if you are fe­ma­le or ma­le? Alt­hough the le­gal gaps in gen­der equa­li­ty are clo­sing slow­ly, in so­me ca­ses this still looks dif­fe­rent. When mo­ther, fa­ther, child be­co­mes fa­ther, fa­ther, child,ma­ny peo­p­le are ou­tra­ged. In mo­dern times you must…[show more]
Is the American Dream attainable for Larry and Thao? (Crooked Letter Crooked Letter and Gran Torino:
1.515 Words / ~3 pages Fanny-Leicht Gymnasium Stuttgart Es­say: Is the Ame­ri­can Dream at­tainable for Lar­ry and Thao? First and fo­re­most, what is the Ame­ri­can Dream? In sum­ma­ry the Ame­ri­can Dream is a Na­tio­nal ethos of the United Sta­tes. It re­pres­ents an ide­al in which free­dom of­fers the chan­ce of pro­spe­ri­ty and suc­cess for all peo­p­le. Fur­ther­mo­re, in­di­vi­du­als have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to achie­ve up­ward so­cial mo­bi­li­ty th­rough hard work in a so­cie­ty wi­th few bar­riers. As in the…[show more]
Creative writing about Samantha’s investigation A small family business
552 Words / ~1 page Duisburg Berufskolleg A small fa­mi­ly busi­ness 3) Crea­ti­ve wri­ting: “You can’t ima­gi­ne how an­gry my par­ents we­re .” Sa­man­tha is mee­ting a fri­end af­ter ha­ving tal­ked wi­th her par­ents. Wri­te a dia­lo­gue sum­ma­ri­zing the event. Pay spe­cial at­ten­ti­on to her par­ents’ con­tras­ting at­ti­tu­de. Sa­man­tha: You can’t ima­gi­ne how an­gry my par­ents we­re when the in­ves­ti­ga­tor ca­me to my house Sta­cy: Sa­man­tha tell meee,did you get se­rious­ly in trou­ble ? Sa­man­tha:Mhh…[show more]
Englisch Hausübung zum Artikel: „Kill Bill: why we must take Shakespeare out of the class-room“ - Comprehension, Analysis, Readers Letter
1.025 Words / ~ pages Gesamtschule am Forstgarten in Kleve Shake­speare - A-le­vel exam (Ab­itur­auf­ga­be Teil A) 1. Com­pre­hen­si­on In his ar­tic­le Mark Powell wri­tes „Kill Bill: why we must ta­ke Shake­speare out of the class-room“ pu­blished in The Gar­den, that Shake­speare shouldn’t be­long in the class-rooms. For that state­ment he gi­ves dif­fe­rent ex­amp­les and re­asons. The first and pret­ty much most simp­le one is, that Shake­speare didnt wri­te wi­th the in­ten­ti­on of stu­dents and te­a­chers…[show more]
Analysis of Junk raft completes voyages to Hawaii written by Kim Hampton
578 Words / ~ pages Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium, Münster Ana­ly­sis of how the aut­hor­de­scri­bes the junk raft´s voya­ge as a he­roic jour­ney and which­choice of words and struc­tu­re he uses. Plus a sum­ma­riza­ti­on of the­text.The text Junk raft com­ple­tes­voy­a­ges to Ha­waii writ­ten by Kim Hamp­ton and pu­blished at the­website of Yacht Pals at the 28th Au­gust 2008. The main to­pic of the­text is about a junk raft trip across to Ha­waii.In the­fol­lo­wing, I´m go­ing to de­scri­be how the aut­hor pres­ents…[show more]
941 Words / ~1 page Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus Paderbornhof Gat­ta­ca Tasks: Un­fort­u­na­te­ly the in­ter­net con­nec­tion isn‘t sta­ble en­ough. I‘ve tried to re­con­nect, but it won’t work. You can watch Gat­ta­ca on You­tube (thanks for the link, Se­bas­ti­an!): Use this weeks’ les­sons to watch it and work on the fol­lo­wing tasks:1) Sum up in what si­tua­ti­on the prot­ago­nist Vin­cent finds hims­elf. What me­a­su­res does he ta­ke to rea­li­se his goal of go­ing in­to space?2) Ex­plain the en­ding of Gat­ta­ca.3)…[show more]
To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter Summary 1 bis 31 (short/1 sentence every chapter)
581 Words / ~ pages Uplandschule Willingen ENG­LISCH RE­A­DING LOG CHAP­TER 1 - SUM­MER 1933 • De­scrip­ti­on of Finchs’ fa­mi­ly, neigh­bour­hood in May­comb, Rad­ley House CHAP­TER 2 - EAR­LY SEP­TEM­BER • Dill lea­ves, first day of school, Scout meets Wal­ter Cun­ning­ham, who was pro­blems wi­th Ms. Ca­ro­li­ne Fi­sher be­cau­se she can al­re­a­dy read CHAP­TER 3 • They have lunch wi­th Wal­ter Cun­ning­ham, Scout meets the Ewell son (p. 28ff.), “filt­hie­st hu­man” Scout has ever seen, Scout is…[show more]
Dystopian novel The Circle analysis
1.531 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Köln Ho­me­work: Dream Fri­day pp. 59-63 Out­line the gi­ven si­tua­ti­on and pay spe­cial at­ten­ti­on to the ad­van­ta­ges of the new gad­get and the re­asons for its de­ve­lo­p­ment. Ana­ly­ze the gi­ven sce­ne and pay spe­cial at­ten­ti­on to Bai­leys ap­pearance and how he is pre­sen­ted. Ex­ami­ne the at­mo­sphe­re and the way the gad­get is pre­sen­ted to the au­di­ence. Con­sider nar­ra­ti­ve per­spec­ti­ve, mo­de of pre­sen­ta­ti­on and lan­guage. -------------1)…[show more]
Englisch Leistungskurs auf einen Blick
2.608 Words / ~10 pages Gymnasium Köln Eng­lisch LK 2020 1) UK bet­ween Tra­di­ti­on and Mo­der­ni­ty The Bri­tish Em­pire The sys­tem of tri­ang­le tra­ding Tri­an­gu­lar trade be­gan wi­th co­lo­niza­ti­on of Ame­ri­ca in 1607 and the West In­dies in 1632 Chief Bri­tish ports we­re Lon­don, Li­ver­pool, Bris­tol and Glas­gow Most po­pu­lar tri­an­gu­lar tra­ding sys­tem: trans­at­lan­tic trade (ope­ra­ted from se­ven­te­enth un­til ear­ly ni­ne­te­enth cen­tu­ry, car­ry­ing ma­nu­fac­tu­red goods, raw…[show more]
Speech Analysis, A mosque near Ground Zero - by Michael Bloomberg
958 Words / ~2 pages Gymnasium Köln A mos­que ne­ar Ground Ze­ro? The gi­ven Speech of Mi­cha­el Bloom­berg, the ma­yor of New York, was held on Go­ver­nors Is­land on the third Au­gust 2010, 9 ye­ars af­ter the Sep­tem­ber 11 At­tacks. Bloom­berg held this speech to sus­tain and de­fend the pro­ject of buil­ding a mos­que two blocks away from the for­mer World Trade Cen­ter as a sym­bol of New York’s to­le­rance. The­r­e­fo­re he tri­es to adress espe­ci­al­ly tho­se who are against the pro­ject.…[show more]
Englisch LK Abi 2021 - Alle Grunldagen auf einen Blick
11.990 Words / ~56 pages Gymnasium Düsseldorf strugg­le was long and dif­fi­cult most im­portant lea­der for the strugg­le for In­di­an In­de­pen­dence: Ma­hat­ma Gan­dhi be­lie­ved in non-vio­lent op­po­si­ti­on to the Bri­tish was against co­lo­nia­lism, vio­lence and ra­cism was shot by a Hin­du Af­ter In­de­pen­dence: In­dia to­day sin­ce 1950: a par­lia­men­ta­ry de­mo­cra­cy Ca­pi­tal: New De­lhi tra­di­ti­ons – mo­dern life­style rich coun­try – po­or peo­p­le cas­te sys­tem equal rights weak the sys­tem…[show more]
Composition Brexit - Pro and con side for the Brexit
433 Words / ~1 page Justus-Liebig Gymnasium, Waldshut Wri­tin­ga com­po­si­ti­on Brexit­The­po­s­si­bi­li­ty of the UK lea­ving the EU or al­so cal­led Bexit is a key­sour­ce of con­cern for the ma­jor part the the bri­tish busi­ness world.It is as­su­med that the po­ten­ti­al ch­an­ges in the trade rala­ti­ons wi­th­the EU, as well as the un­cer­tain­ty as­so­cia­ted wi­th in­vest­ments, can­have a ne­ga­ti­ve im­pact on the UK eco­no­my.In­the fol­lo­wing es­say i willl show you the Pro and con si­de for the­Brexit.…[show more]
Englisch Text: Letter of complaint Topic: Write an Email to the company xyz and complain that your ordered Monitors are scratched/broken
341 Words / ~ pages HTL Paul Hahn, Linz To: t.mil­ler@sp­sys­tems­.com From: hu­bert-gam­ing@gmai­l.com Date: 05th No­vem­ber 2015 Sub­ject: Or­der No. 7012022 Dear Sir or Ma­dam, A Few days ago, I or­de­red 8 LED flat screen mo­ni­tors from your store, and I re­cent­ly en­coun­te­red so­me pro­blems. I re­cei­ved the packa­ge to­day, the­re was no da­ma­ge from the out­side. I careful­ly ope­ned the packa­ge sin­ce it was al­so ex­pen­si­ve. Ho­we­ver, I im­me­dia­te­ly no­ti­ced that so­me­thing…[show more]
Chapter Summary of Crooked Letter Crooked Letter
2.968 Words / ~10 pages Hölderlin Gymnasium Nürtingen Chap­ter Sum­ma­ry „Croo­ked Let­ter, Croo­ked Let­ter“ by Tom Frank­lin 2010 Chap­ter 1 (An In­tro­duc­tion to Lar­ry Ott) Lar­ry Ott is for­ty-one ye­ars old, sin­gle and li­ves alo­ne in the for­mer house of his par­ents in Amos, a small town in Mis­sis­sip­pi. He works as a me­cha­nic and has a small work­shop that is al­most de­ser­ted as he’s ost­ra­ci­zed from so­cie­ty. De­spi­te that he has a fi­xed dai­ly rou­ti­ne, for ex­am­p­le fee­ding is chi­ckens and…[show more]
Brexit and Boris Johnsons politic - Many Scots dont want independence, but a more cooperative union“
761 Words / ~2 pages Gymnasium Bornbrook Hamburg Eng­lish Task, Fri­day, 26.05 Ana­ly­se the way the aut­hor cri­ti­ci­zes Bo­ris John­son and his go­vern­ments re­cent ac­tions. In the ar­tic­le,“Ma­ny Scots dont want in­de­pen­dence, but a mo­re co­ope­ra­ti­ve uni­on“, the aut­hor Gor­don Brown pro­vi­des an in­sight in­to Bo­ris John­son as a prime mi­nis­ter and his lack of abili­ty to unite the UK. The aut­hor makes use of a cer­tain li­ne of ar­gu­ments in or­der to cri­ti­ci­ze John­son and to con­vin­ce…[show more]
Englisch Abiturthemen im Jahr 2022, frankenstein, Gran Torino
2.616 Words / ~5 pages Berufsbildende Schulen am Museumsdorf Cloppenburg Eng­lisch Abi The­men Fran­ken­stein rai­ses va­rious ques­ti­ons about hu­man iden­ti­ty. It chal­lenges us to con­sider what se­pa­ra­tes hu­mans from Mons­ters. It al­so picks up on the va­lues and norms of our so­cie­ty, whe­re ever­yo­ne wants to be bet­ter than so­meone el­se. Vic­tor for ex­am­p­le lea­ves for uni­ver­si­ty be­cau­se he aims to ex­plo­re unknown powers and wants to gain fa­me th­rough his sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings. But his suc­cess and his…[show more]
The Sun Temple: - Abi Bayern 2021 Text 2 Abitur Aufgabe
1.033 Words / ~2 pages Ammersee-Gymnasium Dießen The Sun Temp­le The in­ter­ac­tion bet­ween Mrs. and Mr. Das and Mr. Ka­pa­si in the text The Sun Temp­le un­folds wi­th a pro­found­ly com­plex tapestry of cul­tu­ral di­stinc­tions, stark­ly con­tras­ting per­so­na­li­ties, and con­ti­nuous­ly shif­ting dy­na­mics. This nar­ra­ti­ve doesnt me­re­ly in­itia­te wi­th spo­ken words; in­s­tead, it com­men­ces wi­th a mul­ti­face­ted tapestry of non-ver­bal in­ter­ac­tions, quiet­ly no­ted ob­ser­va­tions, and ges­tu­res.…[show more]
Black Lives Matter - English Exam: A Speech Analysis about Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren
545 Words / ~ pages Lessinggymnasium Braunschweig ENG­LISH EXAM - SPEECH ANA­LY­SIS na­me: _ date:_ II. WRI­TING (70%) TASK: Out­line Se­na­tor Eliza­beth War­ren’s views on ra­cial ine­qua­li­ty and ana­ly­se the me­ans em­ploy­ed by her to con­vin­ce the au­di­ence of her views. This is an ex­tra­ct from a speech on ci­vil rights in sup­port of Black Li­ves Mat­ter1 gi­ven by De­mo­cra­tic Se­na­tor Eliza­beth War­ren at the Ed­ward M. Ken­ne­dy In­sti­tu­te in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts on Sep­tem­ber 27, 2015.…[show more]

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