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Sweeney Todd: The Gruesome Barber of Fleet Street - A 1785 Tale

1.081 Words / ~2 pages sternsternsternstern_0.75stern_0.3 Author Dominique S. in Apr. 2012
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Overview: "Sweeney Todd" ist eine Geschich­te, die im London des Jahres 1785 spielt und von einem Barbier namens Sweeney Todd handelt, der für seine ungewöhn­lich großen Hände und Füße bekannt ist. Sein Angestel­lter Tobias Ragg wird in eine Reihe mysteriö­ser Ereignis­se verwicke­lt, die mit dem Verschwi­nden eines Kunden beginnen­. Die Tochter eines gewissen Mr. Oakley, Johanna, wird in die Suche nach ihrem verschol­lenen Geliebte­n Mark Ingestri­e hineinge­zogen. Währenddes­sen deckt ein neuer Kuchenve­rkäufer namens Jarvis Williams dunkle Geheimni­sse auf, die mit Todds Barbierg­eschäft verbunde­n sind.

Sweeney Todd




Chapter I – Two Exciting Days in 1785


London in 1785, 2 years ago when George III was King of England. In the Fleet Street lived a barber. His name was Sweeney Todd. He was tall. He had unusually big hands and feet. He was a good barber. He had only one employee, his name was Tobias Ragg.

Someday, a man came in with a dog for a shave. Todd was afraid of dogs. Todd asked the man, to take the dog outside before he attacked me. The man said that he had a pearl necklace for a woman. Todd said to Tobias, that he had to go to buy a cake. In that time, Todd hid the man into his cupboard. The dog took the hat from his owner and ran away.

After the day, Mr. Oakley needed the help from his daughter, Johanna. She asked his dad, where was mom. He said, she went to the church because it was the 20th of August. Suddenly Johanna cried. She told a history of a man, the man was her sweetheart, Mark Ingestrie.


Chapter II – Missing Customers and a Disappearing Dog


At the lunchtime a shop made open. It was a pie-shop from Miss Lovett, she was a pretty women. There was a long queue, because everybody wanted a pie. Tobias was there and bought one. He went to Todd and in front of the door was the dog. In the barber´s shop, Sweeney held a hat and a walking stick. Todd said that he hurt Tobias when he says any words about Todd´s business and he went to the police and say that his mom steeled a silver box from Mr. King. Johanna became a letter. She had to go to the Temple Gardens, because there was a man with news about Mark. She went to the Temple Gardens and she came the barber shop over and arrived the Temple Gardens. A man, Mr. Jeffery, told Johanna the whole story.

Mr. Jeffery and Captain Rathbone disguised as jewelry businessmen to find anything about Mr. Thornhill and the necklace but they don´t get to know.


Chapter III – A Time for Making Plans


Mrs. Lovett wanted to close the shop, but there was a man, his name was Jarvis Williams. He asked for a job. The barber divided the head from the old pie man in twice. Jarvis became the job, he was the new pie man. The next day, Johanna went to her best friend. She told her the whole story about Mark and Mr. Thornhill. They had a plan to discover the secrets from Todd. She had to go to disguise for a boy. Johanna had a second meeting with Mr. Jeffery, she said him that Mark can be Mr. Thornhill. Mr. Jeffery helped her. The barber had a plan, he went to another barber for a haircut and he took any clothes from dead customers. He drove with a carriage to Mr. Mundel, he gave him 8000 pounds for the pearl necklace. During that time, Tobias discovered the secrets, with a metal bar he opened the locked cupboards and found any clothes, hats and walking sticks. Tobias ran to his mom and asked anything about Sweeney Todd and then he ran away.


Chapter IV - Prisoners


Sweeney went to Tobias´s mom, they talked. Suddenly it knocked on the door, it was Tobias. Sweeney hid in a cupboard. Tobias said to his mom she had to go to the police, because Tobias had the truth about Todd. Sweeney packed Tobias head. Sweeney and Tobias drove with a carriage to Mr. Fogg´s Special Hospital. Todd said to Mr. Fogg that, Tobias was crazy and left him there. Tobias was in a cellar without light and furniture. Mr. Watson was violently.

Jarvis, the new pie man, found a stone with a notice. He was more afraid then before. He thought about the meat.





Chapter V – Help is found


Mr. Jeffery and Captain Rathbone sat in a pub. They observed the barber shop. The first customer came and after few minutes the second, after 6 minutes the second one went out, however where was the first one? They had a plan. They went to Sir Richard Blunt. Sir Blunt told everything what knew about Todd.

In afternoon he went to the church and asked him about news. Mr. Willkott and Sir Blunt went the stairs under it and found a door when they opened this, a ghastly smell came out. Tobias sat in his cellar and heard a female voice singing.

The doctor came to the hospital and examined the patients. Tobias said anything about Todd, but the doctor don´t believed it. Mr. Watson kicked stepped Tobias and he has hit him before fury. Tobias noticed that his door not was concluded and went out and decided to flee with his new friend around 9. Tobias climbed it wound high, but his friend remained there because the jacket had torn in 2. He dropped the wall and went to London.


Chapter VI – The Last Tray of Pies


Todd searched a new employee and Charley Green, Johanna disguised as a boy, became the job. Todd went to a chemist and bought poison for his escape. Johanna examined the barber shop and found many walking sticks in a cupboard. She became a letter, their written that a man come for the evening and help her. Sweeney asked Johanna that he bring hot water. Mr. Wrankley said that he became a pearl necklace from Mr. Mundel. Mr. Mundel wanted to sell the necklace and gave it Mr. Wrankley. During that time Johanna went to Mrs. Cummings for asked the health from her husband, because he was ill. Todd went after the shave to Mrs. Lovett, he made a glass of wine for Mrs. Lovett but he took poison inside. Suddenly Mrs. Wrankley came in the shop and was afraid because her husband never arrived the home. The pie man found a door and opened it, he discovered the secrets about the meat.

Todd went to his barber shop back and there was a man for a shave. It was Sir Blunt but he had disguised for a businessman. Todd needed another razor because the beard was too thick. Suddenly the chair moved and another chair came.  The customers sat on the chair and fell at the ground and broke her neck. Mr. Todd was tied up.

At nine o´clock the pies was finish. Jarvis jumped from the elevator and said that the meat for the pies was the customers from Mr. Todd. Mrs. Lovett tied up but any seconds later Mrs. Lovett fell at the ground she was dead. Jarvis saw Johanna and said I am Mark.

Mr. Todd hanged. The Special hospital closed. Tobias and his mom worked for Mark and Johanna and Mark married.

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