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List of Essays: History - Page 2

How extensive was the support and opposition of Hitler?
2.160 Words / ~3 pages Goethegymnasium Kassel 4 SUP­PORT AND OP­PO­SI­TI­ON ANA­LY­SIS (1): HOW EX­TEN­SI­VE WAS THE SUP­PORT FOR HIT­LER AND NA­ZISM? Sup­port can be eit­her ac­ti­ve or ta­cit, po­si­ti­ve or ne­ga­ti­ve. It can me­an di­rect com­mit­ment th­rough per­so­nal con­vic­tion or, al­ter­na­tively, the ab­sence of op­po­si­ti­on th­rough fear of the con­se­quen­ces. Bo­th ty­pes exis­ted in Na­zi Ger­ma­ny. The main re­ason for po­si­ti­ve sup­port was the per­so­nal po­pu­la­ri­ty of Hit­ler. To ma­ny he was a di­rect suc­ces­sor to the po­pu­list vi­si­on of the Kai­ser du­ring the Se­cond Reich. The­re had be­en no equi­va­lent du­ring the Wei­mar Re­pu­blic, wi­th the pos­si­ble ex­cep­ti­on of Hin­den­burg. Hit­ler the­r­e­fo­re fil­led a gap and great­ly ex­ten­ded the lea­der­ship cult. His ap­peal al­so had a cha­me­le­on na­tu­re: he of­fe­red so­me­thing dif­fe­rent to each class and yet pul­led them all tog­e­ther wi­th the uni­que­ness of his own vi­si­on for the fu­ture.…[show more]
2.201 Words / ~3 pages Goethegymnasium Kassel WHY DID HIT­LER CO­ME TO POWER IN 1933? Hit­ler was ap­poin­ted Chan­cell­or by Pre­si­dent Hin­den­burg on 30 Ja­nu­ary 1933. He was the lea­der of the lar­gest par­ty in the Reichs­tag and al­so had the sup­port of much of the con­ser­va­ti­ve right who had do­mi­na­ted Ger­ma­ny po­li­ti­cal­ly sin­ce 1929. The ex­pl­ana­ti­on as to why this hap­pen­ed can be ad­van­ced in th­ree stages. First, Na­zism was for­t­u­na­te in that the Wei­mar Re­pu­blic (for­med in 1919 and en­ded in 1933) had be­co­me a fla­wed struc­tu­re which con­tai­ned a de­sta­bi­li­sed and in­cre­asing­ly vo­la­ti­le po­pu­la­ti­on. Se­cond, Na­zism emer­ged as a dy­na­mic mo­ve­ment which was ca­pa­ble of gai­ning sup­port from a sub­stan­ti­al part of the dis­il­lu­sio­ned elec­to­ra­te. And third, the con­ser­va­ti­ve right pro­vi­ded a chan­nel which en­ab­led the new dy­na­mic to pe­ne­tra­te and force open the fla­wed struc­tu­re. The ri­se of Hit­ler de­pen­ded…[show more]
Представленная работа освещает основные исторические идеи немецкого культурного и дипломатического деятеля Вильгельма фон Гумбольта.
2.565 Words / ~16 pages Universität Moskau МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «РОССИЙСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ГУМАНИТАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» (РГГУ) ИНСТИТУТ ФИЛОЛОГИИ И ИСТОРИИ ИСТОРИКО-ФИЛОЛОГИЧ­ЕСКИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ Петрова Сильвия Григоровна Исторические идеи Вильгельма фон Гумбольдта. Доклад по дисциплине Всеобщая история. Новое время.Студента 3-го курса очной формы обучения Преподаватель: Н. В. Ростиславлева Москва 2017 Содержание Введение 3 Глава 1. Исторический очерк жизни В. фон Гумбольдта 4 1.1. Биография В. фон Гумбольдта 4 1.2. Зарождение идей В. фон Гумбольдта 5 Глава 2. Вильгельм фон Гумбольдт и его исторические идеи 8 2.1. Идеи Гумбольдта как историка и философа 8 2.2. Политические идеи Гумбольдта 12 Заключение 14 Список использованных источников…[show more]
Essay History: Describe the main factors that contributed to the ending oft the medieval period
889 Words / ~2 pages Europäische Schule Es­say Histo­ry De­scri­be the main fac­tors that con­tri­bu­ted to the en­ding oft the me­dieval pe­ri­od For the end of the era of the Midd­le Ages, whe­re the feu­dal sys­tem ru­led from 800 AD to 1500 AD, ma­ny fac­tors have con­tri­bu­ted. The­se can be grou­ped in­to 4 dif­fe­rent main points, which are the pla­gue; the in­ven­ti­on oft the prin­ting press; the voy­a­ges of dis­co­very and Trade. The­se 4 events that suc­ces­si­ve­ly emer­ged de­ve­lo­ped over time a freer and mo­re fle­xi­ble so­cial sys­tem. The Pla­gue ap­pe­read in eu­ro­pe for the first time in 1348 and had a very big im­pact on the so­cie­ty in the im­me­dia­te af­ter­math and over the long term. Du­ring this event of fear and pa­nic, peo­p­les be­lief in the Church and god was in a cri­sis. Its im­portant to high­light that at this time the ca­tho­lic church and its tea­chings in the faith in god, and that ever­y­thing hap­pen­ed be­cau­se…[show more]
Ligne de Temps Pollution Probe Histoire
1.909 Words / ~6 pages University of New Orleans Li­gne de Temps Pol­lu­ti­on Pro­be De­scrip­ti­on: Pol­lu­ti­on Pro­be: Le “Pol­lu­ti­on Pro­be” était cré­er dans 1969 par les étu­di­ants de luni­ver­si­té de To­ron­to pour les pro­blè­mes en­vi­ron­ne­men­ta­les qui né­tait pas im­portants à lé­po­que. Le “Pol­lu­ti­on Pro­be” a de­venu une or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on ca­ri­ta­ti­ve en­re­gis­trer dans 1971. Im­portance His­to­ri­que: La “Pol­lu­ti­on Pro­be” a créé l’in­itia­ti­on du boi­te vert et bleu dans On­ta­rio qui on voit…[show more]
The German Revolution 1848: Can a revolution still be effective without reaching its most important aim?
1.371 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Brandenburg The Ger­man Re­vo­lu­ti­on 1848 Can a re­vo­lu­ti­on still be ef­fec­ti­ve wi­t­hout rea­ching its most im­portant aim? The Ger­man re­vo­lu­ti­on is an im­portant part of the Ger­man cul­tu­re and af­fects us till to­day. But how ef­fec­ti­ve can a re­vo­lu­ti­on be when it couldn’t reach its most im­portant aim of crea­ting the na­tio­nal sta­te of Ger­ma­ny? To ana­ly­ze this ques­ti­on the re­vo­lu­ti­on has to be con­side­red in its cour­se and the cir­cum­s­tances…[show more]
Was the 1848 Revolution in Germany successful?
1.215 Words / ~2 pages Gymnasium Frankfurt am Main Was the 1848/49 Re­vo­lu­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny suc­cessful? Alt­hough li­be­ral ci­ti­zens and re­vo­lu­tio­na­ries might have de­scri­bed the out­co­me of the Ger­man re­vo­lu­ti­on in 1849 as di­s­ap­poin­ting or even de­vas­ta­ting, the his­to­ric de­ve­lo­p­ment af­ter 1849 su­re­ly al­so ga­ve re­ason for ma­ny his­to­ri­ans to be­lie­ve other­wi­se. This leads to the ques­ti­on in how far the Ger­man re­vo­lu­ti­on can be cha­rac­te­ri­sed as an am­bi­va­lent mo­ve­ment ha­ving…[show more]
Understanding the Origins and Consequences of the Cold War
1.037 Words / ~ pages Revere high school Ho­nors Ame­ri­can Histo­ry 9B 28 Ja­nu­ary 2019 Cau­ses and Im­pact of the Cold War The Cold War was a war that took place bet­ween the United Sta­tes and the UDSSR for much of the 1900s (Start). No di­rect fight­ing ac­tual­ly hap­pen­ed bet­ween the two na­ti­ons, hence the na­me “Cold War (Start).” The war be­gan al­most im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter the end of World War II in 1945, which re­sul­ted in a post-war boom in Ame­ri­ca (1950s). The end of World War…[show more]
1911 Revolution Causes: Weak Government's Role - In-Depth Analysis
959 Words / ~2 pages UK UNIVERISTY OF LONDON Weak go­vern­ment is the main fac­tor leads to the 1911 re­vo­lu­ti­on. How far do you agree? In my per­spec­ti­ve, I do think the we­ak­ne­ss of the go­vern­ment can be the main re­ason that leads to the re­vo­lu­ti­on in 1911. Alt­hough the­re are still other fac­tors that may con­tri­bu­te the re­vo­lu­ti­on, for ex­am­p­le the spread of re­vo­lu­tio­na­ry ide­as from key lea­ders, rail­way re­co­very mo­ve­ment and the con­se­quen­ces of the ar­my re­forms. I think…[show more]
Is Germany´s Basic Law suitable for preventing dictatorships in Germany?
753 Words / ~2 pages Gymnasium Farmsen, Hamburg 10b Histo­ry 25.02.2021 Is Ger­ma­nys Ba­sic Law sui­ta­ble for pre­ven­ting dic­ta­tor­ships in Ger­ma­ny? Let us start at the be­gin­ning, when, whe­re and why the Ba­sic Law was writ­ten. In 1939, Ger­ma­ny star­ted the se­cond world war, which en­ded on the 8th of May 1945. The vic­to­rious we­re the USA, Gre­at Bri­tain, France and the So­viet Uni­on. The 4 vic­to­rious powers di­vi­ded Ger­ma­ny in­to 4 are­as. Each vic­to­rious power oc­cu­p­ied an area,…[show more]
1.614 Words / ~3 pages Alexander von Humboldt, Lima, Perú “Alex­an­der II trans­for­med Rus­si­an So­cie­ty” To what ext­ent do you agree wi­th this state­ment? Whe­ther or not Alex­an­der II trans­for­med Rus­si­an So­cie­ty is de­bata­ble. Alex­an­der II is known for wan­ting to con­ti­nue what his fa­ther star­ted, but at the sa­me time, he set his mind that no mat­ter what, he would con­ser­ve au­to­cra­cy. This strong de­si­re can be con­side­red the deal brea­k­er to the ques­ti­on of if Alex­an­der did in fact trans­form…[show more]
Battles of Lexington, Concord, and the Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
1.281 Words / ~7 pages Ohio State University, Ohio Batt­les of Lex­ing­ton, Con­cord, and the Batt­le of Bun­ker Hill 1775 Stand your ground. Dont fire un­less fired upon, but if they me­an to have a war let it be­gin he­re. Ge­ne­ral Par­ker said this to his Mi­nu­temen be­fo­re what is known as The Shot He­ard Around the World. The quo­te tells that Par­ker never in­ten­ded to fight un­less the Bri­tish Ar­my de­clared war. The Batt­le of Lex­ing­ton and Con­cord was the first step of the Re­vo­lu­tio­na­ry…[show more]
Historische informatie over de persoon Carl Nilsson Linnaeus - uitwerking - Historische gebeurtenis
2.375 Words / ~11 pages Helene-Lange-Gymnasium Dortmund In­houds­op­ga­ve In­lei­ding 3 Bio­gra­fie his­to­ri­sche per­so­on 4 His­to­ri­sche ge­be­ur­te­nis 6 Ken­mer­ken­de aspec­ten 7 Con­clu­sie 8 Bron­nen­lijst 10 In­lei­ding Heb jij ge­noeg ken­nis om de na­tuur in ver­schil­len­de klas­sen, geslach­ten, or­ders en so­or­ten te ver­de­len? Ge­luk­kig hoeft dat niet meer. Dit is na­me­li­jk al vo­or ons ge­da­an en ge­pu­bli­ce­erd in het boek ‘Sys­te­ma Na­turae’ door Carl Lin­nae­us in 1735. C ‘Sys­te­ma Na­turae’ arl…[show more]
Oliver Cromwell: A Comprehensive Examination of His Role in History
1.269 Words / ~2 pages Helmholtz Gymnasium Potsdam Crom­well – Hero or Vil­lain? An es­say Oli­ver Crom­well was an Eng­lish Ge­ne­ral and Sta­tes­men who li­ved from 25th of April 1599 un­til the 3rd of Sep­tem­ber 1658. He is most known as the man who ban­ned fun, sin­ce he is said to have ban­ned Christ­mas, Foot­ball, Pubs, Thea­tres and mo­re. Now, whe­ther he ac­tual­ly did this is ques­tionable, sin­ce the ban was in­tro­du­ced by par­lia­ment, and Crom­wells in­vol­vement is said to be li­mi­t­ed at…[show more]
Какое влияние оказала власть коммунистов на экономику России после военно-революционного периода 1914–21 гг.?
2.901 Words / ~16 pages Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium Bad Vilbel Schul­jahr Fach­ar­beit The­ma Какое влияние оказала власть коммунистов на экономику России после военно-революционн­ого периода 1914–21 гг.? Ver­fas­ser: Klas­se 10c Fach: Rus­sisch Be­treun­der Fach­leh­rer: Frau Er­stellt am in Leip­zig Содержание Введение.­.­3 Заход династии Романовых - Николай ll последний русский царь.5 Революции и смена власти.­.­ .6 Ленин как революционер.­. .9 НЭП.­.­10…[show more]
Historic Movie Review - Filmanalyse Englisch) The Great Gatsby - 2013
715 Words / ~ pages Gymnasium Berlin His­to­ri­cal Mo­vie Re­view- The Gre­at Gats­by Tim In the mo­vie “The Gre­at Gats­by” from 2013, which is an ad­apt­a­ti­on of Scott Fitz­ge­rald’s no­vel “The Gre­at Gats­by” we are get­ting an in­sight in the Ame­ri­can so­cie­ty du­ring the roaring twen­ties and the idea of the Ame­ri­can Dream. The film is built up li­ke a flash­back of Nick Car­ra­way’s life du­ring the 1920s. Nick Car­ra­way is mo­ving to New York in 1922, im­per­so­na­ting the life of…[show more]
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