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List of Reports: Psychology

Media influences on anti-social behaviour
1.118 Words / ~2 pages Csgrammar Discuss media influenc­es on anti-soc­ial behaviou­r Eron suggests that there is now a clear link between heavy exposure to televise­d violence and aggressi­ve behaviou­r, crime and violence in society. Kunkel et al found that 2/3 of children­’s programm­es sampled in a content analysis containe­d at least one act of violence­. Whereas Greenber­g found that an equal number of anti and pro social acts were shown in children­’s programm­es in the US. A problem with using content analysis is that it is subjecti­ve as opinions on what should be classed as anti-soc­ial behaviou­r vary between people. There is also experime­nter bias, but this can be improved by having several research­ers present. Huesmann et al conducte­d a study which found a strong, positive correlat­ion between exposure to violent TV over the previous 15 years and…[show more]
Review on The Pygmalion Effect: Will expectations from the others affect someone’s performance?
1.014 Words / ~3 pages Hong Kong Polytechnic University - PolyU HK Will ex­pec­ta­ti­ons from the others af­fect so­meone’s per­for­mance? Do you agree that on­ce the others ex­pec­ted so­me­thing mo­re on you, your per­for­mance would li­kely be bet­ter? Ac­cor­ding to the Pyg­ma­li­on ef­fect(Ro­bert Ro­sen­thal and Len­ore Ja­cob­son ,1968), the­re is a po­si­ti­ve cor­re­la­ti­on bet­ween ex­pec­ta­ti­on and per­for­mance. Ro­sen­thal and others have found that hig­her ex­pec­ta­ti­ons lead te­a­chers to act dif­fer­ent­ly in re­gard to the lear­ner. The Pyg­ma­li­on ef­fect is a form of self-ful­fil­ling pro­phe­cy which con­cluded when so­meone is be­lie­ved that has the abili­ty to be a gre­at per­for­mer by the re­spec­ti­ve aut­ho­ri­ties, their be­lief be­co­mes rea­li­ty as their po­ten­ti­al abili­ties have be­en arou­sed. To so­me of its ext­ent, I agree wi­th this theo­ry as it al­ways ap­pli­es in my dai­ly life. In my se­con­da­ry school, I cho­se busi­ness and fi­nan­cial…[show more]

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