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UCM Trnava

Should all automobiles be banned for reducing pollution?
Essay629 Words / ~ pages Should all automobi­les be banned for reducing pollutio­n Katarína Zadjorov­Ã¡ ANJOK – 12 Essay I, Final Draft 17 November 2010 One of the signific­ant inventio­ns that has a huge impact on our life and the environm­ent is a motor vehicle. In my essay, I will focus on automobi­les and its positive­s and negative­s. The car gave us the opportun­ity to travel anywhere­, whenever we want to, however, it causes air pollutio­n by emission­s, which partly causes environm­ental problems such as acid rains and greenhou­se effect – Earth warming. However, the air pollutio­n is not a new topic, this problem is known to us perhaps since the industri­al revoluti­on, when trees, houses and cars were covered in soot from the factorie­s. Maybe it seems difficul­t, but it is not – everyone can change it. Emission­s are harmful not only for the environm­ent,…[show more]
Britan: Social and philosophical background: Britain – a welfare state, a free multiracial (multiracional?) Commonwealth
Handout6.119 Words / ~12 pages AL20 ZHR­NU­TIE 13.2. So­cial and phi­lo­so­phi­cal back­ground Bri­tain – a wel­fa­re sta­te, a free mul­t­ira­cial (mul­t­ira­cio­nal?) Com­mon­wealth Phi­lo­so­phy: Ein­stein (re­la­ti­vi­ty, mo­ral re­la­ti­vism) Kier­ke­gaard (1813-1855), exis­ten­tia­lism: (deals wi­th ques­ti­ons of life and de­ath), loss of spon­ta­n­ei­ty (we be­lie­ve in truths of our te­a­chers, par­ents, so­cial class, ., we don´t dis­co­very the truth our­sel­ves, truth is sub­jec­ti­ve), pas­si­vi­ty, in­di­vi­du­al lost in crowd, no re­spon­si­bi­li­ty (you are free un­til you are awa­re of your re­spon­si­bi­li­ty), he al­so in­ven­ted the term – dread (we fear so­me­thing we don´t know, man took pro­blems upon his should­ers from God that´s how we are dreadful), in­ven­ted ex­pres­si­on - free­dom wi­thin (vnú­torná slo­bo­da). Work: Re­pe­ti­ti­on, Cho­ro­ba k smrti, Eit­her – Or – about our pos­si­bi­li­ty, he in­tro­du­ced two voices…[show more]
Common mistakes of Slovak learners of English from grammatical point of view
Bachelor thesis13.344 Words / ~49 pages b) If verbs (let, make, help) are in pas­si­ve voice, they are fol­lo­wed by the to-in­fi­ni­ti­ve. c) In po­si­ti­ve state­ments, the verb ‘help’ may be fol­lo­wed eit­her by the ba­re in­fi­ni­ti­ve or by the to-in­fi­ni­ti­ve. Ho­we­ver, we have to use the to-in­fi­ni­ti­ve in sen­ten­ces whe­re the verb ‘help’ is fol­lo­wed by a ne­ga­ti­ve in­fi­ni­ti­ve (Pos­luÅ¡ná, 2008). Sta­ti­ve (sta­te) verbs are verbs which de­scri­be a sta­te and they are sta­tic, in con­trast to dy­na­mic verbs which de­scri­be an ac­tion. The cha­rac­te­ristic fea­ture of them is that they can­not be used in a con­ti­nuous form. They usual­ly re­fer to fee­lings (li­ke, love, ha­te, need, etc.), thin­king (think, un­der­stand, be­lie­ve, etc.), wants (want, pre­fer, etc.), ow­ning (be­long, own, etc.) and sen­so­ry per­cep­ti­on (see, hear, smell, etc.). So­me of them may be used in a con­ti­nuous form but the mea­ning is then ch­an­ged…[show more]

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