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Documents about Journalism

Significado del Periodismo Actual Como funciona - El periodismo, un medio metido en nuestras vidas
Essay553 Words / ~ pages Santa Cruz El pe­ri­odis­mo, un me­dio met­ido en nuestras vi­das De­s­pués de una his­to­ria de cen­su­ras, re­pre­sio­nes y tri­unfos par­cia­les, el pe­ri­odis­mo pa­re­ce ha­ber en­con­tra­do un nue­vo ca­mi­no: la aso­cia­ción di­rec­ta con la ciu­da­danía . Pe­ro la preg­un­ta es la si­gu­i­en­te, de­be la so­cie­dad de hoy en dia de­pen­der tan­to de la ac­tu­al­i­dad. A con­ti­nu­ación me dis­pon­go a de­ba­tir y de­fen­der una te­sis que con­side­ro im­portan­te. Los pe­ri­odi­stas son es­cen­cia­les en la vi­da de ca­da per­so­na. Ca­da año son mas los pe­ri­odi­stas que cam­bi­an su rum­bo de ent­re­vis­tas y co­mien­zan a cen­trar­se en no­ti­ci­as un tan­to de­spec­ti­vas y priva­das,las cua­les se de­be­rí­an qued­ar guar­das y no sa­lir a la luz de esa for­ma. Un ejem­plo en el cual po­de­mos ver rá­pi­do es­te suce­so,es en la im­portancia que le con­ce­den a la vi­da so­cial de belen es­te­ban,que en vez de de­sta­car un par de ras­gos no se con­for­man…[show more]
A ka ndonjë përmirësim lidhur me të drejtat e minoritetit rom në Shqipëri (një nga kriteret e Copenhagen-it)
Bachelor thesis12.659 Words / ~44 pages University of Durres A ka ndon­jë përm­irë­sim lid­hur me të drej­tat e mi­no­rit­etit rom në Sh­qipëri (një nga kri­ter­et e Co­pen­ha­gen-it) TA­BE­LA E PËRM­BAJT­JES Shk­ur­ti­me .fq. 5 Hyr­je fq. 6 Me­to­do­log­jia .fq. 8 Si­tua­ta e Mi­no­rit­etit Rom në Sh­qipëri fq. 10 Vësh­trim i shk­ur­tër his­to­rik Të dhë­na de­mo­gra­fi­ke mbi po­pull­sinë ro­me Gjend­ja so­cia­le dhe eko­no­mi­ke e komu­nit­etit rom Për­fa­që­si­mi i Romë­ve në sho­qërinë ci­vi­le dhe në ad­mi­nis­tra­tën pu­bli­ke Ba­za Lig­jo­re për Mi­no­ri­te­tet në Sh­qipëri .fq.16 Do­ku­ment­a­cio­ni ndër­kom­bë­tar për mbrojt­jen e mi­no­ri­te­te­ve ku bën pjesë Sh­qipëria Kua­dri lig­jor dhe in­sti­tu­cio­nal kom­bë­tar për mbrojt­jen e mi­no­ri­te­te­ve Rru­ga e Sh­qipërisë drejt Bash­ki­mit Eu­ro­pian fq. 30 Im­pak­ti i kri­te­re­ve të BE fq. 31 Pro­gre­si i Sh­qipërisë në mbrojt­jen e mi­no­ri­te­te­ve fq. 33 Pro­gre­si Ra­por­ti i vi­tit 2005 Pro­gre­si Ra­por­ti i vi­tit 2006 Pro­gre­si Ra­por­ti…[show more]
E-journalism , electronic journalism and its development
Homework991 Words / ~ pages Oakville Trafalgar Highschool Oakville E-Jour­na­lism elec­tro­nic jour­na­lism and its de­ve­lo­p­ment On­ce com­pu­ter-me­dia­ted com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is wi­de­spread we all will be­co­me the “Net­work Na­ti­ons”, ex­chan­ging vast amounts of bo­th in­for­ma­ti­on and so­cial- emo­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons wi­th col­le­agues, fri­ends and stran­gers who share si­mi­lar in­te­rests, who are spread out all over the world.[1] So­cial Me­dia is al­so ha­ving an in­creased ro­le in e-jour­na­lism. Ac­cor­ding to the “Sta­te of the News Me­dia 2012” re­port from the Pew Re­se­arch Cen­ter’s Pro­ject for Ex­cel­lence in Jour­na­lism (PEJ), “Face­book users spent an avera­ge of 423 mi­nu­tes each on the site in De­cem­ber. By con­trast, a PEJ ana­ly­sis of Niel­sen Net View da­ta puts the avera­ge time on a top 25 news site at just un­der 12 mi­nu­tes per month.”[2] The­r­e­fo­re so­cial me­dia ex­plo­si­on pres­ents an op­por­tu­ni­ty for news pro­vi­ders, in that…[show more]
Personal statement for journalism course
Portfolio638 Words / ~ pages Grange Technology College bradford Per­so­nal state­ment for jour­na­lism cour­se A gre­at man on­ce said; “live as if you we­re to die to­mor­row, learn as if you we­re to live fo­re­ver”. Edu­ca­ti­on is the key to life and the door of mi­ne is to be­co­me an in­spi­red Jour­na­list. In­ter­na­tio­nal, na­tio­nal and lo­cal news makes the pu­blic awa­re of the cur­rent af­fairs that are ta­king place in pre­sent day so­cie­ty. Wi­t­hout the me­dia, peo­p­le wouldn’t be awa­re of the world we live in and the me­dia in­de­ed, in­fluen­ces the minds of in­di­vi­du­als. A re­al Jour­na­list sear­ches for the truth and digs out the cor­rect in­for­ma­ti­on, so that ho­nes­ty, sin­ce­ri­ty and in­te­gri­ty re­mains int­act wi­thin our li­ves. Fin­ding the truth and ex­po­sing lies is what I am com­mit­ted to do and stu­dy­ing Jour­na­lism as my cho­sen de­gree would enable me to do so. The me­dia has a gre­at in­fluence on a per­son’s way of life and in ack­now­led­ging…[show more]
Event Manager - Wat houd het beroep event manager in?
Presentation1.114 Words / ~11 pages University of Amsterdam Event Ma­na­ger Naam: : CRm Klas: 4HC On­der­werp: Event Ma­nage­ment Da­tum: 2 April 2015 Vak: LOB Deelon­der­wer­pen Hoofdv­raag: Vo­or wie is de op­lei­ding ge­schikt? In­lei­ding: Wat houdt het ber­oep in 3 Deelv­ra­gen: Wel­ke po­si­tie­ve kan­ten vind ik te­rug in de op­lei­ding? 4 Hoe ziet een ge­mid­del­de dag op de op­lei­ding eruit? 5 Wat is de sfeer op mi­jn op­lei­ding? 6 Kan je door­groei­en in het ber­oep ? 7 Ben ik toel­a­at­baar met mi­jn vak­ken­pak­ket?…[show more]
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