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List of Term papers: Literature

Shakespeare´s Sonett 12 Literary Studies
2.020 Words / ~11 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU SONNET XII by William Shakespe­are Prosemin­ar paper for LITERARY STUDIES I SS 10 by [student name] Matr.Nr. Table of Contents 1) Introduc­tion … 3 2) Lyric Speech Situatio­n . 3 3) Theme … 4 4) General Structur­e 4 5) Metre and Rhythm 5 6) Rhymes and Other Sound Patterns … 6 7) Rhetoric­al Figures on the Syntacti­c Level …. . 7 8) Rhetoric­al Figures on the Semantic Level 7 9) Argument­ative Structur­e 8 10) Conclusi­on 8 11) Works Cited …. 9 SONNET XII 1When I do count the clock that tells the time, 2And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; 3When I behold the violet past prime, 4And sable curls all silverd oer with white; 5When lofty trees I see barren of leaves 6Which erst from heat did canopy the herd, 7And summers green all girded up in sheaves 8Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard, 9Then of thy .…[show more]
Music in James Joyce's Ulysses: Analyzing the Sirens Chapter
3.868 Words / ~14 pages UCD Dublin Music in Ulysses&­#8217; Sirens-c­hapter In James Joyce­217;s masterpi­ece ‛U­lysses&#­82­17­; the topic of music is present througho­ut the book, yet the Sirens chapter represen­ts the greatest concentr­ation of music, which is why I want to focus on the music in this chapter only. In Sirens Joyce tried to combine literatu­re and music to one greater art. Music can be found as action, as theme and topic for discussi­on or thoughts­, as musical lyrics and noises. In my essay I want to look at the structur­e of the chapter, with a special focus on the opening section, on the techniqu­es used to create musical referenc­es and devices, and later on I will try to answer the question why this chapter is called Sirens. Finally, I want to discuss in how far Joyce succeede­d in making this chapter a musical experien­ce for the reader. The Sirens…[show more]
Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare - Analysis and discourse
6.222 Words / ~23 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU Son­net 18 by Wil­liam Shake­speare Term Pa­per TA­BLE OF CON­TENTS: 1. In­tro­duc­tion. 4 2. Ana­ly­sis 4 2.1. The Po­em 4 2.2. Ger­man Trans­la­ti­on. 4 3. Sto­ry 5 3.1. Cha­rac­ters 5 3.2. Ac­tion 5 4. Dis­cour­se. 6 4.1. Cha­rac­te­ri­sa­ti­on. 6 4.2. Ty­pes of Events 7 4.3. Struc­tu­re of Events 7 4.4. Tell-abili­ty 7 4.5. Ty­pes of Dis­cour­se. 8 4.6. Time Ma­nage­ment 8 4.7. Re­al- life Frames 8 4.8. Form 8 4.9 .In­de­ter­mi­naci­es 9 4.10. Un­me­dia­ted vs. Me­dia­ted. 9 4.11. Lin­gu­i­stic Le­vel 9 4.12. Rhythm 12 4.13. Pho­no­lo­gi­cal Fi­gu­res 13 4.14. Mor­pho­lo­gi­cal Fi­gu­res 14 4.15. Se­man­tic Fi­gu­res 16 4.16. Se­man­tic le­vel 19 4.17. Mo­de 20 5. The­mes 20 6. Norms 21 7. Ge­ne­ral Over­ar­ching Prin­ci­ples of Ana­ly­sis 21 7.1. De­via­ti­on 21 8. Con­clu­si­on. 21 9. Bi­blio­gra­phy 23 In­tro­duc­tion Son­net 18 is cer­tain­ly one of the most fa­mous son­nets of Wil­liam Shake­speare and it may be even the most…[show more]
Jane Eyre's Role in Victorian Society - Charlotte Bronte Analysis
1.753 Words / ~7 pages Universität Hildesheim In­tro­duc­tion to Eng­lish Li­te­ra­tu­re Win­ter­term 2007/08 “Ja­ne Ey­re” by Char­lot­te Bron­te “De­scri­be the ro­le of girls and wo­men in Vic­to­ri­an so­cie­ty by loo­king at the cha­rac­ter Ja­ne Ey­re.” Ta­ble of con­tents To­pic:­ Pa­ge: 1. In­tro­duc­tion . 2 2. Ja­ne Ey­re, an Vic­to­ri­an wo­man bet­ween so­cial clas­ses 2-4 3. Con­clu­si­on .4-5 4. Bi­blio­gra­phy 6 a. Li­te­ra­tu­re b. In­ter­net 5. Ap­pen­dix . 7-12 6. State­ment . 13 1. In­tro­duc­tion Live wi­th your cen­tu­ry, but do not be its crea­tu­re. This wis­dom of Fried­rich Schil­ler could ap­p­ly to the view of Ja­ne Ey­re in the sa­me book by Char­lot­te Bron­të. The book fol­lows the de­ve­lo­p­ment of Ja­ne Ey­re from a young child in­to a young wo­man in Vic­to­ri­an so­cie­ty. The par­ents of Ja­ne Ey­re live in the bad con­di­ti­ons of lower so­cial class, when Ja­ne is born. But the par­ents die and so she grows up wi­th her re­la­ti­ves, who are of the…[show more]
Faust I von Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Analyse und Interpretation
2.241 Words / ~5 pages Universität Bukarest Uni­ver­si­tät Bu­ka­rest - Fremd­spra­chen- Fa­kul­tät Ab­tei­lung: Phi­lo­lo­gie Jo­hann Wolf­gang Goe­the Faust - Der Tra­gö­die ers­ter Teil In­halts­ver­zeich­nis­s I. War­um ge­hört „Faust” der Wei­ma­rer Klas­sik an? II. War­um ist die Faust-Dich­tung ei­ne Tra­gö­die? III. Wet­ten in Goe­thes „Faust” IV. Das Ver­hält­niss Faust-Me­phis­to V. Sturm und Drang Ele­men­te in der Gret­chen Tra­gö­die VI. Die Rol­le der drei Ein­lei­tun­gen des Goe­the…[show more]
The depiction of the stranger - Sarah Orne Jewett: ´The Foreigner´
6.450 Words / ~18 pages Universität Augsburg The de­pic­tion of the stran­ger in Sa­rah Or­ne Je­wett - The For­eig­ner In­halt 1 In­tro­duc­tion 3 2 Nar­ra­ti­ve Per­spec­ti­ve 4 3 The de­pic­tion of the stran­ger Mrs. Tol­land 4 3.1 Be­ha­vi­or and At­ti­tu­de of Mrs. Tol­land 8 3.2 Re­jec­tion: Dun­net Landing so­cie­ty 11 3.3 Ap­proa­ches: Mrs. Bla­ckett and Mrs. Todd 14 4 Con­clu­si­on 17 5 Bi­blio­gra­phy 19 1 In­tro­duc­tion War­ren Bert­hoff ack­now­led­ged “The For­eig­ner” as one of the mis­laid tre­asu­res…[show more]
The Imagery in Edgar Allan Poe's - “The Fall of the House of Usher” - A Gothic Short Story between Gloom and Insanity
4.600 Words / ~14 pages Universität Rostock The Imagery in Ed­gar Al­lan Poes - “The Fall of the House of Us­her” A Go­thic Short Sto­ry bet­ween Gloom and In­sa­ni­ty TA­BLE OF CON­TENTS In­tro­duc­tion The un­can­ny in Go­thic Li­te­ra­tu­re Ele­ments of Ame­ri­can Go­thic Li­te­ra­tu­re The go­thic ele­ments in The Fall of the House of Us­her The man­si­on and its gloo­my at­mo­sphe­re Fear and mad­ness In­cest and the dou­ble Al­le­go­ries in the sto­ry In­ter­pre­ta­ti­ve ap­proach of the cha­rac­ter of Made­line…[show more]
Analysis of The Tyger by William Blake - Introduction to Literary Studies
3.086 Words / ~11 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU Ana­ly­sis of The Ty­ger by Wil­liam Bla­ke In­tro­duc­tion to Li­te­ra­ry Stu­dies I Ta­ble of Con­tent The Po­em .­.­ .3 In­tro­duc­tion .­. .4 His­to­ri­cal Back­ground .­. .5 Ana­ly­sis .­.6 Con­clu­si­on .­. .10 Bi­blio­gra­phy 11 The Ty­ger by Wil­liam Bla­ke Ty­ger Ty­ger. bur­ning bright, In the fo­rests of the night: What immor­tal hand or eye. Could frame thy fe­ar­ful sym­me­try? In what di­stant deeps or ski­es. Burnt the fire…[show more]
3.528 Words / ~9 pages Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela Repú­b­li­ca Bo­li­va­ri de Ve­ne­zue­la Uni­ver­si­dad Cen­tral de Ve­ne­zue­la Fa­cul­tad de Hu­ma­ni­d­a­des y Edu­ca­ción Es­cue­la de Idio­mas Mo­der­nos Ini­cia­ción a la Li­te­ra­tura Com­pa­ra­da ANÁ­LI­SIS IMA­GOLÓ­GI­CO DE “EL RAS­TRO DE TU SANG­RE EN LA NIE­VE”, DE GA­BRI­EL GAR­CÍA MÁR­QUEZ Estu­di­an­tes: Ca­ra­cas, ju­lio de 2015 “Creo ha­ber lo­gra­do así el li­bro de cuent­os más pró­xi­mo al que siemp­re qui­se escri­bir” anun­cia el re­nomb­ra­do escri­tor co­lom­bia­no…[show more]
Baal von Bertolt Brecht: Das Böse und Asoziale in der Figur Baal - Mensch und Bestie
4.200 Words / ~17 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU Karl-Fran­zens-Univ­­er­si­tät Graz - In­sti­tut für Ger­ma­nis­tik Li­te­ra­tur­wis­sensch­aft­li­ches For­schen (Li­te­ra­ri­scher Ex­pres­sio­nis­mus) GOTT UND TEU­FEL, MENSCH UND BES­TIE Das Bö­se und Aso­zia­le in Ber­tolt Brechts Fi­gur Baal In­halts­ver­zeich­nis 1 Ein­lei­tung. 3 2 Ber­tolt Brecht: Baal 4 2.1 Brecht und der Ex­pres­sio­nis­mus. 4 2.2 In­halt 4 3 Ent­ste­hung und Ein­flüs­se. 6 4 Baal, der bö­se und aso­zia­le. 8 4.1 Wer ist…[show more]
Karakteristike novele na primjeru Gogoljeve novele Nos
2.969 Words / ~11 pages Filozofski fakultet Zagreb Sve­uči­liš­te u Za­gre­bu Fi­loz­of­ski fa­kul­tet Odsjek za is­toč­nos­laven­s­ke je­zi­ke i književ­nos­ti Ka­te­dra za rus­ku književ­nost Te­o­ri­ja no­ve­le­N­iko­laj Va­sil­je­vič Go­golj Nos (se­mi­nar­ski rad) Stu­den­ti­ca: So­rić Men­tor: dr. sc. Voj­vo­dić, izv. prof. Za­greb, 13.6.2015. Sadržaj Pred­go­vor 2 Uvod 2 1.1 O au­to­ru 2 1.2 O no­ve­li Nos 3 Rea­lizam u književ­nos­ti 2.1 Značen­je poj­ma 32.2 Rea­lizam u rus­koj književ­nos­ti 4 Što je no­ve­la?…[show more]
O scrisoare pierduta, Romanian Literature
977 Words / ~2 pages Scoala 3, Piatra Neamt O scri­soare pier­du­tă (ca­rac­te­ri­zarea per­so­na­ju­lui prin­ci­pal) De I.L. Ca­ra­gia­le Co­me­dia es­te o „spe­cie a ge­nu­lui dra­ma­tic în ca­re sunt în­fățișa­te per­so­na­je, ca­rac­te­re, mo­ra­vu­ri so­cia­le într-un chip ca­re se stâr­ne­ască râ­sul, având to­to­da­tă un sfârșit fe­ri­cit sp­re deo­se­bi­re de tra­ge­die, și, de­se­ori, și cu un sens mo­ra­liza­tor – > - râ­zând înd­rep­tăm mo­ra­vu­ri­le.” (Dicțio­nar de ter­me­ni li­te­ra­ri, coor­do­na­tor Al.…[show more]
Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven: In-Depth Analysis by A. G.
3.463 Words / ~13 pages Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU, Graz ENK.01211UB In­tro­duc­tion to Li­te­ra­ry Stu­dies I Ed­gar Al­lan Poe’s “The Ra­ven” An ana­ly­sis by A. G. of Graz Uni­ver­si­ty 10th of Au­gust, 2017 Con­tents In­tro­duc­tion 3 For­mal ana­ly­sis 4 Struc­tu­ral aspects 4 Pho­no­lo­gi­cal aspects 5 Mor­pho­lo­gi­cal and Syn­tac­tic Struc­tures 6 Imagery 7 Con­tex­tu­al Ana­ly­sis 9 Con­clu­si­on 12 Bi­blio­gra­phy 13 In­tro­duc­tion In this pa­per, I have at­tempt­ed an ana­ly­sis of a po­em that has be­en read and…[show more]
El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve en comparación con El almohadón de plumas
5.101 Words / ~18 pages Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM “La in­ten­si­dad y la uni­dad in­ter­na son esen­cia­les en un cuen­to” Gó­mez Pro­to­co­lo de Te­sis Estu­dio com­pa­ra­tivo de “Ras­tro de tu sang­re en la nie­ve” de Ga­bri­el Gar­cía Már­quez co­mo emu­la­ción de “El al­mo­ha­dón de plu­mas” de Ho­ra­cio Qui­ro­ga Con­tex­to en el que am­bas obras fueron pro­du­ci­das 1.1 Ide­as y event­os so­cia­les re­le­van­tes en el con­tex­to de Qui­ro­ga en com­pa­ra­ción con el con­tex­to de Gar­cía Már­quez 1.2 Ca­rac­te­rí­sti­cas…[show more]

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