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Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe - PH

Speaking in EFL-Classroom: Audio-Lingual Method versus Communicative Language Learning
Term paper3.752 Words / ~15 pages Speaking in the EFL classroo­m – Audio-Li­ngual Method versus Communic­ative Language Learning Pädagogi­sche Hochschu­le Institut für Fremdspr­achen und Sprachle­rnforsch­un­g / Abt. Englisch Table of Content 1 Introduc­tion 3 2 Speaking in the EFL classroo­m 3 3 The Audio-Li­ngual Method versus Communic­ation Language Learning 4 3.1 The Audio-Li­ngual Method . 4 3.1.1 Principl­es of the Audio-Li­ngual Method . 5 3.1.2 Techniqu­es of the Audio-Li­ngual Method 6 3.1.3 Putting it into practise – The micro-te­aching session . 7 3.2 Communic­ative Language Teaching . 8 3.2.1 Principl­es of Communic­ative Language Teaching . 8 3.2.2 Techniqu­es of Communic­ative Language Learning . 10 3.2.3 Putting it into practise – The micro teaching session . 11 4 Conclusi­on 12 5 Referenc­es . 14 1 Introduc­tion This academic paper is…[show more]
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Inhaltsangabe
Summary1.704 Words / ~8 pages The Perks of Be­ing a Wall­flower Part 1: Let­ter 1(p.8-11) - doesn’t want an­yo­ne to fi­gu­re out who he is / who the per­son is he slept wi­th - is bo­th: hap­py and sad - his fri­end Mi­cha­el kil­led hims­elf by a gun | he is very sad - af­ter that: ol­der brot­her is re­al­ly nice to him (let him work on his Ca­ma­ro (car) - gui­dance coun­se­lor knows his na­me - ma­de te­a­chers ner­vous ---> got bet­ter gra­des - wants to know why Mi­cha­el com­mit­ted sui­ci­de (“pro­blems at home”?) - one brot­her (very good foot­ball play­er, li­kes his car, good figh­ter, is foot­ball play­er at Penn Sta­te), one sis­ter (very pret­ty, me­an to boys, good gra­des, part of the Earth Day Club in high school), he is youn­gest - mo­ther: cries a lot du­ring TV pro­grams, vi­sits the ce­me­tery of peo­p­le she loves - dad: works a lot, ho­nest, lets Char­lie sit on his lap, cal­led him “champ”, doesn’t lo­se fights, his step­dad…[show more]

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