

University, School

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Grade, Teacher, Year

1995, 1

Author / Copyright
Lukas A. ©
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ID# 23684

Overview: Die Zusam­men­fas­sung bietet einen detail­lierten Einblick in die Hand­lung von "Slumdog Millionaire". Sie erklärt, wie der Prot­ago­nist Jamal durch seine Lebens­er­fah­rungen die Antworten auf die Quiz­fragen kennt und dabei seine große Liebe Latika wieder­fin­det. Dieser Über­blick ist hilf­reich für alle, die eine schnelle Auffri­schung der Geschichte suchen oder den Film verstehen möch­ten, ohne ihn anzu­se­hen.


The film opens in a police station, where Jamal is tortured. At this time he has already answered the penultimate quiz question correctly and is suspected of being an impostor. The police commissioner doubted that a former street kid from Mumbai could answer as many questions correctly.

In the form of flashbacks to Jamal's memories of his past life are shown. The acquisition of knowledge and the day before, when he had all the questions of quiz show to the last "million dollar question" answered correctly

For police officers and the host of the show, Prem Kumar, there is no doubt that this must be a scam at Jamal, especially Prem Kumar himself also comes from the slums and had to fight hard. He's initially "his" show, turned to the audience, repeatedly mocking the Slumdog candidate that will meet as a simple errand boy apparently not the quiz.

When the two meet in the commercial break on the toilet, Prem has no qualms Jamal leave even sent an incorrect response to the penultimate question quiz. But Jamal recognizes the event and selects the right solution. Just before the last question, the signal sounds for the end of the broadcast.

Outside the doors of the studio is already waiting the police informed of Prem. Jamal is taken into custody, tortured and interrogated. When he can speak again and explain to each quiz question how he knew the answer, can bind the Commissioner of its history.

In flashbacks, the audience learns of the life story of Jamal and his brother Salim in modern India, the growth of the half-orphans in the slum, the violent death of the mother and the encounter with the orphan Latika. Jamal tells of involuntary period of three children in a begging organization of Maman, the flight of the brothers, the restless life as peddlers on trains and as a supposed guide at the Taj Mahal, the murder Maman and liberation Latikas and the following break with his brother to to the present life as Teeservierer (Chaiwal.....[read full text]

Download Slumdog Milliona­ire Enthüllt­: Wie Jamal's Leben zum Quiz-Sie­g führte! Zusammen­fassungs­-Geheimn­isse!
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The picture pauses and displays the answer to the initial question: "D: It's fate."

The following is a musical-dance guy in a typic.....

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