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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - LMU

Comprehensive Guide to Intercultural Project Reporting
Report4.312 Words / ~14 pages Alien Notes Intercul­tural Project Reflecti­ve Report 1. America- 1 1.1. First observat­ions – Night on Earth- 1 1.2. My Project – Helping American Indian families­- 2 2. I’­m an alien- 3 2.1. Downtown­- 3 2.1.1. Thank you, Mr. Busdrive­r 3 2.1.2. Sweety, Honey, Sugar 6 2.2. At the office- 7 2.2.1. The Cubicle- 7 2.2.2. I’­m fine. I’­m fine. I’­m fine. 8 2.2.3. Just let her bring her own cake. 8 2.3. Out with friends- 9 2.3.1. Beer and culture- 10 2.3.2. Let̵­7;s take over the world- 11 3. Conclusi­on- 12 1. America 31 July, 2009. The plane smoothly touches down on the runway, the wind roars as it hits the flaps of the wings bringing the plane to a halt. Then a short moment of silence until the clicking of seatbelt­s can be heard, phone conversa­tions are started and the passenge­rs hurry to get their carry-on­…[show more]
Un pacte avec le diable : Journal de lecture - Lesetagebuch
Interpretation1.423 Words / ~ pages Jour­nal de lec­tu­re Thier­ry Le­nain - Un pac­te avec le dia­ble Ta­ble des ma­tiè­res · Pour­quoi j’ai choi­si le lec­tu­re · Re­su­mées du cha­pi­t­res 1-7 · Cri­tique per­so­nel­le 1. Pour­quoi j’ai choi­si le lec­tu­re J’ai tri­ai le lec­tu­re ‹‹Un pac­te avec le dia­ble››, par­ce à mon avis le su­jet de la dro­gue est très pro­blé­ma­tique et plus de jeu­nes gens s’adon­nent à les dro­gues. Les nou­vel­les con­cer­nent sou­vent des les con­se­quen­ces du to­xi­co­mans. C’est pour­qui les li­v­res com­me le lec­tu­re ‹‹Un pac­te avec le dia­ble›› est im­portant pour cla­ri­fier le dan­ger du dro­gues. 2. Re­su­mées du cha­pi­t­res 1. La fuit Ro­x­an­ne, qui a dou­ze ans, n’ai­me pas les li­v­res pour en­fants par­ce qu’ils ont tou­jours un hap­py-end et ce n’est pas com­me ça dans la vraie vie. El­le trouve qu’el­le est à mi-che­min ent­re une pe­ti­te fil­le et une gran­de per­son­ne et pour el­le, c’est un pro­blè­me. Mais…[show more]
Contrastive linguistics and language teaching
Presentation1.992 Words / ~7 pages Con­tras­ti­ve lin­gu­i­stics and lan­guage tea­ching I. In­tro­duc­tion As you al­re­a­dy know, Con­tras­ti­ve lin­gu­i­stics is a branch of lin­gu­i­stics which seeks to compa­re the sounds, grammars and vo­ca­bu­la­ries of two lan­guages wi­th the aim of de­scrib­ing the si­mi­la­ri­ties and dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween them. Such a de­scrip­ti­on’s pur­po­se may be to con­tri­bu­te to the task of for­eign lan­guage tea­ching. The aim of my pre­sen­ta­ti­on is to show how and why con­tras­ti­ve lin­gu­i­stics can be useful to the te­a­cher of Eng­lish as a se­cond lan­guage. First I will gi­ve you a short over­view over to­day’s pre­sen­ta­ti­on. Af­ter that, I am go­ing to ex­plain each of the th­ree dif­fe­rent lin­gu­i­stic fields that con­tri­bu­te to lan­guage tea­ching: Con­tras­ti­ve ana­ly­sis, er­ror ana­ly­sis and In­ter­lan­guage. I am al­so go­ing to ana­ly­ze, in what way each one of the­se to­pics is useful for a…[show more]
Review on the thesis “Resilience in Energie Regionen, Das Praxisbeispiel Energie Region Erzgebirge” by Thorsten Schilling
Report873 Words / ~2 pages Re­view on the the­sis “Re­si­li­ence in En­er­gie Re­gio­nen, Das Pra­xis­bei­spiel En­er­gie Re­gi­on Erz­ge­bir­ge” by Thors­ten Schil­ling Se­mi­nar: Tran­si­ti­on Towards Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Prof. Dr. C. Bin­der / Prof. Dr. B. Gill Re­view writ­ten by: The the­sis “Re­si­li­ence in En­er­gie Re­gio­nen, Das Pra­xis­bei­spiel En­er­gie Re­gi­on Erz­ge­bir­ge” deals wi­th re­si­li­ence in en­er­gy re­gi­ons and fo­cu­ses on the en­er­gy re­gi­on “Erz­ge­bir­ge” as a con­cre­te ex­am­p­le. The aut­hor starts of wi­th an in­tro­duc­tion, which points out ge­ne­ral eco­lo­gi­cal pro­blems, li­ke the ri­se of the tem­pe­ra­tu­re in the 21th cen­tu­ry. The con­ti­nuous glo­bal ch­an­ge calls for a ch­an­ge in the en­er­gy sec­tor, towards the use of sus­tainable en­er­gy sources. The Main re­se­arch ques­ti­on is, if the struc­tu­re of an en­er­gy re­gi­on its­elf can be cha­rac­te­ri­zed as re­si­li­ent. In the fol­lo­wing step the aut­hor…[show more]
How is the city of Munich dealing with its goal to supply the city with power generated with renewable energies by 2025?
Term paper4.719 Words / ~13 pages Lud­wig-Ma­xi­mi­li­an-­­Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich In­sti­tu­te for So­cio­lo­gy Ad­van­ced se­mi­nar: Tran­si­ti­on towards sus­taina­bi­li­ty TO­PIC: TRAN­SI­TI­ON IN EN­ER­GY RE­GI­ONS HOW IS THE CI­TY OF MU­NICH DEAL­ING WI­TH ITS GOAL,TO SUP­P­LY THE CI­TY WI­TH POWER GE­NE­RA­TED WI­TH RE­NE­WA­BLE EN­ER­GIES BY 2025? , Prof. Dr. Bin­der, Prof. Dr. Gill Ad­van­ced se­mi­nar pa­per, 2012/2013 Mu­nich, 02.01.2013 Ta­ble of con­tent: 1. In­tro­duc­tion.­.­…[show more]
Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Freiwilligkeit in der Republik Moldau
Lecture1.266 Words / ~4 pages Nicht­re­gie­rungs­org­a­ni­sa­tio­nen und Frei­wil­lig­keit in der Re­pu­blik Mol­dau In der letz­ten Zeit wird in der Re­pu­blik Mol­dau über den Auf­bau der Zi­vil­ge­sell­schaft stän­dig dis­ku­tiert. Po­li­ti­sche und wirt­schaft­li­che Um­ge­stal­tun­gen führ­ten zur Ent­ste­hung neu­er ju­ris­ti­scher Nor­men und Be­grif­fe. Da­zu ge­hö­ren auch die Ge­stal­tung der Zi­vil­ge­sell­schaft so­wie die der Nicht­re­gie­rungs­org­a­ni­sa­ti­on. Sie…[show more]
Comic relief in Hamlet’s Act 5 Scene 1 - 
Early Modern Revenge Tragedy
Term paper1.657 Words / ~ pages Lud­wig-Ma­xi­mi­li­ans­-Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen In­sti­tut für Eng­li­sche Phi­lo­lo­gie Ear­ly Mo­dern Re­ven­ge Tra­ge­dy SS 2015 , BA, 11257192 Co­mic re­li­ef in Ham­let’s Act 5 Sce­ne 1 De­fi­ni­ti­on and func­tion of co­mic re­li­ef Co­mic re­li­ef sce­ne in Ham­let: the gra­vey­ard sce­ne 5.1 (Sce­ne sum­ma­ry and use of hu­mour) Over­all ef­fect on the play An of­ten re­cur­ring fea­ture of Wil­liam Shake­speare’s tra­ge­dies is the pre­sence of at least…[show more]
How to Do Things with Words Down Under: A Variational-Pragmatic Study of Australian English
Exam thesis28.847 Words / ~121 pages Face th­rea­tening acts can be ca­te­go­ri­zed in­to two clas­ses: acts that pri­ma­ri­ly th­rea­ten the hea­rer’s (H) po­si­ti­ve or ne­ga­ti­ve face, acts that th­rea­ten the spea­k­er’s (S) po­si­ti­ve or ne­ga­ti­ve face Brown & Le­vin­son (2002: 65 ff.) al­so em­pha­si­ze that the­re is an over­lap in the or­ga­niza­ti­on of FTAs as the­re are so­me acts which th­rea­ten bo­th the ne­ga­ti­ve and po­si­ti­ve face of a spea­k­er or hea­rer. In­iti­al­ly, FTAs th­rea­ten the…[show more]
Christianity's Evolution in the UK: Historical Insights and Modern Dynamics
Handout2.445 Words / ~11 pages Re­li­gi­on in the UK I. Chris­tia­ni­ty in the UK 1. Ear­ly Chris­tia­ni­ty ear­ly Bri­tish histo­ry: va­rious forms of pa­gan be­lief (po­ly­the­i­stic be­lief sys­tem) or­ga­nis­ed re­li­gi­on ~ AD 100: Chris­tia­ni­ty ar­ri­ves wi­th the Ro­mans, no or­ga­ni­zed at­tempt to con­vert Bri­tain AD 313 Edict of Mi­lan (by Em­per­or Con­stan­ti­ne): Chris­tia­ni­ty is le­ga­li­zed, Free­dom of wor­ship th­roug­hout the Ro­man Em­pire ~ AD 410: Ar­ri­val of An­gles, Sa­xons,…[show more]
Gedichtvergleich von Thomas Hardys The Darkling Thrush und William Wordworths Hark! 'Tis the Thrush
Interpretation1.154 Words / ~3 pages Ge­dicht­ver­gleich von Tho­mas Har­dys The Dar­k­ling Th­rush und Wil­liam Word­wort­hs Hark! Tis the Th­rush In the fol­lo­wing, Wil­liam Words­worth’s son­net “Hark! ‘tis the Th­rush” from 1838 and Tho­mas Har­dy’s po­em “The Dar­k­ling Th­rush” from 1900 will be brief­ly ana­ly­zed and then com­pared wi­th re­gard to the do­mi­nant word fields and imagery as well as to the way they deal wi­th the Ro­man­tic con­cept of na­tu­re and its ef­fect on the…[show more]
Bevölkerung 2050 - Sollte man sich Sorgen machen?
Essay567 Words / ~ pages Be­völ­ke­rung 2050- Soll­te man sich Sor­gen ma­chen? Was hat die Ge­bur­ten­ra­te, die Le­bens­er­war­tung und die Mi­gra­ti­on ge­mein­sam? Auf den ers­ten Blick schein­bar nur die deut­sche Her­kunft des Wor­tes, doch auf den zwei­ten Blick stel­len sie sich als die wich­tigs­ten Fak­to­ren für die Be­völ­ke­rungs­zahl ei­nes Lan­des her­aus. Tat­säch­lich ist es mit der Be­völ­ke­rung schon so weit ge­kom­men, dass man an­ge­fan­gen hat sich dar­über…[show more]
Speech Analysis of Chief Seattle’s Speech 1851/Topic: Native American
Interpretation1.117 Words / ~3 pages Ana­ly­sis of Chief Se­at­tle’s Speech The gi­ven speech was de­li­ver­ed in 1851 by Chief Se­at­tle, the lea­der of In­di­an tri­bes in the area of mo­dern day Wa­shing­ton Sta­te. The speech was di­rec­ted at the for­mer Pre­si­dent of the United Sta­tes who pres­su­red Se­at­tle in­to sel­ling the tri­bes lands of about two mil­li­on acres for the sum of 150,000 dol­lars. The spea­k­er’s in­ten­ti­on is to por­tray the harm that white peo­p­le cau­sed to na­ti­ves’…[show more]
Speech Analysis: Liam Fox’s speech “Immigration, integration and British values“
Text Analysis508 Words / ~1 page Ana­ly­sis of Liam Fox’s speech The speech “Im­mi­gra­ti­on, in­te­gra­ti­on and Bri­tish va­lues“, gi­ven by Liam Fox, a con­ser­va­ti­ve mem­ber of the Par­lia­ment, in 2014 in Bri­tish Par­lia­ment, fo­cu­ses on the re­asons why im­mi­gra­ti­on could be be­ne­fi­ci­al to the sta­te and the steps that need to be ta­ken to achie­ve it. The main in­ten­ti­on of the spea­k­er is to per­sua­de the re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves to ta­ke an ac­tion of chan­ging the sta­te’s im­mi­gra­ti­on…[show more]
Recoverability of Causal Effects in the Presence of Missing Data
Diploma thesis21.828 Words / ~69 pages Lud­wig-Ma­xi­mi­li­ans­-Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen De­part­ment of Sta­tis­tics Re­co­vera­bi­li­ty of Cau­sal Ef­fects in a Lon­gi­tu­di­nal Stu­dy un­der Pre­sence of Miss­ing Da­ta A Mas­ter’s The­sis Sub­mit­ted by as a par­ti­al ful­film­ent of the re­qui­re­ments for aca­de­mic de­gree mas­ter of Sci­ence No­vem­ber 24, 2022 Abs­tract This the­sis in­ves­ti­ga­tes ap­pli­ca­bi­li­ty of the frame­work of gra­phi­cal mo­dels for hand­ling miss­ing da­ta pro­po­sed…[show more]

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