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The outsider Summary of each chapter

2.176 Words / ~9 pages sternsternsternstern_0.25stern_0.3 Author Clemens K. in Nov. 2011

English Language

University, School

Aachen Inda-Gymnasium

Grade, Teacher, Year


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The outsider Summary of each chapter

Chapter 1:

Ponyboy Curtis, the narrator of the story, is a fourteen-year-old boy. He is walking home alone. During his walk home he thinks about his life. The dream of being like Paul Newman, the tough boy and he thinks about his brothers Sodapop and Darry, what they like and what they do not like and about school.

Suddenly a corvair pulled up beside him and five Socs get out.

He thinks about, what they have made with Johnny when they beat him and got scared. Then one of the Socs pulled a switchable out his pocket. Ponyboy started screaming and after a few minutes, his brothers Darry and Sodapop were there and helped him.

Chapter 2:

After a successful shop-lift, Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally went to the movies. Dally sees two pretty girls, and tries to flirt with them. But they do not like him so he gives up and goes away.

After a few minutes Ponyboy and the girls start a conversation, Dally and Johnny come back, with a coke for each of them, but when Dally tries to put his arm around Sherry, she throws the coke into his face and Johnny tells to him to leave her alone. Ponyboy is shocked: No one ever tells Dally what to do.

The girls ask Johnny and Ponyboy to sit with them, because they think the two boys are much nicer than Dally. Pony and Cherry go to get Popcorn and he tells Cherry what the Socs did to Johnny when they beat him up for months ago. Cherry is really shocked.

Chapter 3:

After the movies Cherry and her friend Marcia, do not know how to get home. So Two-Bit let Johnny and Ponyboy drive them home in his car.

As Pony talks to Cherry, he realizes that she is not so different from a Greaser. He asks her if money is the only thing that separates them. She says, “It’s not just money… We’re sophisticated to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is real with us.”

Just then they see a blue mustang coming towards them. It is the car of Cherry’s boyfriend. First they drive by, but after that Ponyboy cries about Darry, the Socs reappear in the blue Mustang.

One of them wears many rings on his fingers, and Pony realizes that this is the boy who Johnny beat up. But Cherry is able to prevent a fight.

Before she leaves with the Socs she tells him,„I could fall in love with Dallas Winston. I hope I never see him again, or I will.”

Chapter 4:

As they are walking through the park in the darkness, they hear a car horn. Five Socs hop out of their blue Mustang, and Pony can see that they are very drunk. Johnny’s face turns white. Only Pony can see the fear in his eyes. The Socs menace Johnny and Ponyboy. Then a soc, called Bob, presses Ponyboy under water in the fountain. Johnny killed him with his knife.Ponyboy panics, but Johnny keeps calm.

He says that Dally will tell them what to do. They know that they can find him at Buck Meryl’s place. Buck Meryl is a cowboy and vagrant, Ponyboy has been forbidden to go near him, but they need to see Dally.He listens to their story and simply congratulate.....[read full text]

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A man tells him that Dally is all right, but Johnny has a broken bag and is burned badly.

In the waiting room of the hospital, Pony sees that Dally is all right but Johnny is severely hurt. Darry and Soda arrive. They wait with him to hear more about the other two boys so he is very happy to see them. When Pony sees the tears in Darry’s face he knows that Darry cares about him, as well as he did to Soda.

Chapter 7:

While the brothers wait in hospital to see how Johnny and Dally are, reporters interview them.

After the reporters have finally left, the boys convince the doctor to tell them about Dally and Johnny. The doctor said that Dally is burned but will be okay in a few weeks, but he also adds that Johnny will die in a few days, because he is badly hurt.

The next morning Pony reads that the newspaper calls him a hero. Reading this, Pony remembers his nightmare the night before. Since his parents died, he has been having the same nightmare very often, and he can never remember it. It terrifies him any time.

Everyone goes to work, except Two-Bit and Randy who take care of Ponyboy. When they go to get some ice cream the blue Mustang pulls up near them. Randy pulls Ponyboy aside. He tells him that he does not want to fight anymore because fighting does not do anything good.


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As soon as it is over, Dally drags Ponyboy to see Johnny, who he says has got much worse.

When they are at the hospital, the last thing Johnny says to Pony, “stay gold”, like in the poem, and dies.

Dally becomes hysterical, crying and beating his fist against the wall. Then he runs out of the room.

Chapter 10:

Not knowing what to do, Ponyboy walks home alone. In a daze, he convinces himself that Johnny is not dead. A man picks him up and drives him home, concerned about Ponyboy’s cuts and bruises from the fight.

Back home he tells the other that Johnny is dead now and Dally has run off, unable to deal with it.Just then, Dally calls. He has robbed a grocery store and the police are chasing him. The boys run to meet him at a vacant lot so they can help him hide. No one seems excited or thrilled the way they were before the rumble.When they get to the lot, the police are already there.

Dally pulls a gun out of his jacket, and Ponyboy realizes that it is the gun Dally had recently told him was not loaded. Dally is sure that the Police do not know that. The police shoot Dally, Pony thinks that that is just what Dally wanted.

He wakes up a few days later. He does not remember anything.No one is sure whether the three brothers will .....

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Chapter 12:

The courtroom is nearly empty: just a few Socs, their parents, and Ponyboy friend’s are there. Ponyboy is surprised to hear that all the Socs think that Johnny has killed Bob, but he decides to tellthe judge that he is the murderer as soon as he is called up. The judge does not ask him very many questions. He just tells him he is free to go. Later, Ponyboy finds out that the doctor has talked to the judge, telling them that Ponyboy is too ill and upset to answer serious questions.

Over the next few weeks, Ponyboy’s life is affected by his sadness. Ponyboy's paranoia is getting worse so he even threatens some Socs with a broken glass bottle.

After dinner, Pony and Darry get into a fight. Soda gets upset and runs out of the house. He drops a letter. It is the one he wrote to his girlfriend, returned unopened. Darry tells Pony that Soda is not the father of the girl's baby. Soda loves her. He wants to marry her anyway. But she clearly does not feel the same way about him. Ponyboy feels guilty. He knows that Soda probably tries to tell him but he is too busy or daydreaming.

Darry and Pony go after Soda. When they catch him, he tells Pony that he feels caught in the middle of all their fighting’s. They agree not to fight anymore and race home together.

He picks up the copy of “Gone with the Wind” from Johnny. Inside the book there is a note from Johnny. It tells Ponyboy not to stop looking at sunsets and to tell Dally to look at one sometimes. Johnny writes that his death it’s worthwhile, because he has saved those children. He assures Pony that he does not have to be a Greaser forever. He can be whatever he likes.

After the message from Johnny, he decides to write his essay for his English class about what has happened to him and his fr.....

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