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Lecture / Speech

Stephen Lawrence Case: A Reflecti­on on UK's Multicul­turalism

532 Words / ~1 page sternsternsternstern_0.5stern_0.3 Author Melanie F. in Feb. 2017

English Language

University, School

Schulausbildung in Wiesbaden

Grade, Teacher, Year


Author / Copyright
Melanie F. ©
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ID# 62543

Overview: Der Vortrag thema­ti­siert den tragi­schen Mord an Stephen Lawrence, einem schwarzen briti­schen Studen­ten, und die unzu­rei­chende Reak­tion der Polizei aufgrund von Rassis­mus. Es wird betont, dass Groß­bri­tan­nien als multi­kul­tu­relle Gesell­schaft gilt, aber rassis­ti­sche Span­nungen und Vorur­teile weiterhin bestehen. Die Folgen sind soziale und wirt­schaft­liche Ungleich­heit sowie Ereig­nisse wie die Londoner Unruhen 2011. Der Redner fordert Respekt für alle Kulturen im Gedenken an Opfer wie Lawrence.
Stephen Lawrence Case: A Reflection on UK's Multiculturalism

Once upon a time there was an 18 year old male called Stephen Lawrence. He was British and a student just like us. You are probably wondering why I am telling you this. The truth is, it is no happy story - it is a very sad story. Stephen Lawrence was murdered by a gang of teenagers.

But I’m not finished. The police found the gang who killed the young student but covered up for them.

You might ask why they covered up for them. Isn’t the police a symbol for justice? The answer is that even though Stephen Lawrence was a British student, some people thought that he was different. Different in a way he couldn’t change. Stephen Lawrence was black. He was murdered because of his skin color just like many people before him.

Now I have to ask you: Do you know what Great Britain stands for? MULTICULTURALISM.

If you don’t know what this word means I’m going to help you along. Multiculturalism stands for the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation.

Does Stephen Lawrence’ case sound like a preservation of different cultures or cultural identities? No, it sounds more like a destruction of different cultures or cultural identities. Multiculturalism implies mutual respect between the various groups in society for one another’s culture and allows minorities to express their own culture without suffering .....[read full text]

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Do this in honor of Stephen Lawrence and other victims who were killed because of their skin color or cultural background and fight .....

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