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ID# 78125

Keeping Up with the Constantly Changing Media Landscape
by V. 11
th October 2018

We could say that traditional media like broadcasting, printed media or magazines became the target group of electronic media the minute the internet took over our day to day lives. So how long will it take until print media vanish? Or do you think that by the year 2100 there will be still someone selling newspapers?

So much information and so little time. How we consume media can be individual. If you like to read, you can turn to either traditional news sources like the New York Times or you can download a News App that usually comes with multiple categories to choose from. For those who don’t have time to read the news in the morning, you can just turn on the radio or listen to podcast.

They usually summarise the most important events in five to ten minutes which saves you time and keeps you updated.

Before vs after digital revolution and the future. The media landscape is changing constantly. First there were printed media only, afterward someone really smart invented radio followed by television, internet and smartphones. The way people consume news and information changed rapidly with internet coming into the picture.

To survive, traditional media substituted the loss on money by expanding to social media. You don’t see millennials or even older generations that adapted to technology to read printed newspaper anymore. Nowadays everything is spreading rapidly. We want to know everything the second it happens.

Chances are that newspaper will vanish completely and everything will be digital.

Changes can be good but also bad. Misinformation, loss of privacy or identity theft. Paparazzi are always trying to take the best shot of celebrities which leads to accidents. The rush to be the first to public a scandal can destroy someone’s life. Internet is a powerful tool.

We can access anything almost anywhere. Advertisers can get a lot of information about their target audience and we let them. We want to know everything that happens immediately and not wait until the next day. Journalist are changing newspapers for Twitter, Facebook and many more social platforms where it’s difficult to distinguish between fake and real news.

In other words the internet took over traditional printed media like newspapers and has changed the way we consume information nowadays. A new era of media brings advantages as well as disadvantages. So what do you think? Will the newspaper companies vanish by the year 2100 completely or not? After all you are reading this on the internet.

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