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Summary of Romeo and Juliet - English Homework

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Summary of Romeo and Juliet

Act 1:

At the beginning of the play the servants from the Capulet and Montague households get involved in a duel on the fair streets of Verona. Benvolio, a Montague, attempts to stop the quarrel but is provoked and drawn into the quarrel by Tybalt, a Capulet. As soon as Lord Capulet and Lord Montague, the heads of both households, arrive they almost start duel themselves.

Once the Prince of Verona arrives at the scene he immediately stops the quarrel additionally stating that any further brawls will conclude in banishment of both parties. Only when the brawl ends do Lord and Lady Montague ask Benvolio for Romeo’s whereabouts. They learn that Romeo is not anywhere near the brawl.

Lord and Lady Montague plead Benvolio to go see what is troubling their son. Once Romeo tells Benvolio about his love for Rosaline, Benvolio tries to reason with him and suggests to Romeo to forget about Rosaline, but Romeo refuses.

Meanwhile in the Capulet household Count Paris and Lord Capulet are having a discussion about Paris marrying Juliet. Lord Capulet is uncertain because of Juliet’s age and wishes to wait two more years before discussing any further talk about marriage. However Lord Capulet grants Paris permission to court Juliet.

An illiterate servant from the Capulet household is sent out with a guest list. On the way this servant meets Romeo and Benvolio and asks them to read out the names on the list. Noticing that Rosaline’s name was on the list, Romeo came up with a plan to go to the feast with his men.

While Juliet is getting ready for the feast, her mother, Lady Capulet barges into the room and announces Paris’s proposal as well as saying that Paris will be at the feast that night. Juliet never thought about marriage thus did not know how to respond.

Romeo and his men wear masks not only to hide their identities but because the feast was a masquerade ball. As they walked to their destination Mercutio, Romeo’s friend, has teases Romeo about his love for Rosaline.

As they arrive at the Capulet household Romeo immediately notices Juliet and falls in love with her. It is love at first sight unfortunately trouble always seems to be around as Tybalt recognizes Romeo and wants to kill him at sight.

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Thankfully Lord Capulet prevents Tybalt from causing a scene. Romeo tries to meet Juliet and succeeds as he ends up kissing Juliet.

Not knowing who Romeo is Juliet begs the Nurse to find out about him. Romeo through Juliet’s Nurse finds out that Juliet is a Capulet. As the feast is over Juliet finds out that Romeo is a Montague.

Act 2:

Walking back home Romeo quickly changes his mind due to being intrigued by Juliet, not caring that she is a Capulet. Climbing over the vine wall Romeo hears Mercutio and Benvolio drawing near therefore he hides in the bushes.

As Romeo hides in the bushes under Juliet’s bedroom balcony, Juliet came out and reveals her love for Romeo. Juliet wonders why a surname can create two lovers to fall apart. After Romeo shows himself to Juliet they both confess their love for each other and agree to marry in secrecy.

Juliet promises Romeo that she will send a messenger the following day so that Romeo can inform her of the wedding plans. Romeo leaves to find Friar Laurence for advice.

At dawn Romeo finds Friar Laurence collecting medical herbs. He tells Friar Laurence how much he is in love with Juliet and how he wishes that Friar Laurence marries them later in the afternoon. The Friar is uncertain because of Romeo has quickly fallen out of love with Rosaline and in love with Juliet, however Friar Laurence agrees to wed the two in order to stop the feud between the households.

As the Nurse comes back she starts to tease Juliet, telling her how much her back and legs hurt. Juliet pleads the Nurse to give her the information that Romeo has given her. Finally hearing the marvellous news Juliet waits impatiently for the afternoon to come.

As Friar Laurence and Romeo wait for Juliet to arrive, the Friar tells Romeo that he is still unsure about the marriage and how quickly Romeo has moved on from Rosaline.

Act 3:

Tybalt is in search for Romeo to get his revenge since Romeo trespassed onto the feast.

Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel but Romeo refuses as Romeo saw no reason to fight Tybalt. Mercutio wanting to defend Romeo’s name accepts the challenge and starts duel with Tybalt. Tybalt stabs Mercutio thus resulting into Mercutio’s death. Romeo filled with rage starts a duel with Tybalt.

Juliet waits for Romeo to come; the Nurse arrives to tell her the dreadful news about her cousin. When Juliet found out about Romeo’s banishment she was devastated. Juliet pleads the Nurse to seek for Romeo and to give him a ring.

Founding out about his banishment Romeo tries to commit suicide but thankfully Friar Laurence stops him and tells Romeo that he should think about his fair Juliet and how this would affect her. On the Nurses arrival she tells Romeo how devastated Juliet is over his banishment.

Romeo goes to Juliet to spend the night as planned. Friar Laurence promises to announce their marriage to the public in hopes that Romeo could be forgiven for his crime.

Lord Capulet and Paris once again talk about Paris’s marriage to Juliet though this time Lord Capulet agrees. Lord Capulet decides that the wedding date is that Thursday morning. Lady Capulet rushes to tell Juliet the joyful news.

Lord Capulet is furious as he learns that Juliet is not happy about the wedding arrangements. He threatens to disown her if she does not comply with his wish.

Act 4:

Juliet seeks Friar Laurence and pleads him for help. Friar Laurence finds a sleeping potion and gives it to Juliet as he explains the plan and the potions affects. As Juliet goes home, Friar Laurence writes a letter and sends Friar John to search for Romeo and to give the letter directly into Romeo’s hands.

When Juliet arrives home she tells Lord Capulet that she will not object to the marriage and that she leaves the wedding preparations to Lady Capulet.

Juliet has doubts the potions affect though she drinks the potion in hopes that she will wake up in Romeo’s embrace.

The Nurse discovers Juliet’s cold, dead like body and quickly rushes to inform Lord and Lady Capulet. The Capulet family changes the wedding arrangements to funeral arrangements.

Balthazar, a servant to Romeo, arrives with news about Juliet’s death. Romeo quickly makes plan for Verona and on his way he buys a deadly poison.

Friar Laurence soon finds out that Friar John did not find Romeo thus failing to inform Romeo about Friar Laurence’s and Juliet’s plan. Friar Laurence rushes to the Capulet tomb where Juliet lays.

Once Romeo arrives at the tomb Paris confronts him. Romeo tells Paris to leave but Paris refuses. Paris and Romeo start a duel that results in Paris’s death. As Romeo finds Juliet dead he drinks the poison and dies next to her, not knowing that she would wake up soon.

Juliet awakes only to find Romeo dead next to her, she tries to kiss his lips in hope that the poison that Romeo drank was still on them but failed. Juliet reaches for Romeo’s dagger and stabs herself. Both Lord Capulet and Lord Montague arrive at the tomb. Friar Laurence explains what happened and tells them about Romeo’s and Juliet’s love for one another.

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