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Gymnasium Brandenburg

Speech example: The Need of Fitness
Lecture589 Words / ~ pages Speech ex­am­p­le: The­Need of Fit­ness Oneyear ago I was 40 pounds big­ger, I was over­weight and I found my­self­very un­he­alt­hy.My­best fri­ends said I should gi­ve bo­dy­buil­ding a try, so I did.And­now one year la­ter I am the man I am. It is not on­ly a free ti­me­ac­ti­vi­ty it is a life­style and it’s ac­tual­ly good for your he­alth­con­di­ti­on. Obe­si­ty is a big pro­blem no­wa­days. 17% of the ado­le­s­centsare over­weight. That is one out of 5 in Ger­ma­ny. And the re­asons are­bad food and not en­ough sport. Obe­si­ty cau­ses for ex­am­p­le can­cer,dia­be­tes and a lot of he­art di­se­a­ses. But in Ger­ma­ny we aren’t asbad as the US, the­re are 36% adi­po­se. Adi­po­se is a le­vel of obe­si­ty­which is ex­tre­me­ly un­he­alt­hy. If you train and gain re­gu­lar­ly you may­lo­se your fat au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly. The big­gest part of fit­ness is the cle­a­na­li­men­ta­ti­on­. You have to eat ve­ge­ta­bles, fruits and me­at…[show more]
The German Revolution 1848: Can a revolution still be effective without reaching its most important aim?
Essay1.371 Words / ~ pages The Ger­man Re­vo­lu­ti­on 1848 Can a re­vo­lu­ti­on still be ef­fec­ti­ve wi­t­hout rea­ching its most im­portant aim? The Ger­man re­vo­lu­ti­on is an im­portant part of the Ger­man cul­tu­re and af­fects us till to­day. But how ef­fec­ti­ve can a re­vo­lu­ti­on be when it couldn’t reach its most im­portant aim of crea­ting the na­tio­nal sta­te of Ger­ma­ny? To ana­ly­ze this ques­ti­on the re­vo­lu­ti­on has to be con­side­red in its cour­se and the cir­cum­s­tances that cau­sed this re­vo­lu­ti­on. 1815 the con­gress of Vi­en­na was set up af­ter the de­feat of Na­po­le­on to de­fi­ne the bor­ders in Eu­ro­pe af­ter the po­li­ti­cal map has be­en ch­an­ged. The con­gress de­ci­ded to split the Ger­man Em­pire in­to 38 dif­fe­rent sta­tes which we­re cal­led the “Ger­man bun” tog­e­ther. But the po­pu­la­ti­on of Ger­ma­ny was dis­agre­e­ing wi­th this de­cis­i­on. They wan­ted the Ger­man bun to be­co­me one na­tio­nal sta­te to be uni­fied…[show more]

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