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Villingen- Schwenningen

Stephen King: Why makes his works so famous?
Presentation5.313 Words / ~26 pages Ste­phen King: Why makes his works so fa­mous? Con­tent 1. Ste­phen King 1.1. Life 1.2. His way to wri­ting 1.2.1. In­fluence by his mo­ther 1.2.2. In­fluence by other aut­hors 1.3. Works 1.4 Awards 2. His books, re­la­ted to his own life 3. The Shi­ning 3.1 Cha­rac­ters 3.2. Plot 3.3. Dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween book and mo­vie 4. Own opi­ni­on / What makes Ste­phen King so po­pu­lar? 5. Sources 1.Ste­phen King Ste­phen King is an Ame­ri­can aut­hor, who wri­tes hor­ror books. He sold mo­re than 400 Mil­li­on books, trans­la­ted in­to for­ty dif­fe­rent lan­guages. His books make him the most read aut­hor in his time. 1.1. Life Ste­phen Ed­win King was born on the 21st of Sep­tem­ber 1947 in Port­land, Maine. When Ste­phen King was two ye­ars old, his fa­ther got miss­ing wi­t­hout any trace. King was rai­sed by his mo­ther, Nel­lie Ruth, along wi­th his ol­der brot­her Da­vid. He li­ved in Con­nec­ti­cut…[show more]
Referat Englisch: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - GFS
Presentation2.301 Words / ~12 pages Re­fe­rat Eng­lisch: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - GFS Struc­tu­re 1. In­tro­duc­tion This GFS is a book re­view about “The fault in our stars” by John Green. While I was re­a­ding the book, I as­ked mys­elf ma­ny times how the cha­rac­ters deal wi­th their pro­blems. So, I wro­te this GFS to ans­wer this ques­ti­on. First, I start wi­th wri­ting the ba­sics about the aut­hor and the sto­ry of the book. Then I am wri­ting a short ver­si­on of the book wi­th the main high­lights and con­ti­nue wi­th the cha­rac­ters. First­ly, I start wi­th the prot­ago­nists and their re­la­ti­onships, and se­cond­ly wi­th the mi­nor cha­rac­ters. In the end, I am ans­we­ring the ques­ti­on how the cha­rac­ters deal wi­th their pro­blems from the be­gin­ning. 2. The aut­hor John Green 2.1 The bio­gra­phy Pic­tu­re 1 John Mi­cha­el Green was born on the 24 Au­gust 1977 in In­dia­na­po­lis (In­dia­na)., and is an Ame­ri­can…[show more]

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