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Clara Schumann Gymnasium Viersen

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Silvia E. ©
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ID# 27081

Summary: Die Haus­übung bietet eine detail­lierte Analyse von Mary Shel­leys "Fran­ken­stein", einschließ­lich Atmo­sphäre, Charak­te­ri­sie­rung und thema­ti­scher Elemente. Sie enthält ein Inter­view mit Dr. Victor Fran­ken­stein, das Einblicke in seine Gedanken und Moti­va­tionen gibt, sowie eine Diskus­sion über goti­sche Roman­merk­male.

Utopia or Dystopia - Frankenstein

What do you know about Frankenstein? Where do you know this figure from?

-> Well I know this figure from the american horror film "Marry Shelley's Frankenstein, who realised in 1994 directed by Kenneth Bragarth. Frankenstein is a monster created by a scientist Victor Frankenstein in Ingolstadt. The scientist bitterly regret creating Frankenstein, because he mutates to a monster and killed the fiancée from Victor Frankenstein. After that the scientist wants a revenge and starts to search the monster.

A1) The atmosphere at the beginning :

  • anxious (ängstlich, ungeduldig) atmosphere (l.2)

  • black mood (l. 5 ,,the rain pattered dismally")

  • hopeless, depressive

    A2) Characterization of the frightening creature :

    Frankenstein is a monster created by the scientist Victor Frankenstein. He has yellow eyes, a yellow skin, his hair is of a lustrous black and his teeth of a pearly whiteness. Beside his limbs are in proportion and he has watery eyes with black lips.

    A3) The emotions and feelings of Victor Frankenstein :

    He is very shocked so that he can not find words to describe his emotions or feelings in regard to this catastrophe. His strongest feeling is disappointment and fright (Angst), because he worked hard for nearly two years and he had deprived hisself of rest and health. He had desired it with an ardour, but he never suggest that he create such an ugly monster. This monster filled his heart with horror and disgust.

    A4) Interview with Dr. Victor Frankenstein :

    Esra : Hello, Dr.Victor Frankenstein

    Frank : Hello.

    Esra : It is a pleasure to make an interview with one of the famous scientist in the world.

    Frank : Maybe, iam famous but not good.

    Esra : Why do you find yourself not good as a scientist?

    Frank : Because I did not create something good for the world. It is a success to fashion a creature from body parts found in morgues and cemeteries and bring him to life, but it is not a succes to spread terror with this monster.

    Esra : It is true that everyone was afraid.

    Frank : Yes, and not just that. I lost everything because of this experiment. This monster killed my love. I apologize from all the peoples..

    Esra : What do you really imagine when you create ,Frankenstein'?

    Frank : First of all, I never think about the fact that I was creating a monster. I thougt I create a body, which is beautiful and useful for the world, you know?

    Esra : I can understand you, and I hope that the rest of the people, who has prejudice against you, can understand you, as well. You would never like to do evil and you lost even your own love for this experiment..

    6) Elements of the gothic novel:

  • Omens, visions, portents : Victor Frankenstein had a nightmare, where the features of Elizabeth changed and he thought that he held the corpse of his dead mother in his arms. He dreamed also from the monster Frankenstein.

  • Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events : Frankenstein, who is a creature from body parts found in morgues, and cemeteries. He comes to life. ( it is impossible)

  • The metonymy of gloom and horror : rain, night of November, candle ( Metonymy is a subtype of metaphor, in which something ( like rain) is used to stand for someting ( like sorrow = Leid)

  • The vocabulary of gothic : breathless, black, miserable , horror mortal, hell usw.

  • An atmosphere of mystery and suspense

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