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Optimizi­ng Language Learning­: Strategi­es & Taxonomi­es - PowerPoi­nt Guide

617 Words / ~11 slides sternsternsternstern_0.2stern_0.3 Author Carmen H. in Nov. 2016

English Language

University, School

Arizona state university

Grade, Teacher, Year


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Carmen H. ©
Price 3.70
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ID# 60088

Content: Die Power­Point-Prä­sen­ta­tion liefert einen umfas­senden Über­blick über verschie­dene Sprach­lern­stra­te­gien und deren Klas­si­fi­zie­run­gen. Sie erklärt detail­liert die kogni­ti­ven, meta­ko­gni­tiven und sozio­af­fek­tiven Ansätze, die beim Spra­chen­lernen hilf­reich sind. Die Präsen­ta­tion verdeut­licht anhand von Beispie­len, wie diese Stra­te­gien in der Praxis ange­wendet werden können. Sie ist ein wert­volles Werk­zeug für Lehrende und Lernende, um den Sprach­er­werb effek­tiver zu gestal­ten.
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: (Cohen, 1990) that “learning strategies are processes which are consciously selected by learners Folie 1
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: Oxford’s taxonomy of language learning strategies(1990) Oxford divided language learning strategies Folie 2
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: These principles are employed when a learner faces challenge of vocabulary learning Folie 3
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: Conclusion The types of strategies used by different learners vary due to different factors ,such Folie 4
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide:  Folie 5
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: 3-Definition of learning strategies 4-Oxford’s taxonomy of language learning strategies(1990) Folie 6
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: This definition is further expanded to include "specific actions taken by the learner to Folie 7
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: 4) (Cohen, 1990) that “learning strategies are processes which are consciously selected by learners Folie 8
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: The indirct strategies include metacognitive, affective, and social strategies Folie 9
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide: Three sets of strategies are included in this group: Asking Questions, Cooperating with others, Folie 10
Optimizing Language Learning: Strategies & Taxonomies - PowerPoint Guide:  Folie 11
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  • Taxonomies of Language Learning Strategies

Outlines :

  • 1-Introduction.
  • 2-Definition of strategy.
  • 3-Definition of learning strategies
  • 4-Oxford’s taxonomy of language learning strategies(1990).
  • 5-O’malley and chamot ‘s taxonomy (1989).
  • 6-Cohen’s taxonomy.
  • 7-Conclusion.

  • Introducion :
  • Definition of strategy :
  • The word strategy comes from the ancient Greek word strategia ,which means steps or actions taken for the purpose of winning a war.
  • Defenition of learning strategies :
  • Malley and Chamot (1990) define language learning strategies as « The special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend ,learn,or retain new information »

  • Learning strategies are defined by Oxford as
  • "operations employed by the learner to aid the acquisition , storage, retrieval, and use of information".
  • This definition is further expanded to include "specific actions taken by the learner to make
  • learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable to new situations" (Oxford, 1990, p. 8).

(Cohen, 1990) that “learning strategies are processes which are consciously selected by learners and which may result in actions taken to enhance the learning or use of a second or foreign language through the storage, retention, recall, and application of information about that language” ( p. 4)

  • (Cohen, 1990) that “learning strategies are processes which are consciously selected by learners and which may result in actions taken to enhance the learning or use of a second or foreign language through the storage, retention, recall, and application of information about that language” ( p. 4)
  • Wenden and Rubin (1987:19) define learning strategies as " . any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information.“

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Oxford’s taxonomy of language learning strategies(1990)

  • Oxford divided language learning strategies into direct and indirect strategies which are also subdivided into six main categories. the direct strategies are memory, cognitive, and compensation. The indirct strategies include metacognitive, affective, and social strategies.
  • A-Direct strategies :
  • 1-Memory strategies :
  •  Memory strategies are based on simple principles like laying things out in order, making association, and reviewing.

    These principles are employed when a learner faces challenge of vocabulary learning. For exemple : the name Solange of a French person, it could be associated by saying Solange’s face is so long.

2-Cognitive strategies :

  • 2-Cognitive strategies :
  • It includes four main strategies : Practicing, Receiving and Sending Messages, Analyzing and Reasoning, and Creating Structure for Input and Output.
  • Practicing : The words through, though, tough, and trough contain ough but sound different.
  • Receiving and Sending Messages :through skimming and scanning.
  • Analyzing and Reasoning.
  • Creating Structure for Input and Output :for instance taking notes and summarising

3-social strategies :

  • 3-social strategies :
  • Social strategies are very important in learning a language because language is used in communication
  • and communication occurs between people. Three sets of strategies are included in this
  • group: Asking Questions, Cooperating with others, and Empathizing with Others.

Conclusion The types of strategies used by different learners vary due to different factors ,such as degree of awareness ,stage of learning ,taskrequirements ,age,general learning style,personality traits ,motivation level and purpose for learning a language.

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