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Seminararbeit / Hausarbeit

Market Integration of Wind Generation

1.408 / ~3½ sternsternsternsternstern_0.75 Jörg M. . 2011

Market Integration of Wind Generation in Germany


After describing the special characteristics of wind energy it is important to analyze the market integration of wind generation in Germany.

Klessmann et al. (2008) therefore analyze the integration of wind energy in Germany, Spain and Great Britain. In the paper at hand, only Germany’s market is discussed.

As there are fluctuations in the wind yield, wind power plants are limited in replacing conventional power generators. In Germany there are currently 21,164 wind energy plants with a power of about 25,777 MW and an amount of 7.58 percent of the gross electricity consumption and thus wind power generation is the most used form of renewable energy in Germany (BWE, Statistics, 2009). There are different support schemes in Europe for the market integration of renewable energy. Germany’s scheme is the feed-in tariff where renewable electricity (RES-E) generators sell their produced electricity at a legally regulated price per kWh to the electricity suppliers. The Renewable Energy Sources Act (“Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz”, EEG) guarantees with this priority feed-in and fixed feed-in tariffs for each renewable energy source. Most often, the tariffs are guaranteed for a fixed period of 20 years but tariffs for new installations are decreased every year by a certain percentage in according to technological improvement (Klessmann, 2008).

RES-E Generators sell their electricity under a guaranteed price to the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to whose grid the energy plant is physically connected. Market prices, rules and risks of the market are not relevant for the generators; however, the electricity is still integrated into the market. The DNO transfers this electricity at a fixed price to one transmission system operator (TSO) who is responsible for the transformation of the profile into standard load profiles and also for forecasting, scheduling and balancing. The DNO charges additional costs such as price differences between the tariffs and the market prices to the consumers. The advantage of the forecasting of the TSO is that forecasting is more precise but on the other hand there is no incentive to minimize possible forecast errors and the balancing costs as they are paid by the customers (Klessmann, 2008).

A significant effect of using renewable energy is that after the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) all the RES-E will be taken first in the merit order and so the revenues of fossil fuel plants will decrease. Plants with the lowest variable production costs are put into operation first. Most renewable energy technologies have low variable costs and zero fuel costs. That is one reason for taking renewables first in the merit order. However, this could lead to lower capacity investments or even disinvestments in fossil fuel plants, which could be a problem at times when wind energy and its availability is low as the lower investments in fossil fuel plants could increase spot prices for fossil plants (Klessmann, 2008).

Furthermore the EEG guarantees easy grid access. The RES-E plant operator only pays for the connection to the nearest grid connection point. In case that there is not enough capacity to transport the generated electricity, the network operator has to reinforce the grid. Originated costs can be charged to the consumers.

Neubarth et al. (2006) also discuss the effect of RES-E on electricity market prices. They state that spot market prices at the European Energy Exchange in Leipzig (EEX) were lower than average on days with high predicted wind power feed-in. For the pricing the wind forecast should not be composed of hours but rather of the wind conditions of the whole day. They estimate an average spot market price reduction of 1.89 €/MWh for every 1000 MW forecasted wind power. However, the price reductions are not relevant for the generators as they are paid fixed feed-in rates. It is more important for the TSO that trades parts of this electricity day-ahead on the market.

Another important part of wind energy generation is the offshore wind generation. According to studies, the yield is 40% higher than the generation onshore (BWE, Offshore, 2009). The development in Germany is still behind in this field. Reasons for this are for example the lack of know-how in building and the costs – especially at the beginning. With the EEG from 2009 the payment for offshore wind power has been set to 15 ct/kWh for the first 12 years. This improved the conditions. It is assumed that about 25,000 MW power could be realized until 2030. In combination with onshore wind generation 25% of the used electricity in Germany could be realized only with wind power but there are still many requirements that have to be fulfilled (such as better knowledge of building) (BWE, Offshore, 2009).


Discussing the different impacts of the market integration of wind generation in Germany, the different power markets and in turn the impacts of the integration on the markets should be also considered. Klessmann et al. (2008) integrate some impacts in their study. 

In forward markets the electricity is traded ahead of its delivery. It is possible to trade years ahead but also only hours ahead. Day-ahead markets and intra-day markets are most relevant for stochastic RES-E like wind energy as their output cannot be predicted far in advance.

The balancing market is a more physical market, as all trades correspond to actual power flows. Power that is sold in forward markets but not delivered in real time will be purchased in the balancing market from the system operator at the imbalance energy price.

Due to the fact that wind energy is limited in the predictability and the TSO is responsible for forecasting, forecasting errors should be reduced because thereby the RES-E can be better integrated into generation dispatch and so the remaining balancing costs are lower. The use of the intra-day market could help as schedules can be delivered just minutes before the actual delivery which also improves the market response. With the structure of the intra-day market it is nearly possible to fix the forecasting problems. The closer the actual delivery the easier and better the scheduling.

More problems are defined by Klessmann et al. (2008). Price risks in forward markets and the exposure to them will lead to high risk premiums for the RES-E generators but it will lead to a better match of supply and demand because the generators are then able to plan their generation according to market prices. This is hardly relevant for wind power generators and so it is just a very low risk.

Besides, there are also forecasting and balancing risks. If RES-E generators (and not only the TSO) should forecast and balance their generation, they would have an incentive to minimize imbalance costs. This method has also disadvantages as smaller producers would have higher risk premiums and this could lead to a market concentration of lager producers because the forecasting quality improves with the number of forecasted generators.

Furthermore, the increased use of wind energy will lead to a devaluation of existing conventional power plants due to decreasing full-load hours. A cost-efficient structure of conventional power plants will reflect the impacts of renewable energies in the system. Extreme prices could be the result if the adjustment of the conventional power plants to the increased shares of the renewables does not work. Capacity payments may help the market to adjust the power system to provide appropriate amounts of flexible capacity (Klessmann, 2008).


Summarizing it can be said that under the feed-in tariff the risks for renewable energy generators are (relatively) low as the electricity is sold at a regulated price and moreover, with the EEG priority feed-in is guaranteed. As wind power is subject to fluctuations it is more difficult to predict exactly the generation which could lead to imbalancing costs. To avoid unnecessary expense resulting from errors, the forecasting by the TSO should be more and more improved which could be achieved for example by incentives for minimizing costs. The limitations of the predictability of wind power have also effects on the mentioned markets (forward markets and balancing markets).








Klessmann, C., Nabe, C. and Burges, K.:

Pros and cons of exposing renewables to electricity market risks – A comparison of the market integration approaches in Germany, Spain and the UK; Energy Policy, 2008, Vol. 36, pp. 3646-3661


Neubarth, J., Woll, O., Weber, C. and Gerecht, M.:

Beeinflussung der Spotmarktpreise durch Windstromerzeugung; Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2006, Vol. 56, Heft 7, pp. 42-45


BWE (Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.) – Statistics:

Die Entwicklung der Windenergie in Deutschland 2009; , Recall: 20.01.2010


BWE (Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.) – Offshore:

Zukunftsmarkt: Offshore (2009); , Recall: 20.01.2010


EEG (Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz):

Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG); , Recall: 20.01.2010

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