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Universität zu Köln

Speech Act Theory - Semantics Seminar
Term paper3.129 Words / ~13 pages Speech Act – Theo­ry Term Pa­per - Lin­gu­i­stics, B-Se­mi­nar „Se­man­ti­cs“ 1. In­tro­duc­tion 3 2. Speech Acts – Es­sen­ti­als on the To­pic 3 3. Aus­tin’s Theo­ry 4 3.1 Con­sta­ti­ves and Per­for­ma­ti­ves 5 3.2 Per­for­ma­ti­ve Sen­ten­ces 5 3.3 Lo­cu­tio­na­ry and Il­lo­cu­tio­na­ry Acts 7 3.4 Cri­ti­cism of Aus­tin’s Theo­ry 7 4. Sear­le’s Theo­ry 8 4.1 Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Speech Acts 8 4.2. Cri­ti­cism of Sear­le’s Theo­ry 11 5. Di­rect and In­di­rect Speech Acts 11 5.1 Ever­y­day In­di­rect Speech Acts and their Ef­fects 12 6. Con­clu­si­on 13 7. Bi­blio­gra­phy 14 8. Dis­clai­mer 15 1. In­tro­duc­tion In this term pa­per, I want to point out the ba­sic is­sues of Speech Act Theo­ry. Af­ter gi­ving a ge­ne­ral ex­pl­ana­ti­on of what Speech Act Theo­ry is and try­ing to ran­ge it in the lin­gu­i­stic field of Se­man­ti­cs, I will gi­ve an over­view about the theo­ry of John Aus­tin. Af­ter­wards, I will pre­sent the theo­ry…[show more]
Análisis Semántico de Verbos en el Acto del Habla - Estudio Detallado
Final thesis968 Words / ~ pages Cam­po se­mán­ti­co de los ver­bos 1. In­tro­duc­ción Es­te tra­ba­jo se ocu­pa del cam­po se­mán­ti­co de los ver­bos del ac­to del hab­la en es­pa­ñol. El ob­je­tivo es ana­li­zar las es­truc­tu­ras y si­gni­fi­ca­dos de diez pa­la­bras ele­gi­das del Dic­cio­na­rio Sa­la­man­ca de la len­gua es­pa­ño­la que per­te­n­e­cen a es­te cam­po se­mán­ti­co. El tra­ba­jo se or­ga­ni­za co­mo si­gue: Al prin­ci­pio, voy a ex­pli­car bre­ve­men­te la idea de “cam­po se­mán­ti­co”. De­s­pués hay una ma­triz que con­tiene un ána­li­sis se­mán­ti­co de diez ver­bos. Fi­nal­men­te sa­co con­clu­sio­nes del ána­li­sis de los mis­mos en la ma­triz. 2. De­fi­ni­ción Se­gún Co­se­riu el cam­po se­mán­ti­co es un pa­ra­dig­ma de uni­d­a­des le­xi­cal­es que es­tan re­la­cio­na­das por sus si­gni­fi­ca­dos.1 Es­tas uni­d­a­des le­xi­cal­es se en­cuen­tran en la mis­ma par­te de la ora­ción y tie­nen la mis­ma zo­na de re­fe­ren­cia. Por eso, las pa­la­bras per­te­n­e­cen al mis­mo cam­po…[show more]
Chicano Culture: The role of the female in Mexican American Society displayed in Sandra Cisnero´s The House on Mango Street
Term paper7.617 Words / ~20 pages In­tro­duc­tion As the title sug­gests, this pa­per will dis­play the strug­gles and ten­si­ons that Me­xi­can-Ame­ri­cans face wi­thin the An­g­lo-Ame­ri­can so­cie­ty. First, the main Chi­ca­no/a histo­ry will be re­flec­ted and al­re­a­dy gi­ve an in­sight in­to the dif­fe­ren­ces in cul­tures and the re­sul­ting pro­blems. In the next chap­ter, the Chi­ca­no and Chi­ca­na mo­ve­ments are de­pic­ted as a re­sult of the ye­ars of sup­pres­si­on. Im­portant to fo­cus on are the dif­fe­ren­ces in ma­le and fe­ma­le ba­sis and form of ex­pres­si­on. As a mi­no­ri­ty, Chi­ca­nos al­re­a­dy face va­rious dif­fi­cul­ties to ad­apt to a scep­tic and dis­trustful so­cie­ty. But wi­thin this group, wo­men are re­gared as bio­lo­gi­cal­ly in­fe­ri­or to their sup­pres­sed and the­r­e­fo­re face even mo­re pres­su­re. The crea­ti­on of an iden­ti­ty that con­siders bo­th the Me­xi­can he­ri­ta­ge wi­th its tra­di­tio­nal va­lues but at the sa­me…[show more]
Unit Theme: We and the Environment. Topic: Trash: It lasts a Long Time!
Lesson preparation848 Words / ~1 page 10th Form Unit The­me: We and the En­vi­ron­ment To­pic: Trash: It lasts a Long Time! Le­vel: pre-in­ter­me­dia­te; in­ter­me­dia­te Ob­jec­ti­ves: - to de­ve­lop stu­dents’ lis­tening and spea­king skills; -to ac­ti­va­te the use of phra­ses ex­pres­sing per­so­nal opi­ni­ons, agree­ment and dis­agree­ment; -to in­tro­du­ce vo­ca­bu­la­ry on a cer­tain to­pic ; - to prac­ti­se working in pairs and small groups; - to wi­den stu­dents’ out­look; -to teach careful at­ti­tu­de to en­vi­ron­ment Ma­te­ri­als: Power­Point pre­sen­ta­ti­on; hand­outs; cards wi­th new vo­ca­bu­la­ry; the song by Mi­cha­el Jack­son “Earth­song” Pro­ce­du­re: Warm-up/ In­tro­duc­tion The song by Mi­cha­el Jack­son “Earth­song” (I part): What about sun­ri­se What about rain What about all the things That you said we we­re to gain. What about kil­ling fields Is the­re a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mi­ne.…[show more]
Wir ordnen Fußballer nach der Größe: Unterrichtsplanung Mathematik Klasse 3: Thema Längen und Messen, Rechnen mit Größen
Lesson plan1.372 Words / ~8 pages 1. Un­ter­richts­be­such Ma­the­ma­tik 27.03.2017 Zen­trum für schul­prak­ti­sche Leh­rer­aus­bil­dung Fach­se­mi­nar­lei­ter Grund­schu­le Schul­lei­ter: Aus­bil­dungs­be­auf­tr­ag­te: Men­to­rin­nen: „Wir ord­nen Fuß­bal­ler nach der Grö­ße“The­ma der Un­ter­richts­rei­he: Län­gen und Mes­sen­Ma­the­ma­tik 3. Klas­se Mon­tag, der 27.03.2017 1. Sach­ana­ly­se In der Un­ter­richts­stun­de wird im Rah­men der Auf­ga­be über die Grö­ßen des Kin­der­fuß­ball­teams…[show more]
Othello by Shakespeare : Love is blind – Brabantio is too.
Essay1.712 Words / ~6 pages Love is blind – Bra­ban­tio is too Unable to see, sight­less, un­wil­ling to per­cei­ve or un­der­stand. The­se are so­me the de­fi­ni­ti­ons that co­me up, when you look up the word blind. Unable to see love, sight­less by choice, un­wil­ling to per­cei­ve or un­der­stand two peo­p­le wan­ting to be tog­e­ther, fo­re­ver. The­se are the de­fi­ni­ti­ons that would co­me up for Bra­ban­tio, the se­na­tor of Ve­nice but mo­re im­portant­ly Des­de­mo­na’s fa­ther. A…[show more]

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